View Full Version : Anxiety from Nursing School

05-10-16, 21:16
I need some advice please! I am a sophomore in my nursing program. I started college right out of high school and was set on going to the school that I go to. This school is very selective and competitive, and I was honestly surprised to be accepted into the program my first try. You'd think I'd be happy right now, being at my "dream" school and working a very good paying job as a Nurse Aide, but I'm not. I have struggled with anxiety and spouts of depression throughout the past few years, but especially the past several months. My first semester of college I never missed a class and I studied like crazy and got good grades. My second semester is when things started to go wrong. My boyfriend of 2 years, that was a huge part of my life, cheated on me and I ended up breaking up with him at the beginning of semester two. I feel like this is part of what caused my downward spiral. I began skipping class, but told no one and would just go drive around or shop to pass the time that I was supposed to be in class. I ended up failing a class last semester due to my attendance, which I am now taking again this semester. I started off the first couple weeks of the semester positive and determined to do better, however, I'm back in this slump and have more anxiety over school than ever! It's not as simple as "I can just make myself go", I literally have serious anxiety about the teacher, my classmates, and the class itself. I am overwhelmed even though my course load is much less now (I am taking 12 credits instead of 18 credits my first semester). I'm beginning to wonder if I should drop out of school or if I should change my major. At this point, I have zero motivation to do well in school and will not pass these classes with my attendance issues and anxiety. I'm already more than $20,000 in debt, but if I continue doing this, I will just rack up the debt more. I don't know if I want to be a nurse or if I even want to go into the medical field anymore! Even though that is what I've wanted for the past 5 years. I feel defeated and uneasy about the whole situation. I feel like I am "self destructing" by skipping class, then having severe anxiety about skipping class, but skipping even more class because I can't bare to face my teacher and try to come up with an explanation. Advice please?