View Full Version : Rheumatoid arthritis?

Sam Winter
06-10-16, 13:57
Hi there! x.
so on saturday my right wrist started hurting and swelled a little, then on sunday my right ankle did(only much more painful) i went tot he docs on tuesday and she said my ankle was tendonitis(she didn't comment on my wrist), my left wrist then started hurting and swelled and now my last finger on my right hand has started aching, they all hurt and are very stiff to move and i'm starting to feel like i'm going crazy, like maybe i'm making this pain up? but it feels so real, i am thinking it's Rheumatoid arthritis as it can start at any age and i seem to fit that bill or something more serious but i'm not sure if i'm being crazy. maybe i should go back and tell them? i don't know, i just feel insane and embarrassing :wacko:

06-10-16, 17:19
Sam you seem to be back in a cycle of HA recently.

Is there something that has happened that has spiked your anxiety this time round?

We all have aches and pains but the pain I getfrom an RA flare up is much more severe and doesn't let up.

Sam Winter
06-10-16, 18:41
Thanks x for the reassurence,
i will admit my HA seemed to go for like 3 months, i was doing pretty well but then i had a bad reflux incident and it kinda went downhill from there, i've been in a constant state over aches, reflux, and even diabetes(i limit my daily sugar intake like you wouldn't believe) i haven't seen my CBT worker in about two weeks but we plan to on monday and on saturday i have more horse therapy(it works really well for me but i had to miss last saturday so that also didn't help) hopefully everything will calm down soon i feel bad bugging everyone lol x