View Full Version : Definite 'bigger'/swollen lymph node...but nobody concerned except me?!

05-10-16, 16:46
Hey guys.

So I cracked today with worrying about my throat, so rang into my local surgery and got an appointment to see the Nurse Practitioner.

I informed her that I was currently having CBT sessions for all number of anxieties and issues (health anxiety, obviously, agoraphobia, an eating disorder amongst others), so I did tell her I knew I was making the situation worse with all my worrying.

I have had an achey swollen feeling on one side of my throat on and off for a couple of months now (terrifying myself into thinking I had Lymphoma or Thyroid Cancer), and so she checked my ears and throat and said they looked fine - all good.

But then, she checked my neck for my lymph nodes and said the node on the right (where my throat feels odd) was swollen. She gave it a good, hard squashing, asking me if hurt when doing so, to which I answered it didn't.

After all of this, she told me not to worry, and to carry on with my CBT sessions whilst trying to find something to take my mind off of worrying about my health. She found no throat swelling or anything that concerned her.

I asked her if I should be worried about this swollen/bigger node, and she just said: 'Everyone is different' in regards to their make and nodes, I guess.

The thing is, I have noticed this node being bigger for months now, although it has not carried on growing. It may even have been bigger my whole life before developing anxiety and fixating on my nodes a few months ago. But I am really worrying about it being a serious issue, what, with swollen nodes that aren't tender being a sign of cancer in some cases!

Can one lymph node be bigger than the other in your neck? Is it okay for me to not worry about this?

She didn't ask me to come back to check the node or anything either...so is that good?

Sorry for the ramble. Any help or advice would be much appreciated! Thanks

05-10-16, 17:23
Cancer is an abnormal cell growth that continues to grow, it doesn't lie dormant. Nodes swell for all manner of reasons, mild infection or virus somewhere in the body being common - they also don't like being poked and prodded, and react to that.

If the nurse practitioner didn't feel anything untoward, you're fine. X

Sam Winter
05-10-16, 17:25
Hi there! x.
i know how concerning it can be but try not to fixate over it too much, if the nurse said its fine i'm sure it is, just try and distract yourself and remain calm :hugs:

05-10-16, 17:27
I'm a node worrier too, so I know from experience that the more you touch a node the more your perception alters. In other words, you're touching it so often you can no longer tell if it's getting bigger or smaller.

The thing is, I have noticed this node being bigger for months now, although it has not carried on growing. It may even have been bigger my whole life before developing anxiety and fixating on my nodes a few months ago. But I am really worrying about it being a serious issue, what, with swollen nodes that aren't tender being a sign of cancer in some cases!

I think you've basically answered your own question there. You're using your CBT to help you rationalise (well done!) You know that realistically, anything scary would be getting bigger, quickly and fast. You're absolutely right that
your anxiety may well be making you more aware of something that's always been there. My nodes weren't always sore when they came up. Most of the time it was my prodding that was making them sore and swollen in the first place, so them being painless doesn't always equal scary things. It depends on what the node is reacting to. In my head, the fact it's painless and not growing any bigger is a sign that it's always been there, you just haven't noticed.

Can one lymph node be bigger than the other in your neck?

Yes. Bodies are asymmetrical. Nodes can react to anything, even small spots on your neck or face.

She didn't ask me to come back to check the node or anything either...so is that good?

Imagine you're in her position. If she had even a tiny inkling it might be something worrisome, her job and reputation is worth too much than to just send you away. Trust that if she was worried even in the slightest, she'd have done more. That's her job.

07-10-16, 01:35
Sunday afternoon my neck on my right side was hurting abd wen i felt mine was swollen. Its never felt swollen before but then again ive never checked. I definatly know its swollen. I have been poking and prodding it. Then on tuesday i told myself to not touch it. Everyone have been daying uve probley had or am coming down with something. It will go normal once its gone. Then today ive came out with a cold and sore throat. Ive felt it once today and seems to feel smaller.