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View Full Version : Food poisoning!!

06-10-16, 13:51
Has anyone actually had food poisoning? I had diarrhea for 2 weeks with stomach cramps and generally feeling achey and unwell. My stool sample came back that i had a stomach infection which was campylobacter (food poisoning). I started antibiotics on monday and it has stopped me going to the toilet all day but my stools and stomach still aren't normal and i still feel a bit unwell. I know i am being silly but i keep thinking what if it isn't that and also been reading in the paper about people dying with a bug from pork!! Just wondering if anyone else has had it and did it take a while to feel better?

06-10-16, 17:02
It's so common.

I had it after eating at a restauarant a few months ago.

Get plenty of quality liquid, and nutrients in you. Maybe take a vitamin supplement.

06-10-16, 17:45
I had food poisioning when I was 11 no idea what I ate, but threw up the next day thankfully this was at home and not at secondary school. I decided not to eat anything that night, my Dad also suffered the same day as me he threw up twice.

My mum has had a few spells of food poisioning so carefully what she eats now and my Dad even took her to walk in centre because she was bad a few years ago.

06-10-16, 18:31
I had terrible food poisoning a few years ago. Was up all night throwing up and couldn't keep anything down, had a terribly high fever, etc. I don't know what caused it, probably it was bar food-related. It was a slow recovery, I had to drink plenty of water and just take it easy, but it does go away.

The antibiotics will help you feel better in time.