View Full Version : Slight discomfort in upper left quadrant of abdomen for 6 months. What can it be?

05-10-16, 16:10

I am a 27 year old male.

For the past 6 months I have had some sort of ache/discomfort in the upper left area of my abdomen. Seems to be right around where the stomach is located.

When this began, I got full super quickly after eating something. I would then feel really bloated there and felt a lot of pressure. Thankfully, after some time, it went away. But I still feel a little weird over there especially after eating. It is pretty mild and the fact that it has gotten better makes me not too worried.

But what could be last for this long? This is a long time. I am worried it could be something wrong with my liver even though only a small part of the left lobe is over there. I imagine if I had a liver problem, maybe it would be on my ride side and i would have more side effects of that.

PS. I have extreme health anxiety. After a health episode I had this year, I developed kinda a PTSD and sometimes have muscle twitches and stuff like that. I wonder if this could just be a muscle issue but still weird.

I also was not diagnosed with Crohns disease but I do have a chronic inflammation in my colon that is extremely mild. Not on any medication for it and it hasn't really been bothering me much.

Any thoughts?

05-10-16, 20:32

I'm going through the same thing at the moment and can't seem to get any answers. My pain, although you can't really call it pain, it's just a niggle that lasts for a few seconds at a time, is always in the same place. Just under my breastbone on the left, about where my descending colon turns.

May I ask how you know you have an inflamed colon? Have you had a colonoscopy before?

05-10-16, 21:27
Maybe its not the colon though? I think colon is a little lower than that. Around the breastbone i think is the stomach and liver.

I had a colonoscopy earlier this year. Some mild inflammation was found in a small part of the colon but thats it.

05-10-16, 21:47
I meant to say ribcage. Just slightly to the right of my left ribcage, equal to the last rib.

05-10-16, 21:52
Oh I don't know! There's a great app that was free a couple of weeks ago that is a 3D anatomy model. It's pretty helpful.