View Full Version : Difficulty breathing and breathless

06-10-16, 15:06
I've been doing so well with my health anxiety over the past year but I've been having a few issues that's starting to bring it back.

I've had a cough for a few months and I was living in a cold damp flat at the time (moved 5 weeks ago) and I went to see the doctor and she said that my lungs sound clear and just to rest. Just before I moved I was having the same issue and felt really ill so went back and she said she could hear something slightly on my lungs but she did say that once I moved it should go away.

So it's been five weeks and I'm still really struggling, when I'm sat down I find it really difficult to breath, it's almost as if my throat is closing up and I've got a really bad cough. It was bad yesterday, to the point I really struggled talking on the phone, I just felt I kept on running out of breath. Interestingly though, if I keep a mint in my mouth then it seems to help a bit

I haven't been anxious at all so I don't think it's that but it is starting to bring my health anxiety back. My Mum's got heart failure and they are similar symptoms to what she had and I'm trying to stop myself thinking that's what the problem is.

I've been to the doctors twice and not sure whether to go back or not.

06-10-16, 16:41
hi Steph
breathlessness is still the one thing that scares me after years of getting myself almost `normal` if you like, i`ve also got a bad cold just now and i hate having to reach down into my boots to get a deep breath.
I know how you feel, my throat is slightly closed, I`m hot and get out of breath easily which are also symptoms of other things, but I have to remember that yes its a bad cold and will pass.
Congestive heart failure is obviously a frightening thought but try to stay as logical as you can and think how symptoms cross over. the mint in your mouth is a good trick because it`ll help make saliva which keeps your throat in better order, I know if I get a dry mouth I panic.

so please hang on in there and I know its very very hard indeed when you`re scared but most times out of ten we get better in a few days.

practical things that might help too are a hot bath or shower as the steam helps open your airways and I`d avoid dairy in any quantities because milk, cream, cheese etc makes phlegm a lot heavier so maybe stick to fairly light easily digested food till you feel better

hope your mum is getting the treatment she needs take care

06-10-16, 23:36
Thank you very much for your reply, it really does help hearing about other people having similar issues.

I really appreciate it :)