View Full Version : Eating away at me

30-03-07, 15:01
Hi all

I feeling extremely paranoid recently about the possibility of a brain anneurysm! Does any1 else worry about this!

It is on my mind constantly!!! I have been getting aot of headaches recently around my temple area. Sometimes i just get sharp pressure feelings. But i have had awful temple headaches that seem to sometimes start in both then always end up on my right side and sometimes it goes into my eye.

It is just constantly on my mind! I dont feel like i can relax!! I get other symtpoms like a racing heartbeat and tingling sometimes down the one side of my body, but its just the headaches which are getting to me.

I know i am irrationally worrying! I know most people would say you live a healthy lifestyle why would u have such a thing. But what also eats me up is that during my teen years i didnt particularly live a healthy lifestyle as i got mixed up in recreational drug use. I feel the guilt is eating away at me and making my anxiety really bad. What makes it worse is that i dont feel like i can talk about it for fear of being judged and so its just eats away at me inside.

30-03-07, 15:53
hey there

yah know where were you when i needed advice lol,( just kidding) i get these too and have the same thoughts as you do. its just anxiety hun. tryt not to worry to much about them. they do come and go, but the more we think about them , like with all anxiety symptons the longer they last.

if you need to chat more, PM me or drop me an email and i will reply.

30-03-07, 18:35
Hi Sarah, I have always worried about this. My dads sister (my aunt) died of this and 2 of my great aunts and cousin of mine. Apparently it can run in familys (which it seems to in mine) my doctor offered me a scan of my brain for me to find out if I am at risk but I declined, only cos Im too scared to know lol.
By the way my aunt didnt have any headaches at all ! she just collapsed.

Its really not worth worrying about , I used to make myself ill thinking about it but even if I had the scan and found out I had a weakness there isnt much they can do about it.

I was told the main thing to watch is my blood pressure to avoid it happening, so a healthy diet and excersize .

take care and try to forget about it.

30-03-07, 19:34
You could be dehydrated. Up the water intake.

miss diagnosis
04-04-07, 13:09
im always worried about this too.I was convinced i was gonna drop dead over the weekend from it cos i had really bad headaches. i think most health anxiety sufferers always go through a brain phase. i did for ages. went to cancer and am back at brain tumor again!!!