View Full Version : Sleep!!!!!

Pretty kittay
07-10-16, 08:40
I hate this part of anxiety... I either wake up every two hours or every four hours I hate that I have problems with sleep. I just want to be able to sleep again. Does anyone have this problem?

Sam Winter
07-10-16, 13:07
Hi there! x.
i get this really often, i used to be terrible for it but eventually got it under control, (relaxed before bed by reading or listening to music in bed, drink a horlicks or love or nighttime tea, have a wheat bag or hot water bottle ect) it really helped me unwind but unfortunately i recently got tendonitis in the back of my ankle so i kept waking up with stiffness and now i'm in a bad pattern, maybe if it's too bad you can get some medication? i don't have sleeping pills i just brought kalms which i take now and then :hugs:

07-10-16, 20:21
I get this, too. For the past couple of weeks, I've been waking up at about 1, 2 am feeling depersonalisation, and being unable to go back to sleep for at least 30 minutes or longer. It takes me ages to fall asleep, and I always wake up early, no matter how tired I am.