View Full Version : Psychosomatic Eye Problems?

07-10-16, 01:41
Around 12 days ago (at time of writing) I started to really worry and even obsess over the state of my vision. Days after, I noticed that the quality of my vision had begun to abruptly deteriorate. I became light sensitive, I was seeing slightly double, and my eyes seemed to be stuck constantly in a state of bleariness. Both my close up and far away vision were effected. I went to an optometrist last monday who diagnosed me with slight nearsightedness and gave me a glasses prescription. However, the symptoms that I am experiencing now don't seem to line up with my light diagnosis. My eyes and eyelids are in pain and my left eye in particular seems to be seeing halos and experiencing a strange cataract like sensation. I am super freaked out by this, despite the fact that I am far too young to be experiencing some of these symptoms, and the doctor said that my retinas and optic nerves looked perfectly healthy. Have any of you guys had a similar experience? If so, I need some help and advice.

07-10-16, 11:44
When I woke up yesterday my left eye was blurred. It was just after waking up and I was thinking "wht the....am I going blind on my left eye"but within minutes it returned to normal. Why? Have no idea. Probavly due to something during sleep.