View Full Version : Accepting and ignoring an issue

06-10-16, 09:17
Hi everyone,

I posted in here a while back and thought I would update a little.

I have a large cyst (2.5-3cm) depending on who measures it... INSIDE my vagina towards the entrance :blush: I can feel it and doctors can see it when I have an internal. Ultrasound scan by an radiographer who is an oncology specialist agrees its a cyst (probably something called a Gartner duct cyst) which I think is quite rare.

They won't biopsy it or remove it as I am pregnant with twins (19 weeks tomorrow :D ) and am already classed as a high risk pregnancy for a variety of reasons. The gynae consultant has said he will remove it 6 weeks after I give birth. I have a plan.

BUT... it's driving me crackers. I think it would be easier if I couldn't feel it... but I do... and it puts a downer on scans that I have... it's like "oh! bouncy babies... and Oh! there's the weird cyst!".

I'm struggling to cope psychologically. I know rationally it's benign... but because it's a new thing and appeared after I took extreme immunosupressants to maintain the pregnancy I'm freaking out somewhat.

Any advice? Would especially love to hear from people who have HA and genuine medical issues and how they cope with the two.

Thank you!

Space xxx

06-10-16, 09:33
Congratulations on your pregnancy! Twins too...you are going to be very busy and very tired very soon! :winks:

I obviously can't help as I'm a mere man and anything of a medical nature in that vicinity on a woman has most of us running for the safety of the pub! But I've always had the impression that pregnancy means the best in healthcare and they take no chances. If there were any risk to you or the babies, there is no way they wouldn't take action.

So, if you can try to rationalise that I suspect it then becomes an annoying thing, like a raised lymph node always is, that we feel the need to touch? If you get such urges, try to wait them out. You know poking/prodding always just keeps you doing it more, it's a very typical element of OCD with such things. Do something else with your hands, get up and do something to keep you busy for a short time to take you out of a situation that would allow you do it e.g. thoughts & urges come to us more when stationary and can be hard to resist.

I have OCD, and I had a huge amount of compulsions that including touching objects and my own body (nothing rude! :blush:). The more I did them, the more it trapped me. As I started to reduce those compulsions, it got easier.

Also, do anything to reduce overall anxiety levels because they force up obsessive-compulsive cycles as a lot of OCDers I've spoken to have said. So, pregnant lady + foot massages = relaxing! :yesyes: (anything that helps keep the tension down)

06-10-16, 10:47
I second Terry in that healthcare during pregnancy is top notch. It was the best care, with both children, I've ever gotten. I know it doesn't remove the anxiety entirely, but it really should give you an anchor to rely on during trying blips. Remember, they have two lives on the line and if ANYTHING were amiss, they'd deal with it. You are in the very best hands.
Congratulations on the pregnancy!

06-10-16, 13:52
Thank you for taking the time to reply minivil and mynameisterry. I agree, the extra gentle care I have received from medics has been great since I've been pregnant... which has been lovely.

My nameisterry - Im not very brave so only felt it with my hands a couple of times.. but I feel it when I'm walking around. It's really really annoying and a constant reminder. I feel like I'm handling things ok... no panicking or tears or anything... but this constant voice in my head saying... "what if they're wrong".

I then tell myself that:

One gp
one sexual health clinic doctor
one gynae oncologist consultant
one oncology radiographer
one obstetrician
one oncology registrar
one obstetrician and gynaecology consultant

They can't ALL be wrong!!! Just find it tough!

I'm seeing the perinatal counselling service this afternoon to talk through my fears. Hopefully that will help... will also try a massage or something! That would be great!
