View Full Version : Cheek/lip biting oral cancer irony? Last oral cancer post

07-10-16, 01:48
Hello everyone, after my last oral cancer thread was resolved, I have one more question, I have seen this topic a few times but I have a specific area of difference I think. The main question here is weather or not years of cheek/lip biting from OCD/stress/anxiety can lead to cancer, possibly due to the trauma. there seems to be mixed info and responses on this one, I would think it would be easy to answer because of the millions of poeple that probably do this. If there were a bunch of young oral cancer patients with no history of alcohol/smoking suddenly being diagnosed with oral cancer, you would think this would be talked about more in the community. In my case, I clench jaw biting both sides of tongue and cheeks, the concern here is this, On the inside of my upper and lower lips I have what I would call bite lines, a pencil thin line thats indented, not a white line, but what looks like teeth cutting into them. I am probably suckin in my lips and biting down at night. That would explain why there is a similar line for both lips. The issue here is that the bottom one has a rough feeling to it, sorta like the outter lips when they are chapped. Its just along the line, not some sorta patch or anything, there also seems to be little splits along the line. Its not bone dry, still looks moist. When something like this is noticed, unfortunatly My mind goes back through its years of googling symptom info to remember things about oral cancer. I remember reading something about dry patches or rough cracked skin... Bingo. Thats when all the googling really pays off in a bad way, i'm sure you've all been there. Again this is not a white patch or lump/sore. It's not bone dry like sandpaper. Just feels like like a rough going across where my teeth would bite into. How ironic would that be, after years of worrying about various cancers, it's anxiety its self that kills me. I am planning on ordering a mouth guard to use while I sleep, I should have done that a long time ago. I'm just afraid it's too late

07-10-16, 06:15
If it's your last post on it, well done - that means you are going to listen to the part of you that's telling you these thoughts are not based in reality, and work on your HA.

No, chewing lips - even to a frazzle - would not cause cancer. You do not have it.