View Full Version : Worrying about others

06-10-16, 21:40
Does anyone else worry about others a lot? 8 always worry if my friends will be ok to come to work, are they sick? Etc. One friend is going through home troubles and isn't her self so I think she's just going to up and leave her job. It's turning into such a worry and like I over think it all.

06-10-16, 21:45
Have you heard of the Serenity Prayer? It is a great passage, even if you are not religious. (I am not religous.)

It goes like this:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

The mental energy you are using worrying about others won't change anything.

It's good to be concerned for the well-being of others, but there is a limit to what you can reasonably do.

Is there a particular reason why you worry about this person leaving her job?

07-10-16, 04:48
Have you heard of the Serenity Prayer? It is a great passage, even if you are not religious. (I am not religous.)

It goes like this:

The mental energy you are using worrying about others won't change anything.

It's good to be concerned for the well-being of others, but there is a limit to what you can reasonably do.

Is there a particular reason why you worry about this person leaving her job?

That's used at the end of all the Changes charity walk-in meetings. Members all repeat it at the end of the sessions.

Something from AA I seem to recall that has been adopted.

07-10-16, 09:23
Oh cool, I never realised!

I read it on a poster about 15 years ago, and it stuck with me.

Accepting the things I cannot change has really helped me get through a stressful separation just lately.

Once acceptance becomes the default mindset to go to, things in general become a lot easier.

08-10-16, 05:34
Oh cool, I never realised!

I read it on a poster about 15 years ago, and it stuck with me.

Accepting the things I cannot change has really helped me get through a stressful separation just lately.

Once acceptance becomes the default mindset to go to, things in general become a lot easier.

I think I recall Robbie Williams has it tattooed on him somewhere.

Yeah, acceptance is a tough one to learn but it's a powerful one once you do. The Changes charity (it's just a local one) used a 12 step format so I guess that's why they picked up the Serenity Prayer? But in there other steps they were keen to get the message over about empowerment and how recovery wasn't about returning to a previous state. I believe this means growing in the process. The anxiety may change or get worse but it may also get better and we need to be open-minded and accepting of where it takes us.

It would be very sad if we didn't grow from something so deeply inward looking.

It's certainly right and I agree with you. We can't take everything on our shoulders but we are people that have a bad habit of trying to. It just leads to unhappiness. We can only do so much, the rest we have to have faith in others for.