View Full Version : Feline worms

07-10-16, 10:50
So my new kitty has worms and only found out after he's been sleeping on my bed & sometimes near my face! I had a worm on my finger yesterday washed it off immediately but I'm terrified I could have eaten one! My poop past few days has had seed like parts in but, and no eye roll, I ate seeds the other day. How do I know if these are worn lavae or just seeds?

---------- Post added at 10:50 ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 ----------

I'm worried they'll enter my bloodstream and end up in my heart and brain :/

07-10-16, 11:04
How come you have a new kitten if you are going away can I ask?

No idea what an eye roll is??

If you ate seeds then they will come out the other end.

07-10-16, 11:08
I live with family so it's not *my* new kitty just a new kitty. I touched it. Would seeds still be coming out two days after?

07-10-16, 11:17
Well yes they could be

07-10-16, 11:21
I sound like a div but how would I know difference between seeds and worms? 8' scared they'll get in my brain.......

07-10-16, 11:22
worms are long and thin, seeds aren't. You know what a seed looks like and what a worm looks like

07-10-16, 11:25
What next?

"I'm worried because I just urinated. Are my insides liquifying? I did have a glass of water an hour or so ago."

07-10-16, 11:29
I'm serious you can get the little bits ignore worms that look like white dots right? Still seeds days later it was only on a sandwich.

---------- Post added at 11:29 ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 ----------

Yes I do but I also had a feline worm on my finger....

07-10-16, 11:31
Ok so let's say these "seeds" are "worms". What are you going to do about it?

We can't really help with that can we?

07-10-16, 11:37
I want you to work through these irrational thoughts for yourself so you can understand and appreciate how silly they may seem and how you make them massive issues.

Until you do that then we can't help because reassurance doesn't work with you.

You have to work at this yourself to be honest.

If NMP wasn't here what would you do and who would you talk to or ask? Why can't you ask your mum for example what her thoughts are?

07-10-16, 11:39
I ask again...

I really feel you urgently need treatment for this because it isn't going to go away and it clearly hindering your enjoyment of life. I know you're waiting for therapy, but you aren't going to get it if you go off to South Korea soon. I keep asking you these same questions and you don't reply, but I'll try again: how does the mental health system in South Korea work? What will you do if moving to such a different culture causing your OCD (or whatever your diagnosis might be) to spiral out of control? What services in South Korea are available to you to help you work on this?

These are important questions. This forum is no use to you. You've the wealth of Terry's knowledge and everything from positive words to sound advice to the occasional scalding from various members. It isn't helping you. You need professional help. What will you do in South Korea if you feel an urgent need to post, but nobody replies for hours because the majority of posters are in a different timezone? How will you handle that?

07-10-16, 11:42
I am a lot better than I was trust me on that. I'm having lapses now because of how close my trip is. I can see that but this 'worms' thing is a genuine concern. My mom has said no they're not worms but I'm worried because I had a headache BUT I have/an suffering last bits of a head cold. I can and now do use logic it's Justin question regarding what worms actually look like in ��

07-10-16, 11:44
I am a lot better than I was trust me on that. I'm having lapses now because of how close my trip is. I can see that but this 'worms' thing is a genuine concern. My mom has said no they're not worms but I'm worried because I had a headache BUT I have/an suffering last bits of a head cold. I can and now do use logic it's Justin question regarding what worms actually look like in ��

No no no. Don't you see what you're doing? You're pretending to rationalise about everything you've worried about before in order to 'get away' with this latest nonsense.

You keep saying you're doing better. Yet your worries are getting sillier and sillier. You need help or this will never go away. How does that make you feel?

07-10-16, 11:45
Why don't you google "what do cats worms look like" then?

07-10-16, 11:47
Maybe keeping SE's post in mind is the sensible thing to do. Reb/Helen is supposedly leaving for South Korea in less than two weeks - why continue to prolong this anxiety by answering posts that are senseless. Advice has been given ad nauseum, online CBT sites have been suggested and yet the silliness keeps on coming. I find any of the postings hard to believe, especially South Korea - but I totally accept that I could be completely wrong.

Isn't it time for the OP to use the resources that have been suggested, in readiness for the "teaching trip"?

07-10-16, 11:50
Stop talking like I'm an imbecile. I took your advice, I sought my doctors advice was referred for therapy spoke to two over the phone, stopped googling, stopped using forums and just had a relapse like we all do. I know myself I am better than I was, not better as in yay no more health anxiety. I have come to the conclusion I will always have this but I can manage it better.

07-10-16, 11:54
What did the therapists suggest or say or do?

07-10-16, 11:55
Maybe keeping SE's post in mind is the sensible thing to do. Reb/Helen is supposedly leaving for South Korea in less than two weeks - why continue to prolong this anxiety by answering posts that are senseless. Advice has been given ad nauseum, online CBT sites have been suggested and yet the silliness keeps on coming. I find any of the postings hard to believe, especially South Korea - but I totally accept that I could be completely wrong.

Isn't it time for the OP to use the resources that have been suggested, in readiness for the "teaching trip"?

I've declared myself to be done with this girl's threads in the past. But I keep coming back. It's probably naive, but I don't want to give up on her. Sometimes I suspect we're being trolled, especially with the last couple of, frankly, moronic threads she's started.

But I still lean towards her genuinely being an OCD sufferer totally unable to rationalise. I still believe she can get past all this, but when is she going to drop the whole "I was doing better" rubbish and start the process of actually healing? It's sad. She's 26, healthy, and about to embark on an amazing adventure. She's got an incredibly tolerant boyfriend. Mental health issues are no respecter of circumstances, I know, but there's plenty there to motivate her to work on it. She knows that's the only advice she'll get here, yet she takes none of it on board.

Maybe I should give up on this one.

07-10-16, 12:02
Stop talking like I'm an imbecile. I took your advice, I sought my doctors advice was referred for therapy spoke to two over the phone, stopped googling, stopped using forums and just had a relapse like we all do. I know myself I am better than I was, not better as in yay no more health anxiety. I have come to the conclusion I will always have this but I can manage it better.

Indeed. I relapsed myself quite recently. But when I asked for advice on this forum, I took it on board. I used it. I've also had therapy, which helped me manage it.

Instead of having therapy, you're leaving the country. Which brings me back to my questions about South Korea that you never answer.

I don't believe you're an imbecile, but do you see why people might respond to your threads as if you are at times?

Gary A
07-10-16, 12:06
Stop talking like I'm an imbecile. I to know advice, I sought my doctors advice was referred for therapy spoke to two over the phone, stopped googling, stopped using forums and just had a relapse like we all do. I know myself I am better than I was, not better as in yay no more health anxiety. I have come to the conclusion I will always have this but I can manage it better.

"I smell smoke when I sit next to smokers, I smell paint in rooms that are just painted, I got drunk and my personality changed, I lost balance in the dark, I heard a conversation when people behind me were talking, I had a dream, I havd seeds in my poo after eating seeds. This stuff worries me but I swear I'm doing better."

The only person speaking like you're an imbecile is you.

07-10-16, 12:07
"I smell smoke when I sit next to smokers, I smell paint in rooms that are just painted, I got drunk and my personality changed, I lost balance in the dark, I heard a conversation when people behind me were talking, I had a dream, I havd seeds in my poo after eating seeds. This stuff worries me but I swear I'm doing better."

The only person speaking like you're an imbecile is you.

Come on Gary, get off the fence.

Gary A
07-10-16, 12:13
Come on Gary, get off the fence.

I genuinely have no idea how to respond to such nonsense. I'd love to know quite how this person dresses herself in the morning if they can't figure out that the seeds in their poo is simply the seeds that they ate.

I'm sorry, but this isn't anxiety or OCD, it's just looking for an excuse to worry.

07-10-16, 12:23
I don't think she is stupid at all.

I want her to try and sit down and rationalise things before posting.

As I said before, if forums like this didn't exist - what would she do?? She would talk to "real" human beings not us lot behind a computer.

She also needs to start being proactive in stopping these thoughts and take time to work them through alone.

07-10-16, 12:30
Superb advice on offer once again. But she has a history of ignoring good advice.

07-10-16, 12:49
I didn't know you were moving to teach how did i miss that, what is it you're teaching Helen if you don't mind me being nosy?

07-10-16, 13:00
Stop talking like I'm an imbecile. I took your advice, I sought my doctors advice was referred for therapy spoke to two over the phone, stopped googling, stopped using forums and just had a relapse like we all do. I know myself I am better than I was, not better as in yay no more health anxiety. I have come to the conclusion I will always have this but I can manage it better.

I seem to have hit a nerve. I'm not talking to you as if you're an imbecile at all, I'm questioning the rationality of what you're posting vs what you have told us as it doesn't make sense. Yes, you spoke to doctors on the phone. Did you follow up with online CBT courses in preparation for your trip? How will you manage to teach overseas when you can stop yourself from posting on here while you are at work?
That's not calling you an imbecile at all Reb, that's reasonable questioning and things that you should be addressing yourself. I'm out - again.

07-10-16, 13:27
I seem to have hit a nerve. I'm not talking to you as if you're an imbecile at all, I'm questioning the rationality of what you're posting vs what you have told us as it doesn't make sense. Yes, you spoke to doctors on the phone. Did you follow up with online CBT courses in preparation for your trip? How will you manage to teach overseas when you can stop yourself from posting on here while you are at work?
That's not calling you an imbecile at all Reb, that's reasonable questioning and things that you should be addressing yourself. I'm out - again.

I've been asking her those questions. She doesn't answer.

07-10-16, 13:58
for my two pennies worth it is noticeable that even Terry who has got the patience of a saint and more knowledge than most of us has been very quiet lately and I hope this is his personal choice, not because he`s had a wobble or feels he`s been led up the garden path by certain people.

I am not always mr tolerant having lived through a lot myself, but I along with 99% of the others on here log on to see who`s around, who needs help, or who might just need a little nudge in the right direction. I`m not always right by any means but some people really do seem to come on here to do the online equivalent of getting a chase by playing knick knock on a neighbours door. there is no logic, manners, rationale, sequence of events, nothing.

the korea trip has quietly got everyone thinking `really?` although most are too polite to say it, but if having seeds in your poo after eating seeds is enough to send you off course, then I`d humbly suggest a trip to another sub continent is possibly a step too far currently.

other people on the forum are going through utter terrors just now and while helen can find all the time in the world to post her latest drivel, I wonder if its crossed her mind how other members are doing with their problems? or even to add a post of support and concern where it`s needed? Nope. not once.

my words are like a f*rt on the wind, they waft away having had no effect whatsoever on helen, but at least I`ve tried. I believe its called `putting it out there`

and it`s friday so apart from the proverbial wasp in my ice cream I think life is rather marvellous.

07-10-16, 14:04
life is rather marvellous.


07-10-16, 22:35
I've been reading up on Toxoplasma which is a parasite from cats that can live in the brain :/ damn internet. It's been linked to mental health though the finding is only five years old.

I have had cats ALL my life.

I had blood tests 6 months back all normal.
Eye test three months back and was healthy with slight astigasm.

I need some logic please because the internet is confirming ny fears.

---------- Post added at 22:35 ---------- Previous post was at 22:34 ----------

Has anyone had cats with worms? I love my baby so much and he's laying by me and don't want to push him away. But I'd prefer not to have brai nworms....

07-10-16, 22:38
And back in again. What are you doing to help yourself?

07-10-16, 22:39
More so because it says symptoms are mild flu like and I'm just getting over a week old cold. The worst has gone in less than a week but still have snotty and a bit of a cough.

07-10-16, 22:54
sounds almost certainly like you`ve got brain worms from your cat. personally I`d get to A&E double quick and get yourself sorted.

07-10-16, 23:28
Come on Reb - seriously ask yourself Do I have this?

I keep saying this and getting ignored.

You can do it - you just have to DO IT

07-10-16, 23:53
She's a very selfish, very self-absorbed person.

08-10-16, 00:50
Fair enough and respect to you for that.

08-10-16, 05:09
Apologies, you're right, I shouldn't have worded it that way, and regret it. It's just reading Fishmanpa's heartfelt and moving post, and seeing no acknowledgment of it being written, seemed a little off. I hope Helen finds peace and gets better.

Sorry, I only saw your post when it was the first word.

Yes, I agree with you on that. Not acknowledging it is not going to look good. I realise why you said it and I'm sorry my response was a bit harsh. I'm deleting my earlier response for the reasons I will explain on your other thread. It's clear you've been trying to help her on these threads.

---------- Post added at 05:07 ---------- Previous post was at 04:53 ----------

I genuinely have no idea how to respond to such nonsense. I'd love to know quite how this person dresses herself in the morning if they can't figure out that the seeds in their poo is simply the seeds that they ate.

I'm sorry, but this isn't anxiety or OCD, it's just looking for an excuse to worry.

I wish it wasn't anxiety, Gary, I had loads of strange things in mine. At my worst I was questioning just about every sensation and thought. Just getting up off a chair was difficult as I would panic about how a muscle would feel...and it was naturally what a muscle should feel.

Like someone posted on a thread in Top Tips as said by their GP - not every sensation is a symptom. Sadly, some of us end up thinking they are.

With my Magical Thinking theme in OCD I was doing some very strange things. I bad to document them all in my CBT and my therapist didn't bat an eyelid about it.

Some of the things Reb says are in the threads (and PM's) of others on here (in my opinion) like with the schizophrenia worry. It wasn't smells but it was noises for one, paranoia over thinking they had seen other people before for others, etc. These people are working on their OCD and it has been paying off for them.

I was very irrational too but the big difference was that I had no reassurance-seeking pattern. Mine was all about other forms of compulsion but they were fever pitch for some months when it all got really bad (due to a SNRI that started all this off for me).

I think the lack of diversity in OCD sufferers on here who aren't leaning more towards HA elements doesn't help this situation as my opinion of this board has always been that it is largely narrow in terms of what constitutes HA. Just my opinion though.

I could be wrong but I remember how I've been and it was a hell of a lot worse than Reb from what I can gather.

---------- Post added at 05:09 ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 ----------

for my two pennies worth it is noticeable that even Terry who has got the patience of a saint and more knowledge than most of us has been very quiet lately and I hope this is his personal choice, not because he`s had a wobble or feels he`s been led up the garden path by certain people.

Thanks for the concern, Bruce.

No, nothing to do with any of this. I've been working on some of my OCD and cut my forum time down as I find it gets in the way. I have only told 2 people prior to this who asked.

Thanks for asking and thanks for your kind words, I appreciate it.