View Full Version : HELP!

06-10-16, 16:19
OK, I'm losing the plot :wacko: I started reducing my citalopram a week ago and things have got steadily worse. I'm now climbing the metaphorical walls, feeling snappy and anxious and shaky and my brain isn't working. Yesterday I turned up for a meeting an hour too early! I had a meeting this afternoon where I felt very put on the spot, with two academics (I work in a university but notably not as an academic!) put me on the spot, in front of some students, about various things. I felt as though I was trapped in a lift that was closing in on me and almost had my first panic attack in months. I have felt on the verge of tears all day due to some minor altercations at work but am now feeling like I need to go to the doctor and get signed off as I don't feel able to do my job. I am sinking into an abyss but I really need to reduce/come off my cit as I'm trying to children so have advised I shouldn't be on it. PLEASE HELP!

06-10-16, 16:26
Sorry to hear you're having a rough time.

Personally, I think a large part of this is coincidental to you reducing your Citalopram.

You were put on the spot and ALMOST had a panic attack?

That is awesome!! You didn't have one!!

Being put on the spot by people is a fact of life. Sounds like it was tough, but you handled it pretty well. You should be pleased with yourself.

Life isn't about calmly handling every situation like we are robots.

We are humans. We have reactions, we have fears.

You think you are sinking, when you are actually rising up and succeeding.

Minor altercations? Awesome. I have ten a week, sometimes 10 a day. They can be stressful if you add them all together. But just focus on each one for what it is in the grand scheme of life. Insignificant.

I'd buy you a drink to celebrate!

06-10-16, 16:29
Haha you know that's actually put it into perspective very well and is a very sensible point! Bless you and thank you so much. I think to an extent I'm actually experiencing "normal" reactions, it's just I've got used to being weirdly calm over the last year or so, so here I am just assuming it must be the bad old anxiety coming back.

Have a lovely evening:)

08-10-16, 11:32
Hi Bantam

I've literally just posted something on your positive thread! If you're weaning citalopram and doing a difficult job that is really difficult, so kudos for that! Love SLA's post. Just keep reading it! :)

09-10-16, 14:50
Haha I have kept reading it - thank you! I generally feel like a pretty positive person, which if anything makes the negative experiences more unusual and harder - I've been lucky that citalopram has worked so well, so the bad bits of reducing it have come as a bit of a shock! x