View Full Version : Possible auditory hallucinations?

07-10-16, 17:16
Do you ever get random thoughts that make no sense to the situation you're in? Are they auditory hallucinations? I did when I arrived home and then I freaked out and spiralled thinking I was having mental chatter/hearing voices My mind is non stop anyway an I'm constantly talking to myself or having future conversations and planning what to do. But the constant thought process just freaked me out and I imagined they were different accents. I've read hallucinations can be thought like I have spoke t only boyfriend and he called me a knob and hung up...

Now worrying about schizophrenia and no longer about worms...

07-10-16, 17:26
What would you do if one of these thoughts crop up in the middle of a class you're teaching in South Korea?

You already know you're not schizophrenic.

07-10-16, 17:27
Server I know but I worry I may be now...

I even feel like a nutcase writing that.

07-10-16, 17:28
What would you do if one of these thoughts crop up in a class you're teaching in South Korea.

You know you're not schizophrenic.

No, this isn't a duplicate post.

07-10-16, 17:33
I don't know what I'd do. Is this psychotic or something normal i'm taking out of context?

Am I definitely not schizophrenic? I was even thinking father eorms coukdve caused me to have physcosis episodes...

Sigh. Relapse and a half this is.

07-10-16, 17:35
You are not schizophrenic.

And knock it off with the self-pity. What are you doing to manage your fears? If you're genuinely worried about schizophrenia, what could you do to tackle that worry? You've been told many times on here how psychosis presents. This isn't it.

07-10-16, 17:39
But is what happened normal? I guess my mind is always the same in thought process/movies/future conversations/old conversations but I freaked and then felt like I was having loads of voice s but they were all just thoughts. Does that's make sense? I don't want to spiral again so I'm asking you as a cyber friend.

07-10-16, 17:44
Way to tug on my heartstrings...

It's extremely rare for a person to be aware that they are slipping into psychosis - at least the first time it happens. Some hear external voices that would seem no different to real voices, while others hear voices in their head. In either case, it seems 100% real to the sufferer and they do not question it. Schizophrenia also comes with a bunch of other symptoms. If you were schizophrenic, you'd almost certainly not be worrying about it. But others would. And they'd be sure to get you urgent medical attention. But you know all this.

All I'm doing is pandering to the fear. You have an untreated anxiety condition and it is doubtful it will get better without professional intervention.

What more can I say? :shrug:

07-10-16, 17:45
It doesn't matter a hoot what any of us think, it is what you think that matters.

As Nic said on your previous thread you NEED to find a way of working your way logically through these thoughts on your own.

Use some of the links previously suggested to you, distract yourself, do whatever works for you.

You are not an imbecile but you have to get a handle on these fears.

07-10-16, 17:45
But these thoughts I had made no sense.

Gary A
07-10-16, 17:46
So essentially, you're scared of your ability to think thoughts?

What in Gods name are you talking about?

07-10-16, 17:47
Sometimes our thoughts don't make sense.

If they did, there'd be no No More Panic or Anxiety Zone or Jim Carrey films.

Why do your thoughts always have to make sense? Why do your thoughts require your constant attention?

07-10-16, 17:50
As in walked into my hallway and thought 'don't go in there' meaning my moms bedroom. Can you have several thoughts at once?

Gary A
07-10-16, 17:51
As in walked into my hallway and thought 'don't go in there' meaning my moms bedroom. Can you have several thoughts at once?

Maybe you should spend a bit more time trying to be a bit less self obsessed.

07-10-16, 17:53
As in walked into my hallway and thought 'don't go in there' meaning my moms bedroom. Can you have several thoughts at once?

I don't think there's a time when I don't have several thoughts at once.

Do you ever read what people say? Do you ever take it on board?

How will you handle this in South Korea? Is "I don't know" a good enough answer, really?

Gary A
07-10-16, 17:57
Today I smashed myself over the head with a mash hammer, afterwards my head hurt. Is this normal?

07-10-16, 18:00
Today I smashed myself over the head with a mash hammer, afterwards my head hurt. Is this normal?

No, Gary, it's not. That's very odd behaviour. Perhaps you have schizophrenia? :D

07-10-16, 18:15
Bloody hell my mind's like that constantly. Try living on your own for years. Then you'll really appreciate the insane beauty of mind chatter.

07-10-16, 18:45
What are you teaching in Korea Helen?

P.S my mind never makes sense, nor do i :roflmao:

07-10-16, 18:47
English to kindergarten kids :)

And busy mind people, do you think quotes and tv and stuff too

07-10-16, 18:55
Reb sit down and work it out for yourself

07-10-16, 19:06
Sometimes, when I'm in bed and it's quiet, I essentially 'hear' lines from TV shows or songs. The point is, there's no break with reality. It's not a hallucination. It's my overactive mind randomly firing off.

We humans make ourselves so miserable by giving our minds too much credit. Most of the time, your mind will do as it pleases, and that's okay. Just don't let it get it to you. Stop placing so much importance on it.

07-10-16, 19:07
Yes random stuff from films, songs, quotes from books, sitcom catchphrases, bits of conversation from earlier in the day, etc etc. All mixed up with a load of nonsense.

07-10-16, 19:10
I also find if I've spent an extended period of time in a crowded place with lots of chatter, and then go to bed, the chatter carries on in my mind. Indeterminate chatter. The mind is like this. Once you accept it, it makes a huge difference.

07-10-16, 19:16
Mindfulness helps a lot with this sort of thing :)
I really should practice what I preach lol

07-10-16, 19:22
It doesn't bother me in the slightest. It used to annoy me how active my mind was. Mindfulness and acceptance were revelations to me. They really do take the sting out of a lot of the bull your mind throws at you.

07-10-16, 19:24

07-10-16, 19:38
At the risk of being too graphic or inappropriate....

Tell you what Reb/helenhoo/han099... I'm getting ready to go to the hospital to spend the next couple of days with my wife. I invite you to come with me to the hospital to visit. She has a "real" illness that for all intents and purposes, makes her appear to be schizophrenic (one of your big fears).

She has visual and auditory hallucinations. She will all of a sudden freak out and scream at the top of her lungs or go into catatonia and stiffen up like a board unable to move. She's in restraints (both hands and feet) and has mittens over her hands to keep her from hurting herself and others. She's incontinent, cannot even use a bedpan and has to be cleaned up several times a day. She can't walk, feed herself and can barely utter an intelligible word, remember her name and often times doesn't even recognize me! There's much more but that's just a small sampling of what she's been going through the last month and what I've been dealing with in my life the last month and will be for the foreseeable future.

I invite you to witness this for yourself and then perhaps you'll think twice before posting things that are for lack of a better word "normal".

Think about my wife and what she's going through "for real" the next time you smell cigarette smoke on a smoker or hear "phantom" conversations while sitting next to people having a conversation or any of the dozens of totally "normal" things you post about. Think about how fortunate you are to be totally healthy (physically) and have it within your power to get help.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Positive thoughts

07-10-16, 21:00
At the risk of being too graphic or inappropriate....

Tell you what Reb/helenhoo/han099... I'm getting ready to go to the hospital to spend the next couple of days with my wife. I invite you to come with me to the hospital to visit. She has a "real" illness that for all intents and purposes, makes her appear to be schizophrenic (one of your big fears).

She has visual and auditory hallucinations. She will all of a sudden freak out and scream at the top of her lungs or go into catatonia and stiffen up like a board unable to move. She's in restraints (both hands and feet) and has mittens over her hands to keep her from hurting herself and others. She's incontinent, cannot even use a bedpan and has to be cleaned up several times a day. She can't walk, feed herself and can barely utter an intelligible word, remember her name and often times doesn't even recognize me! There's much more but that's just a small sampling of what she's been going through the last month and what I've been dealing with in my life the last month and will be for the foreseeable future.

I invite you to witness this for yourself and then perhaps you'll think twice before posting things that are for lack of a better word "pathetic".

Think about my wife and what she's going through "for real" the next time you smell cigarette smoke on a smoker or hear "phantom" conversations while sitting next to people having a conversation or any of the dozens of totally "normal" things you post about. Think about how fortunate you are to be totally healthy (physically) and have it within your power to get help.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Positive thoughts

Fishmanpa, I don't know what's going on here(with this), but i'm so sorry for what you and your wife are going through. I cannot imagine how hard it must be, and it really does put things into perspective.

I try everyday to be grateful for all that I have my ability to walk, talk, see, hear ect because many of us are so guilty of taking these things for granted.
I've been fighting my demons every single day for years but I won't stop because I refuse to give up on myself.
I HAVE to know that I'm doing all I can to not let my anxiety ruin my life, and it's hard, it's took a lot out of me emotionality and physically but one thing I do is remind myself as much as I can of the things that I CAN do.

Helen, whatever is going on, you need to realise you can't turn back time, we don't get to live today all over again, make sure that you're doing ALL that you can before its too late, life is a gift not a given right and as hard as I know it is you must try and embrace it not waste it.

08-10-16, 08:57
Please respond to what Fishmanpa has written, Helen? I think it would help you to put your own thoughts and fears in perspective?

08-10-16, 09:04
Thanks for your comment comments and in response to those on my other thread I am not selfish I had read this comment while logged out and at a party and it made feel a little stupid, which I assume was it's purpose so thanks Fishman and I'm sorry to hear about your wife

Edit: I use the term stupid lightly, I know it's given as a perspective

08-10-16, 09:40
Helen, I've stopped myself on commenting on your threads so many times as I fear the responses are keeping you locked into your fears as opposed to doing something about them.
I've seen countless pieces of brilliant advice given to you, I really hope you take them on board and use them to empower you in moving your life forward.
Can I ask, what do you get out of using this forum? I for one had to remove myself many months ago as I was able to recognise that the reassurance I was receiving wasn't reassuring me, it was doing the opposite and keeping me focused on whatever it was that I thought would kill me that day.
Whilst using this forum, please be mindful that these people on here are fighting their own battles, they are genuinely lovely people who give up their own time, effort and energy to send messages and replies in the hope that their responses or their experiences may help the poster. NMP is only successful because of this, if we were all locked into our own issues then there would be threads full of worries and concerns with no responses or reassurance.
The reason I'm responding to this thread is just sincerely in the hope that you read back every positive message, response and piece of advice and use it to support your journey through this.

08-10-16, 09:47
Thanks for your comment comments and in response to those on my other thread I am not selfish I had read this comment while logged out and at a party and it made feel a little stupid, which I assume was it's purpose so thanks Fishman and I'm sorry to hear about your wife

Edit: I use the term stupid lightly, I know it's given as a perspective

Seriously? Well, hopefully your party diverted your attention from your woes.
Given the advice you've received, and the fact that you're leaving in just over a week (?), have you utilised any of the online CBT resources? If you can't stay away from here, how will you manage to teach English to small children?

08-10-16, 11:46
I won`t use the word troll as its been examined previously, but I personally believe there are people on here, helen being one of them, who come on for their own amusement to pass half an hour and feel naughty and special that they`ve upset several dozen or hundreds of people with no comebacks and no fear of ever being found out.

It makes me think of children in school who are so badly behaved that they get special days out or are allowed to play games for a treat, while the others who are trying their best get nothing.

anyway, all things pass and the korea trip is imminent so that will free up a lot of time for the rest of us to actually try and support people who need it.

08-10-16, 11:55
Hey Reb.Just sending some support your way:hugs:.

09-10-16, 00:53
I worked at a state hospital for a while and one thing I know is people who are insane dont know they are insane. They totally believe there delusions, they dont question them.

10-10-16, 08:42
I'm sorry to post again but it's causing me some worry. I have what I think is mental chatter - random phrases and words unrelated popping into my head. I fear these are voices? They are in my inner thought voice, sometimes over lapping. Please can people who have had it confirm I'm not going nuts or indeed tell me that yes I finally have lost it.

Gary A
10-10-16, 08:52
I'm sorry to post again but it's causing me some worry. I have what I think is mental chatter - random phrases and words unrelated popping into my head. I fear these are voices? They are in my inner thought voice, sometimes over lapping. Please can people who have had it confirm I'm not going nuts or indeed tell me that yes I finally have lost it.

You've already had confirmation that you're not going nuts by people who have had it, in this very thread, no less.

Please stop looking for excuses to be worried, and please try to focus on something else other than yourself for ten minutes.

10-10-16, 08:54
I think random phrases and words sometimes with images. I feel like I've been punched in the stomach with nerves. Right now my brain is thinking about Donald Trump and mustering over an article I've just read on it. Do thoughts overlap? Random words that make no sense?

Gary A
10-10-16, 08:59
I'm sorry but I will no longer be answering your medical questions. You don't take a word of notice as to what anyone says anyway, and even when you do you just move on to something else just as quick.

Stop being so self absorbed and start thinking of something that doesn't involve "me me me me" all the time.

10-10-16, 09:02
Inman listening Gary. But I'm trying to explain more detail to see if this is normal? It's making me feel so so anxious.

10-10-16, 09:03
I believe the OP is leaving for S Korea next week. She's got all this week to take on board all the advice given. What date are you meant to be leaving Reb?

Gary A
10-10-16, 09:07
Inman listening Gary. But I'm trying to explain more detail to see if this is normal? It's making me feel so so anxious.

Garbage. You've been told this is normal already, in this very thread, yet you continue to ask. Your questions now are, frankly, utterly stupid. I don't feel that you're a stupid person, so I have to question why you can't figure things like this out on your own.

"I'm thinking of Donald Trump after I read an article about Donald Trump, is this normal???"

Honestly, I refuse to answer questions like that, because you're neither a 3 year old child or a moron.

10-10-16, 09:09
Two weeks today actually. I'm terrified I'm mental OR god forbid have a tumour (hearing voices can be frontal lobe I think) I was/an highly anxious about my trip, obviously very excited but it's daunting to live abroad for a year.
I don't want abuse I just want to differentiate between voices and inner thought random chatter.

---------- Post added at 09:09 ---------- Previous post was at 09:08 ----------

But thoughts overlap and fire off random words and phrases?

Gary A
10-10-16, 09:12
Two weeks today actually. I'm terrified I'm mental OR god forbid have a tumour (hearing voices can be frontal lobe I think) I was/an highly anxious about my trip, obviously very excited but it's daunting to live abroad for a year.
I don't want abuse I just want to differentiate between voices and inner thought random chatter.

You're not hearing voices though, are you? You're simply thinking. My God, I honestly can't believe I'm having to tell you that.

---------- Post added at 09:12 ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 ----------

Anyway, I'm off to work. No time to be wasting talking this inane drivel today. I'm sure someone else will be here soon to focus squarely on you.

10-10-16, 09:16
Definitely not a moron, I'd say you are a rather clever person Reb. It takes a certain strength and determination to ignore pertinent questions, and ignore the people who replied to you. I'm really curious - what emotion do you feel when you are watching your threads waiting for the replies? You definitely don't seem panicky..you're at work so must have a degree of distraction..

It's enlightening to watch your pattern of posting Reb, and your reactions. Doing some armchair psychology here, which I'm sure you won't mind?

10-10-16, 09:23
I guess I wait for that 'phew' relief. I don't like the drama. I often envy those who get a response and are 'okay thank you' and done. I however need to feel �� reassured and I fear I never will or that people don't take me seriously when I am genuine and want genuine answers.

---------- Post added at 09:22 ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 ----------

Not that I'm saying I don't get genuine answrrs* I just feel it's more of a 'ffs' when I post rather than seeing me as someone with an actual concern.

---------- Post added at 09:23 ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 ----------

[QUOTE=Gary A;1601912]You're not hearing voices though, are you? You're simply thinking. My God, I honestly can't believe I'm having to tell you that.[COLOR="blue"]

I'm not an idiot im just highly anxious and am questioning what this is

Gary A
10-10-16, 09:29
I repeat. "I read an article about Donald Trump and now I'm thinking about Donald Trump, is this normal?"

How is anyone supposed to treat nonsense like that as a "genuine concern"?

10-10-16, 09:40
Fishmans comments did stop me in my tracks and made me realise I was being silly but last night before sleeping and today on waking I've experienced word and brain farts in my mind that weird and freak me out. I *try* to see logic, I even read it's common with anxiety but because I've focused on it it's become a big worry. I don't want to worry about brain tumours and schizophrenia two weeks before a big trip. I do listen and I dont like the drama that follows despite what everyone may think.

---------- Post added at 09:40 ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 ----------

Oh and believe me, when I wasn't posting on here my anxious thoughts plummeted.

10-10-16, 10:04
Fishmans comments did stop me in my tracks and made me realise I was being silly but last night before sleeping and today on waking I've experienced word and brain farts in my mind that weird and freak me out. I *try* to see logic, I even read it's common with anxiety but because I've focused on it it's become a big worry. I don't want to worry about brain tumours and schizophrenia two weeks before a big trip. I do listen and I dont like the drama that follows despite what everyone may think.

---------- Post added at 09:40 ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 ----------

Oh and believe me, when I wasn't posting on here my anxious thoughts plummeted.

Very clever thought out responses - just enough to show you "acknowledged" Fishman's post. So distant though, and totally disassociated from the pain and trauma that someone who has spent a lot of time answering you, is going through. Not panic, but dismissal. Pretty revealing actually.

You have not joined the online CBT groups I take it? If your anxiety "plummeted", then can you tell us what you did when you weren't posting on here? Did you refrain from "reading" about tumours etc, how did you distract yourself? You can't have gone from here to nothing, so what did you do?
What have you done to help yourself?

Gary A
10-10-16, 10:47
Fishmans comments did stop me in my tracks and made me realise I was being silly but last night before sleeping and today on waking I've experienced word and brain farts in my mind that weird and freak me out. I *try* to see logic, I even read it's common with anxiety but because I've focused on it it's become a big worry. I don't want to worry about brain tumours and schizophrenia two weeks before a big trip. I do listen and I dont like the drama that follows despite what everyone may think.

---------- Post added at 09:40 ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 ----------

Oh and believe me, when I wasn't posting on here my anxious thoughts plummeted.

Sheer unadulterated piffle.

You never acknowledged FMP's post at all. Again we see your willingness to bluster past a pertinent point with throw away lines and total rubbish. This is why I know you're not daft. This is why I know that there really shouldn't be any need for you to ask questions in the manner that you do. You think you can brush these things aside by telling us all what you think we want to hear.

The fake GP appointment, the "I'm doing much better but here's a ridiculous question anyway" routine, telling us you read and acknowledge replies and advice then proceed to ask a question that's been answered ad nauseam. The constant evasion or lack of detail in answers to questions about anything other than your perceived physical symptoms. All of this shows that you have the capability to manipulate people, and it is thought out and deliberate.

I don't know what you're trying to achieve, I don't think you're here for any sinister reasons, but I do believe that you are not at all interested in changing your ways for the better. The sheer effort you put into doing anything but what would be best for you, proves that.

10-10-16, 12:02
I'm not trying to achieve anything but reassurance I'm not mad

Thoughts �� pop into my head that I haven't thought about, random phrases and words and sometimes just me talking to myself or future conversations/past conversations.

10-10-16, 12:06
I personally feel like nothing you say is genuine Helen, maybe you're just not good at speaking(typing) to people but that's how i feel.

Nothing anyone says seems to register with you no matter how deep and thought provoking, it's the same responses from you time and time again. When reading through your threads there is a clear pattern to your posting and how your threads unfold, almost as if it's a game to you.

I'll hold my hands up and say if it's all genuine, i have absolutely no idea how anyone can help you. That's something that would need to be discussed with a mental health team. Definitely not here. (IMO)

10-10-16, 12:15
I'm not trying to achieve anything but reassurance I'm not mad

Thoughts �� pop into my head that I haven't thought about, random phrases and words and sometimes just me talking to myself or future conversations/past conversations.

This is a perfect example of everything Gary accuses you of in the post immediately before this. It's easy to have a go at Gary for being incredibly forthright, but he's got you bang to rights as far as I'm concerned.

You say you want reassurance you're not mad - but what more can we say? You've had more reassurance you're not mad than anybody else on this site. What magic words are you waiting for?

I hope you've researched access to mental health support in South Korea, I really do.

10-10-16, 12:15
I just messaged my boyfriend and he asked me to explain what I was worried about. (Instead of snapping like he usually does) I was terrified he'd say 'see a psych fast' but he just responded with a 'so you're thinking, like everyone does' I think what scares me is the random quotes or thought that I don't feel I control (the ones that crop up/overlap)

10-10-16, 12:20
your boyfriend usually snaps? I can`t imagine why. The man must have the patience of several saints combined to put up with you.

so as you`ve just explained that you listen to your boyfriends opinion of deep seated psychiatric issues, but you don`t listen to anyone on here, why don`t you stop posting and use your boyfriend to talk you down when you`re worried?

In extremely basic terms you are upsetting a large number of fragile people on here with your outpourings, where your boyfriend can and will say `now thats enough` and you`re likely to listen.

or not.

I`d also like to raise a glass to your employer who must need a guide dog if they can`t see that you don`t spent a great deal of the working day actually working. top marks to them, I would love a job like yours.

10-10-16, 12:26
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for a moment

Earlier on this year, when I was very ill, I presented at A&E three times in three days convinced I was developing psychosis. I was barely functioning in life and believed I might be hearing voices or somehow "becoming dangerous".

Each time, I was assessed and sent home with a diagnosis of Generalised Anxiety Disorder, and given some diazepam. So I do know how this fear can take a hold of you. But unlike you, I was in a deeply derealised, depersonalised, state. I was misinterpreting my own regular thoughts - the sound of my mind, if you like - as "hearing voices" due to my severe anxiety and spiralling pattern of thoughts.

I almost laugh at myself now. No way was I hearing voices. It was my own mind acting out, and the way I was reacting was causing my suffering. Although I don't think you'll take this on board, the key thing is this - if you were truly hearing voices, you wouldn't be worrying about it or posting about it on here. It would be causing you to behave in odd, potentially disturbing, ways, and people in your life would be seeking urgent help for you.

You simply must drop this nonsense.

10-10-16, 12:33
I'm actually working from home at the moment before trip.

I've not said I believe him over anyone else it's just the same response and I'm still worried

---------- Post added at 12:33 ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 ----------

Server that's what I'm like now misinterpreting my thoughts as voices. But I often picture people, like if imagining a conversation I picture it.

10-10-16, 12:37
There's so much i want to add but won't because i wouldn't like to upset people or have my place on the site questioned, but all i will say is that everything comes to light in the end, we just got to let it run it's course. Good luck with your move...


10-10-16, 12:37
Server Error, the difference being when you had those concerns you acted upon them, you got checked out, got your diagnosis and moved forward to where you are now.
Helen, no matter what we respond you are still going to worry, I wrote a previous post on this thread that went totally unacknowledged by you, therefore what is the point, our words don't reassure nor do you take suggestions on board. Ask yourself why you post on here as I fail to see any benefit to you.

10-10-16, 12:38
Yes, but you recognise now what it is you're doing, whereas I was too anxious to see what was happening.

That's why you can beat this irrational worry.

10-10-16, 12:41
Sorry Tracy I don't remember seeing your comment.

I've just asked my brother too and he's like 'yes isn't that normal?' I'm feeling more at ease now but why did it send me into such panic?

10-10-16, 12:45
Sorry Tracy I don't remember seeing your comment.

I've just asked my brother too and he's like 'yes isn't that normal?' I'm feeling more at ease now but why did it send me into such panic?

Because you have an untreated anxiety disorder.

10-10-16, 12:47
Enough... really... ENOUGH!

Just a thought people....

When you stop watering a plant, it eventually dies...

Positive thoughts

Gary A
10-10-16, 12:53
Sorry Tracy I don't remember seeing your comment.

I've just asked my brother too and he's like 'yes isn't that normal?' I'm feeling more at ease now but why did it send me into such panic?


"Hand waving away a pertinent question.

Now back to me and my symptoms."

Lather, rinse and repeat.

10-10-16, 12:55
Keep telling myself that Fish, and keep coming back..morbid fascination into the workings of a narcissistic mind. Good reminder though..xx

10-10-16, 13:03
I'm really not a nasty person

10-10-16, 13:10
Over the last few months I like everyone else has watched whilst your posts have gotten steadily more bizarre, you ignore helpful comments and cherry pick what you want from people who have their own problems.it really is time to stop this nonsense because its not fair on those people who could really use and value the advice that can be given out here. its almost like you get some kind of perverse pleasure from all of this. TIME TO STOP!!

10-10-16, 13:30
Couldn't agree more.

All your issues are so bizarre, in a place full of people with irrational and "invented" thoughts and symptoms your posts are just incredible.

Even people at their lowest point can rationalise that having thoughts is normal, or smelling smoke is normal etc.

10-10-16, 13:31
It's not thoughts that were causing me concern it's the overlapping and random ones that pop in

10-10-16, 13:39
So cancel your trip to South Korea in order to get some help.

Or just carry on like this. Your choice.

At this point, I guess I have to accept I'm just enabling your nonsense.

10-10-16, 13:46
I was doing fine, I was.

Gary A
10-10-16, 13:48
It's not thoughts that were causing me concern it's the overlapping and random ones that pop in

So thoughts then, yes? What does "random" thoughts even mean? Aren't the vast majority of thoughts "random" in some way or another?

This is just the problem, though. This thread, as with all your others, does nothing but go around in a big circle. Most of your threads register well over 100 responses, but have a look back and tell me which threads of yours never finished exactly how they started?

This one is no exception. You say you want reassurance, but when someone offers it, you say something like "but is it actually normal", as if the original response was a figment of your imagination or something.

I can see what you're doing but I'm totally baffled as to why you're doing it.

10-10-16, 13:54
my personal favourite went to 22 pages a while back so this one has got plenty in the tank yet, its only early.
we`ve still got to have the wave of support, then the guilt that maybe its genuine, the what ifs, the `everyone should feel able to post` blah blah

I`m pulling out so to speak, I am no psychic but I would have a large sum of money that the OP is what we up north call a right headworker. I know people who are very ill and I know people who are mentally unstable, but this one is something else entirely.

korea? I have my own thoughts but will be a grown up and not get into all that.

off to tie knots in fog, nail ice cream to the ceiling, and other pointless tasks that get you precisely nowhere.

10-10-16, 14:08
I was doing fine, I was.

If there's a better reason for me to stop with the masochism and leave these threads alone, it's this utter claptrap.

10-10-16, 14:15
Because it's appears like a voice but it's in my inner thought voice. Like someone else is saying it but my inner voice if that makes sense?

10-10-16, 14:18
It honestly doesnt.

Logically if you we're going mad and hearing voices etc, do you think you'd be able rationalise it?

10-10-16, 14:31
We are drawn to your rubbish like moths to a flame!! Pound to a penny you don't go to Korea it will be called off at the last moment miraculously.Then you can have weeks and months of your post of "if only I had gone to Korea"TIME TO STOP!!!

10-10-16, 14:41
kerryann I truly couldn`t have worded that better myself.
someone who is frightened of their own perfectly normal responses and reactions to life in general is unlikely to travel the world and go helping educate children.

likewise someone who is playing a mental health forum and all its members for fools is perfectly able to go to korea in a couple of weeks.

so unfortunately for dear helen its getting very close to sh*t or bust where there is a sudden miraculous breakthrough, she thanks us all and says she`s been such a pain etc etc and does indeed go to korea - or as you say it all falls through at the last minute.

its childish of me I know, but I am a huge fan of telling the truth and trying to live a good and sincere life, so I personally can`t wait to see how it all plays out.

10-10-16, 14:54
Helen You Pm me a few weeks ago, And i replied to you you never replied back you will probably not acknowledge this post either but let me tell you about ME:

I was slightly like you last year, I was questioning everything I started picking up on every little symptom and got myself in to a right state, Then came the panic attacks the gut wrenching OMFG Im going to die panic attacks every single day. Then Bang!! October 2015 I had the worlds biggest panic attack and collapsed I was took to Hospital with a pulse of 200 bpm that wasn't planning on calming down because I was shitting myself i thought i was a goner I started to suffer from Derelization and Depersonilization ( I know you have googled these) To this day nearly a full year later I still suffer from this: I have chronic insomnia on top of that and have not slept a full night since last year: Oh and I also have deja vu now i dont mean I get it once in a while I mean i have it 24/7 non stop It does not go away, My mental health team has told me its a form of dissociation.

Now my symptoms: Racing thoughts 24/7 that overlap that dont make sense etc
Mind chatter random phrases, songs,words, things people have said anything that my brain consciously or subconsciously has picked up through out the day.
Memory flashes I get random memories flashing in my head, random images, random dreams etc while I am awake!
Mind pops, Hearing voices of things people have said.

AND YOU NO WHAT? ITS ALL CAUSED BY ANXIETY! NOT A BRAIN TUMOUR, NOT SCHIZOPHRENIA OR ANYTHING ELSE YOU ARE TRYING TO SELF DIAGNOSE YOURSELF WITH! Extreme High levels of anxiety cause thus This has been confirmed by my psychologist that i have been working with for 8 months a medical person qualified to tell you whats wrong!

Your need for reasurrance is a very tell tale sign of Anxiety!! and it needs to stop you need to stop and get a grip of your life and get some psychiatric help as quick as you can.

10-10-16, 16:53
Sorry to hear your going through all of those Gadgirl - wish you the best.

Is having a negative thought about yourself normal? As I was getting ready I thought 'you're a selfish jerk' now i don't know if it was something I've heard or read but definitely related to the goings on in here (opinions about me) if it was my inner thought is that still not an auditory hallucination?

Gary A
10-10-16, 17:48
Sorry to hear your going through all of those Gadgirl - wish you the best.

Is having a negative thought about yourself normal? As I was getting ready I thought 'you're a selfish jerk' now i don't know if it was something I've heard or read but definitely related to the goings on in here (opinions about me) if it was my inner thought is that still not an auditory hallucination?

No, that's totally not normal. Everyone just walks around telling themselves that they're utterly awesome and if they deviate from that in any way, they're definitely totally crazy.

Note that I'm now telling you what you want to hear.

10-10-16, 19:04
What do your questions even mean?

This is absurd! And not fair!

10-10-16, 19:09
Has someone ever said something that triggered a memory but you can't grasp it? My cousin said they were at a friends house who lived near a Forrest and she didn't like it & I was like I had a friend in a similar house and was scared And couldn't remember who, when or where. Just forgetting or have I made it up?

---------- Post added at 19:09 ---------- Previous post was at 19:08 ----------

Like I was certain i have but can't remember details of who and when.

10-10-16, 19:22
I'm going to visit my wife this evening. You're welcome to come with me.

Positive thoughts

10-10-16, 19:26
I'm going to visit my wife this evening. You're welcome to come with me.

Positive thoughts

I truly hope your visit goes ok FMP, it must be awful not knowing what you are walking into.

10-10-16, 19:38
I cannot believe people are still responding

10-10-16, 19:51
I truly hope your visit goes ok FMP, it must be awful not knowing what you are walking into.

Thank you Elen. Truly, there are no words that can describe this. There's a book called "Brain of Fire" by Susannah Cahalan that describes her experience with this illness. It's being made into a movie too.

I visited this weekend and stayed Friday night into Saturday night. She was in pretty rough shape and had 3 "episodes" during that time. The one Friday when I arrived and two more before I left Saturday evening. I'm physically and mentally exhausted and have started to take time away so I can keep myself healthy. After all, I'm no good to anyone if I out of commission.

I hope you don't mind me replying to Reb in this manner. It's an attempt to show the absolute self absorbed absurdity of her posts. My mother has dementia so again, I actually witness what it's like when someone is truly in psychosis. Like some others, I'm in the mind set that this has become some kind of warped game. In fact, this very thread has been posted on AZ too! (and gets similar responses) There's a certain pattern to all of this and it goes back to the beginning. I truly do believe there is something going on with Reb but I believe it goes far beyond just HA.

Thank you again for your concern and kind words. I called the hospital this morning and then again a short while ago. Other than an "episode" this morning, she's had a good day. Hopefully, that will continue this evening during my visit.

Positive thoughts

10-10-16, 20:02
this very thread has been posted on AZ too! (and gets similar responses)

I know I shouldn't, but I went for a look. She actually had the audacity to say "can somebody respond please?". Even though she has pages of advice in this thread. That's actually insulting. She's basically saying that nothing over here is good enough. It's also very eye-opening as it shows the extent to which this is all about attention. She could have five times the amount of pages in this thread and I bet she'd still be asking for responses over there.

Whatever's wrong with her, it revolves around a need for attention.

This shows me (as if it wasn't apparent anyway) that there is nothing I can do for this girl. I'm gonna have to stop doing this, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who ever rubbernecked at a car crash.

All the best for your visit FMP.

Gary A
10-10-16, 20:20
"Today I set fire to my left foot, now it's burnt and painful. Is this normal? My friend said that its normal to have melted skin but is it though? I read that it might be linked to foot cancer. I'm doing better but this worries me.

Hey, but is it normal? Hey, you, give me attention, hey hey, over here. :yahoo:"

Next time you post a thread, I'm just going to respond like this. I feel it will save us all a lot of time.

10-10-16, 20:22
Helen You Pm me a few weeks ago, And i replied to you you never replied back you will probably not acknowledge this post either but let me tell you about ME:

I was slightly like you last year, I was questioning everything I started picking up on every little symptom and got myself in to a right state, Then came the panic attacks the gut wrenching OMFG Im going to die panic attacks every single day. Then Bang!! October 2015 I had the worlds biggest panic attack and collapsed I was took to Hospital with a pulse of 200 bpm that wasn't planning on calming down because I was shitting myself i thought i was a goner I started to suffer from Derelization and Depersonilization ( I know you have googled these) To this day nearly a full year later I still suffer from this: I have chronic insomnia on top of that and have not slept a full night since last year: Oh and I also have deja vu now i dont mean I get it once in a while I mean i have it 24/7 non stop It does not go away, My mental health team has told me its a form of dissociation.

Now my symptoms: Racing thoughts 24/7 that overlap that dont make sense etc
Mind chatter random phrases, songs,words, things people have said anything that my brain consciously or subconsciously has picked up through out the day.
Memory flashes I get random memories flashing in my head, random images, random dreams etc while I am awake!
Mind pops, Hearing voices of things people have said.

AND YOU NO WHAT? ITS ALL CAUSED BY ANXIETY! NOT A BRAIN TUMOUR, NOT SCHIZOPHRENIA OR ANYTHING ELSE YOU ARE TRYING TO SELF DIAGNOSE YOURSELF WITH! Extreme High levels of anxiety cause thus This has been confirmed by my psychologist that i have been working with for 8 months a medical person qualified to tell you whats wrong!

Your need for reasurrance is a very tell tale sign of Anxiety!! and it needs to stop you need to stop and get a grip of your life and get some psychiatric help as quick as you can.

Did you actually read anything I said what a half arsed reply, i repeat again my symptoms stop seeking reassurance!! :wall::wall:

Now my symptoms: Racing thoughts 24/7 that overlap that dont make sense etc
Mind chatter random phrases, songs,words, things people have said anything that my brain consciously or subconsciously has picked up through out the day.
Memory flashes I get random memories flashing in my head, random images, random dreams etc while I am awake!
Mind pops, Hearing voices of things people have said.

10-10-16, 20:25
I wouldn't waste your breath

Gary A
10-10-16, 20:25
Did you actually read anything I said what a half arsed reply, i repeat again my symptoms stop seeking reassurance!! :wall::wall:

Now my symptoms: Racing thoughts 24/7 that overlap that dont make sense etc
Mind chatter random phrases, songs,words, things people have said anything that my brain consciously or subconsciously has picked up through out the day.
Memory flashes I get random memories flashing in my head, random images, random dreams etc while I am awake!
Mind pops, Hearing voices of things people have said.

She doesn't care. She doesn't want to hear about you, she just wants to talk about herself.

10-10-16, 20:28
Helen, does your partner have any support for your anxiety?

You always mention the questions you ask him, coming from someone with health anxiety i know how taxing it can be on a relationship and that they need support too. There's no doubt with all you say, he struggles.

Anyway, you know the answers to your questions, if I can even call them that, you post the same things, mention your boyfriend or a friend, briefly acknowledge a response, then ask the question again worded a different way. It's as if the questions are posted with the intent to wind people up.
There's an attention or plain boredom thing going on here but I would suggest another outlet as it's unfair on the genuine. IMO there is no way you're going to south Korea to teach children, absolutely no way!

Thinking of you & your wife Fishmanpa

Gary A
10-10-16, 20:32
Speaking of little voices in your head, I have one in mine.

It's largely telling me that someone from southern England wouldn't use words like "kindergarten", or spell the word "mum" as "mom", or even use the term "jerk" to describe themselves.

I dunno, maybe it's just me, maybe it's the 12 hour train journey I took yesterday or the fact my morning cappuccino was slightly weaker than I needed, but something is screaming at me that this person is nothing more than a fake.

10-10-16, 20:34
She did say she was going in October, so I guess it can't be far away. I'd imagine she's begun packing and getting her things together with her boyfriend. Must be a very exciting time. Surprised she has the time to be on here so much, really.

---------- Post added at 20:34 ---------- Previous post was at 20:32 ----------

Speaking of little voices in your head, I have one in mine.

It's largely telling me that someone from southern England wouldn't use words like "kindergarten", or spell the word "mum" as "mom", or even use the term "jerk" to describe themselves.

I dunno, maybe it's just me, maybe it's the 12 hour train journey I took yesterday or the fact my morning cappuccino was slightly weaker than I needed, but something is screaming at me that this person is nothing more than a fake.

She's from the Midlands. I've known a few of them say 'mom'. It drove me crazy but I think she's from Derby and I know it does happen round there. And I guess exposure to American culture could easily cause someone to say 'jerk' and 'kindergarten'.

Gary A
10-10-16, 20:38
She did say she was going in October, so I guess it can't be far away. I'd imagine she's begun packing and getting her things together with her boyfriend. Must be a very exciting time. Surprised she has the time to be on here so much, really.

Hey server, I'm not much of a gambling man but do you fancy giving me odds on this trip to Korea magically not happening because somebody forgot to book the tickets or there's rumours of an imminent Godzilla attack or some other made up pile of absolute horseshit?

---------- Post added at 20:38 ---------- Previous post was at 20:34 ----------

She's from the Midlands. I've known a few of them say 'mom'. It drove me crazy but I think she's from Derby and I know it does happen round there. And I guess exposure to American culture could easily cause someone to say 'jerk' and 'kindergarten'.

Huh, I was actually in Derby yesterday oddly enough.

10-10-16, 20:44
:ohmy: secret meet ups Gary?!?

Gary A
10-10-16, 20:47
:ohmy: secret meet ups Gary?!?

More like a free bar in London to celebrate my company turning 40 years old, a severely hungover hunt for train routes back home and an hour spent changing over at Derby train station trying not to be sick in the Costa coffee shop. :wacko:

10-10-16, 20:48
I met a guy from Birmingham once who said 'mom' and when I was like 'huh? Surely it's mum', he just looked at me blankly and said he'd never heard that before.

I mean, I get it that people in different regions say things differently, but I don't get how you can grow up anywhere in the UK and have never come across people saying 'mum'. Bizarre.

10-10-16, 20:52
More like a free bar in London to celebrate my company turning 40 years old, a severely hungover hunt for train routes back home and an hour spent changing over at Derby train station trying not to be sick in the Costa coffee shop. :wacko:

Sounds great!

---------- Post added at 20:52 ---------- Previous post was at 20:51 ----------

I met a guy from Birmingham once who said 'mom' and when I was like 'huh? Surely it's mum', he just looked at me blankly and said he'd never heard that before.

I mean, I get it that people in different regions say things differently, but I don't get how you can grow up anywhere in the UK and have never come across people saying 'mum'. Bizarre.

I've never known anyone here to say 'mom' how strange. They would know from school it's mum surely? :huh:

10-10-16, 20:58
Sounds great!

---------- Post added at 20:52 ---------- Previous post was at 20:51 ----------

I've never known anyone here to say 'mom' how strange. They would know from school it's mum surely? :huh:

He was a university student at the time and had known people to say 'mom' and only 'mom'.

10-10-16, 21:03
and in deepest wales here its always been `mam`for mother but yes `mom` sounds american to me.

and gary and server, if you`re running a book on the trip never happening I`ll go £50 :D

10-10-16, 21:31
It's a midlands thing and I say kindergarten because that's what my job role is when I'm on over there...from one extreme to another.

Do you think I'm a fat troll making shit up (I do look back at what I read and cringe, honestly. But you may not believe me)

Or do you understand I worry and get frustrated because they're nothing wrong in your opinion?

My boyfriend deals with it. I'm not like this 24/7 just online And yes it does make it worse. He hates me using forums because he think its full of trolls, ironic huh?i did his head in today's with question asking but it's been a good few weeks since I'd done so.

Gary A
10-10-16, 21:43
It's a midlands thing and I say kindergarten because that's what my job role is when I'm on over there...from one extreme to another.

Do you think I'm a fat troll making shit up (I do look back at what I read and cringe, honestly. But you may not believe me)

Or do you understand I worry and get frustrated because they're nothing wrong in your opinion?

My boyfriend deals with it. I'm not like this 24/7 just online And yes it does make it worse. He hates me using forums because he think its full of trolls, ironic huh?i did his head in today's with question asking but it's been a good few weeks since I'd done so.

No I don't think you're a troll, I think you're an ignorant attention seeker who gets some kind of weird buzz out of feigning illness online.

I could be wrong, but at this point I honestly don't care. You treat people like dirt around here so I really don't know why anyone should spare your feelings.

10-10-16, 22:01
It's a midlands thing and I say kindergarten because that's what my job role is when I'm on over there...from one extreme to another.

Do you think I'm a fat troll making shit up (I do look back at what I read and cringe, honestly. But you may not believe me)

Or do you understand I worry and get frustrated because they're nothing wrong in your opinion?

My boyfriend deals with it. I'm not like this 24/7 just online And yes it does make it worse. He hates me using forums because he think its full of trolls, ironic huh?i did his head in today's with question asking but it's been a good few weeks since I'd done so.

Why a 'fat' troll :roflmao:

10-10-16, 22:14
I meant in the term like a 'big fat liar lol not as in size. Oops

10-10-16, 22:25
I meant in the term like a 'big fat liar lol not as in size. Oops

I thought you were being sizest against trolls then. Phew


---------- Post added at 22:25 ---------- Previous post was at 22:15 ----------

It's a midlands thing and I say kindergarten because that's what my job role is when I'm on over there...from one extreme to another.

Helen if you don't mind me asking how did you go about getting that job? Genuinely interested, and how long are you there for?

10-10-16, 23:00
She did say she was going in October, so I guess it can't be far away. I'd imagine she's begun packing and getting her things together with her boyfriend. Must be a very exciting time. Surprised she has the time to be on here so much, really.

---------- Post added at 20:34 ---------- Previous post was at 20:32 ----------

She's from the Midlands. I've known a few of them say 'mom'. It drove me crazy but I think she's from Derby and I know it does happen round there. And I guess exposure to American culture could easily cause someone to say 'jerk' and 'kindergarten'.

I'm not far from Derby. We say mum and there are several words for kindergarten.

It's US culture. They gave us the "OMG" generation.

Language changes. Look how many young black men are saying "oh my days" on TV. That's something I'd expect from someone old enough to remember at least one world war!

Gary A
10-10-16, 23:01
I meant in the term like a 'big fat liar lol not as in size. Oops

You tell me, do you think that you do genuinely come across as someone who is in fear? Do you think it's fair to ask help of people whom you can't be honest with?

Seriously, why do you try to convince people that you're doing ok? As mentioned by another poster, 9 months and 160 threads, with replies probably well over 1000 in total, are black and white evidence that you simply are not ok and haven't been for some time.

It has now at the point of you basically using reality to post some kind of hysteria. In what way is that doing ok?

The point is, you have now been deemed so unrealistic in your concerns that for the most part, people think you're making it up. You're on an anxiety forum, packed with people who openly admit to being irrational in their concerns, and those same people think you are basically at it.

Doesn't that strike any sort of chord with you?

10-10-16, 23:05
More like a free bar in London to celebrate my company turning 40 years old, a severely hungover hunt for train routes back home and an hour spent changing over at Derby train station trying not to be sick in the Costa coffee shop. :wacko:

If Derby station still looks like it did when I was last about 5 years ago, vomit would have blended in easily.

---------- Post added at 23:05 ---------- Previous post was at 23:02 ----------

The point is, you have now been deemed so unrealistic in your concerns that for the most part, people think you're making it up. You're on an anxiety forum, packed with people who openly admit to being irrational in their concerns, and those same people think you are basically at it.


Some people, not all.

I've been through a fair bit of this thinking and worse. I had no reassurance seeking pattern, luckily.

10-10-16, 23:07
I wasn't going ogling, I want on forums so they for I was doing ok. I'm not as bad as I know I seem on here.

---------- Post added at 23:07 ---------- Previous post was at 23:06 ----------

I get in my spirals. I'm trying not to worry about leg shivers I have currently fornpasy hour on and off as I can contour them and it's a bit chilly.

10-10-16, 23:08
I wasn't going ogling, I want on forums so they for I was doing ok. I'm not as bad as I know I seem on here.

---------- Post added at 23:07 ---------- Previous post was at 23:06 ----------

I get in my spirals. I'm trying not to worry about leg shivers I have currently fornpasy hour on and off as I can contour them and it's a bit chilly.

Can you answer my question above if you don't mind Helen :D

10-10-16, 23:17
Over the last few months I like everyone else has watched whilst your posts have gotten steadily more bizarre, you ignore helpful comments and cherry pick what you want from people who have their own problems.it really is time to stop this nonsense because its not fair on those people who could really use and value the advice that can be given out here. its almost like you get some kind of perverse pleasure from all of this. TIME TO STOP!!

That's irrelevant. If you are concerned about others having support - go and support them. No one has a gun to anyone's head.

Whenever I look at Reb's threads I know which names I will see sitting on the thread for long periods of time. Why? Choose to click out.

---------- Post added at 23:09 ---------- Previous post was at 23:09 ----------

Couldn't agree more.

All your issues are so bizarre, in a place full of people with irrational and "invented" thoughts and symptoms your posts are just incredible.

Even people at their lowest point can rationalise that having thoughts is normal, or smelling smoke is normal etc.

I take it you don't visit the OCD board?

---------- Post added at 23:17 ---------- Previous post was at 23:09 ----------

your boyfriend usually snaps? I can`t imagine why. The man must have the patience of several saints combined to put up with you.

so as you`ve just explained that you listen to your boyfriends opinion of deep seated psychiatric issues, but you don`t listen to anyone on here, why don`t you stop posting and use your boyfriend to talk you down when you`re worried?

In extremely basic terms you are upsetting a large number of fragile people on here with your outpourings, where your boyfriend can and will say `now thats enough` and you`re likely to listen.

or not.

I`d also like to raise a glass to your employer who must need a guide dog if they can`t see that you don`t spent a great deal of the working day actually working. top marks to them, I would love a job like yours.

You would be surprised. My last employer was the same. My boss was on his Twitter many times a day! It can depend on the job too, I could dissappear for hours in my job without question because I wasn't chained to my desk or on a production line. Without knowing the work, there is little point adding a comment trying to back up the troll case based on nothing.

And again, no one needs to read or post. It's not the OP's fault if people are fragile or sit on this thread. I wish people would stop using this argument. I have my fragile days, I choose to read, post, etc. You have to detach from this thinking that you must comment because it leads to more anxiety, I've had that on here and it helps to become less emotionally attached.

10-10-16, 23:29
And again, no one needs to read or post. It's not the OP's fault if people are fragile or sit on this thread. I wish people would stop using this argument. I have my fragile days, I choose to read, post, etc. You have to detach from this thinking that you must comment because it leads to more anxiety, I've had that on here and it helps to become less emotionally attached.

I agree but at the same time it's natural for people to want to question things that don't sit right with them. It's not easy to suppress that need, also the majority of people will 'rubber neck' I think that's to be expected really.

Whilst what you're saying is the most logical, we're not all great with self control on here and all have different triggers, I admit I find it hard not to stick my two pence in, I'm not sure why that is but that's the truth and I can't really see how it helps, there's no logic or self discipline there!

---------- Post added at 23:29 ---------- Previous post was at 23:26 ----------

P.S You're not obliged to answer my query Helen, but if you'd rather PM me that's fine, separate to this I'm genuinely interested for my own personal reasons!

10-10-16, 23:33
I agree but at the same time it's natural for people to want to question things that don't sit right with them. It's not easy to suppress that need, also the majority of people will 'rubber neck' I think that's to be expected really.

Whilst what you're saying is the most logical, we're not all great with self control on here and all have different triggers, I admit I find it hard not to stick my two pence in, I'm not sure why that is but that's the truth and I can't really see how it helps, there's no logic or self discipline there!

---------- Post added at 23:29 ---------- Previous post was at 23:26 ----------

P.S You're not obliged to answer my query Helen, but if you'd rather PM me that's fine, separate to this I'm genuinely interested for my own personal reasons!

Yes, I know but the point is - that's an internal issue.

I felt the need to reply to tons of posts and it was coming from within me, it wasn't the fault too many threads were getting raised so why state it is? Getting frustrated on that basis is an issue within ourselves, regardless of the truth behind anyone.

Remember about "watering the plant" earlier? Yet some keep watering it and complaining they are having to do so.

10-10-16, 23:35
Terry does have an ability to make me see things, including my own behaviour, in a different light. And when I look back at my own posts in Helen's threads, I do see one or two things that make me uncomfortable. Ever since I started to improve, the only reason I return to the forum at all is because I want to help people as best I can.

I also believe that KatiePink has a point about challenging things that don't sit right. We could all walk away, but sometimes you see something that affronts your sense of fairness or decency. Indeed, you could look at some of the responses aimed at Helen and say they also affront fairness and decency.

It comes back to the argument that crops up quite a lot - do we remain sympathetic, try the tough love or just toss our hands in the air and walk away? I'd be lying if I said the car crash element doesn't draw me in. I'm not ashamed to say that. I'm only human after all. And sometimes I feel affronted by the way Helen posts, specifically the salient points she constantly ignores or dodges, or excellent questions she avoids even though people only ask in the hope of helping and getting her to do some thinking.

Ultimately, yeah, detaching emotionally from the thread is the best thing to do. And yes, a read of the OCD forum is extremely revealing. Helen wouldn't seem that out of place, and this is what leads me to believe she does have OCD (not that I'm qualified to know).

I just want Helen to get treatment. At the end of the day, that's the only reason I ever started responding to her, and it's the only way to break out of this cycle.

10-10-16, 23:39
Yes, I know but the point is - that's an internal issue.

I felt the need to reply to tons of posts and it was coming from within me, it wasn't the fault too many threads were getting raised so why state it is? Getting frustrated on that basis is an issue within ourselves, regardless of the truth behind anyone.

Remember about "watering the plant" earlier? Yet some keep watering it and complaining they are having to do so.

I get you Terry, personally I don't get frustrated about Helen getting replies that doesn't bother me in the slightest.

10-10-16, 23:42
The attempts at troll-outing here are getting a bit uncomfortable for me. There's much that doesn't add up, the OPs netiquette needs some serious work, and ridiculing her unwelcome thoughts might have worked so she saw them for what they are (it didn't), but I'd rather take on face value that we're dealing with someone here who's potentially vulnerable. I'd rather get egg on my face and be wrong than hector someone fragile and make baseless allegations. I've been as bad as most I suppose, but we need to finally put the popcorn down and let her find some peace, and not keep getting in this weird cycle that's not healthy for anyone. We're not experts on mental health, if she is genuine about her fears she needs serious help she won't find here.

Just to stick my two pence in again :D my question to Helen was not with any intention or any 'troll outing', i already know what I believe to be the situation here. I am just genuinely interested in the South Korea job but Helen doesn't seem to want to answer, and that's fine.

Gary A
10-10-16, 23:47
Can I just ask, was there ever any confirmation about the OP actually having OCD? I don't recall that there was. If there's been no diagnosis, why not? People with experience of OCD seem quite certain she has OCD, why has there been no diagnosis of it? If there has been a diagnosis, where is the treatment?

10-10-16, 23:49
Can I just ask, was there ever any confirmation about the OP actually having OCD? I don't recall that there was. If there's been no diagnosis, why not? People with experience of OCD seem quite certain she has OCD, why has there been no diagnosis of it? If there has been a diagnosis, where is the treatment?

I don't believe she's ever had a psych evaluation so I doubt there's an official diagnosis.

Gary A
10-10-16, 23:50
I get you Terry, personally I don't get frustrated about Helen getting replies that doesn't bother me in the slightest.

I actually don't get bothered by the amount of threads either, I get bothered by the large content going virtually ignored.

10-10-16, 23:58
If I recall rightly, she mentioned she had OCD along time ago. I can't remember if she said it was diagnosed, treated, etc.

She fits OCD more than GAD or Somatoform Disorders to me. It's very obvious it's not GAD to me. It's too focused and obsessive-compulsive.

11-10-16, 00:01
Let's face it, it screams OCD.

11-10-16, 00:11
Maybe the OCD board would be more fitting, with people who can understand more?

Although I know it lacks visitors compared to the HA.

11-10-16, 00:18
I was 'treated' I was fourteen and had a mentor/therapist went to cahms, it all triggered when I moved out my house a few years back and been off/on since. It progressed towards health last summer when a family member was diagnosed with ski cancer. Ironically during game their treatment I was very ballsy and positive, it came about not long after.

---------- Post added at 00:18 ---------- Previous post was at 00:17 ----------

It re-appeared*

11-10-16, 00:20
You're 26 now, though, and it sounds like the issue has changed. Whatever was done at 14 has little bearing on what you need now. You know you can't go on like this.

11-10-16, 00:27
Oh I know it has but I'm very self aware of what I'm like. I know how and why it began back then, why it reappeared & then again. I don't know how to control it but I know I have done; regularly and recently. I know I say i am getting better that I mean it and I openly admit when I'm having a spiral, like currently.

It is possible without therapy and meds. I should've followed it up first time I self refereed start if the year but if it's and buts we're candy and nuts (is that the phrase?)

Gary A
11-10-16, 00:29
I was 'treated' I was fourteen and had a mentor/therapist went to cahms, it all triggered when I moved out my house a few years back and been off/on since. It progressed towards health last summer when a family member was diagnosed with ski cancer. Ironically during game their treatment I was very ballsy and positive, it came about not long after.

---------- Post added at 00:18 ---------- Previous post was at 00:17 ----------

It re-appeared*

Right, now we're getting somewhere. Stay with this, don't just go back to your percieved symptoms.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you need to pass a full medical and psychological evaluation within 90 days of being in Korea as a resident, before you are allowed to teach?

Wouldn't that involve having to reveal medical history and treatment?

Is this why you don't want to get any type of treatment? Are you afraid that it will affect your move?

11-10-16, 00:33
Honestly yes, that's why I delayed it first time round but I caved (around the phantoms slel debalce) and got in touch with GP and refereed. It did come up on my medical but because he menti Bed I was controlling it minus meds it was ok. Touch and go but because it's not a 'serious' mental illness it wasn't ok.

---------- Post added at 00:33 ---------- Previous post was at 00:32 ----------

Sorry but I have to laugh at ski cancer. It's autocorrect and the tiny screen ��

11-10-16, 00:39
I laughed at ski cancer as well, but I didn't want to say anything. I just silently pictured a ski with a massive tumour on the end...

Anyway, to answer your question about whether it's possible to beat it without medication and therapy. I'm not qualified to give what might be called a professional point of view, but generally speaking, all mental health problems should be assessed and treated. Yes, it's definitely possible to do it without medication. Many have done. Many choose to try the medication. It's a bit of a lottery with the meds, although I personally am happy with mine. Again, technically, I imagine you probably can get better without therapy, but I don't think it's wise to try. Even if you use an online course (but you'd have to be disciplined and stick with it).

Overall, I'd say don't neglect your mental health just because it lacks the outward signs of a physical illness. Think about it - why wouldn't you want to manage your mental health?

Gary A
11-10-16, 00:47
Honestly yes, that's why I delayed it first time round but I caved (around the phantoms slel debalce) and got in touch with GP and refereed. It did come up on my medical but because he menti Bed I was controlling it minus meds it was ok. Touch and go but because it's not a 'serious' mental illness it wasn't ok.

---------- Post added at 00:33 ---------- Previous post was at 00:32 ----------

Sorry but I have to laugh at ski cancer. It's autocorrect and the tiny screen ��

The point is though, that you're going to need to be psychologically evaluated in Korea also. Medical bills are expensive there. Wouldn't the sensible thing be to try and put the trip off and receive some much needed treatment at home to improve your condition?

I honestly cannot for the life of me see how, in less than two weeks, you'll be prepared to teach classes of children in a foreign country without any type of treatment.

11-10-16, 00:47
It re-appeared*

11-10-16, 01:11
I simply do not understand why everybody keeps getting involved in this nonsense.

My thoughts are Munchausen's or some sort of personality disorder.

11-10-16, 01:59
Thank you Elen. Truly, there are no words that can describe this. There's a book called "Brain of Fire" by Susannah Cahalan that describes her experience with this illness. It's being made into a movie too.

I visited this weekend and stayed Friday night into Saturday night. She was in pretty rough shape and had 3 "episodes" during that time. The one Friday when I arrived and two more before I left Saturday evening. I'm physically and mentally exhausted and have started to take time away so I can keep myself healthy. After all, I'm no good to anyone if I out of commission.

I hope you don't mind me replying to Reb in this manner. It's an attempt to show the absolute self absorbed absurdity of her posts. My mother has dementia so again, I actually witness what it's like when someone is truly in psychosis. Like some others, I'm in the mind set that this has become some kind of warped game. In fact, this very thread has been posted on AZ too! (and gets similar responses) There's a certain pattern to all of this and it goes back to the beginning. I truly do believe there is something going on with Reb but I believe it goes far beyond just HA.

Thank you again for your concern and kind words. I called the hospital this morning and then again a short while ago. Other than an "episode" this morning, she's had a good day. Hopefully, that will continue this evening during my visit.

Positive thoughts

I am so very sorry this is happening to you, you are in my prayers.

11-10-16, 04:54
I simply do not understand why everybody keeps getting involved in this nonsense.

My thoughts are Munchausen's or some sort of personality disorder.

Wow... that certainly fits the behavior and profile.... I would love to read a professional mental health professional's opinion/diagnosis.

Positive thoughts

11-10-16, 05:31
Munchausen's is about lying. Here is what WHO say:

F68.1 Intentional production or feigning of symptoms or disabilities, either physical or psychological [factitious disorder]

The patient feigns symptoms repeatedly for no obvious reason and may even inflict self-harm in order to produce symptoms or signs. The motivation is obscure and presumably internal with the aim of adopting the sick role. The disorder is often combined with marked disorders of personality and relationships.

Hospital hopper syndrome
Münchhausen syndrome
Peregrinating patient
factitial dermatitis (L98.1)
person feigning illness (with obvious motivation) (Z76.5)

Got to disagree on that one. Besides, there are others that are not based on purposely lying but exaggeration of another diagnosed disorder. We think Munchausens because it's been in the media but we never hear of the other disorders.

Maybe there is a PD in play, I'm not sure. To be honest, Reb's anxiety going away all those years would make me think not as I know 3 others on here with PD's and there lives are very very different to Reb's as it is damaging. There are different PD's of course, some more impact how the person behaves without the anxiety involved but I think that's territory for experts, not armchair bods like us as you can't base something that complex on a few threads and it could be insulting too knowing some of the PD's. Please be careful, like I said, I've had many areas of irrational thoughts like this and there are other OCD sufferers on here the same so what are we going to think?

Even if no PD, it can still be based on personality traits. I've worked with people who need endless "stroking" for reassurance. Add HA on top of that with a reassurance pattern and you are bound to have a cumulative effect. Whereas those who never need reassurance before may have a less intense cycle of it with the anxiety added. Or are we all the same? Nope. How many people frequent Facebook, Twitter, etc and post inane b+llocks about what they've been doing? People take photos of their lunch and post them. Someone like that is bound to bring that with them if they get an anxiety disorder, in my opinion, as it's part of their personality. Not all "needy" people have PD's surely?

Besides, if someone has a PD, why can't they be on here? Like I said, we already have 3 others I know of. We have people who are bipolar too. Whilst it's called NMP, it's not just an anxiety site.

11-10-16, 05:51
I agree Terry, we are not qualified to diagnose and I am not a psychiatrist. However I do have a Masters Degree in Psychology, have always been fascinated by such things so have done a LOT of reading and I worked directly with mental health clients for 11 years.

I worked with several people with Borderline Personality Disorder (most of whom I liked very much) and am not suggesting this is Reb's situation, there are a whole raft of personality disorders and to me the manipulation and the complete lack of regard or empathy for others on the forum, or lack of interest at all, points to something along these lines and anxiety is a common manifestation of all personality disorders to my knowledge. We are only taking Helen's word for it that she had anxiety/OCD as a child and it went away. In fact she divulges such scant information so we know almost nothing about her at all.

With regard to Munchausen's, I am not expert here, again have read about it a long time ago, and the pattern of making up ailments to get attention is what fits here. Of course we don't know what Helen gets up to away from the forum.

I didn't put these ideas forward to be cruel or insulting, just as a possible insight as maybe an anxiety forum is not the right place for her?

11-10-16, 06:03
Some observations to consider:

1) The number of pages in the thread.

Has the OP caused that? Haven't we cause that?

How much of the thread is about members talking to each other, not the OP?

How much of the thread length is added to because of quoting?

Unless you deduct all that, you don't get to what the OP contributes to the thread length. I'll have a guess at the OP making up 2-3 pages.

2) Posting whilst at work.

Aren't the OP's posts very short? Could that be exactly the case because she is at work?

At my last place I would get 2 10 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch. In that time, how much could I post I wonder? The same with reading the replies.

3) The OP isn't acknowledging replies.

Ok, I think this is a very fair & valid point BUT I'm going to throw something in there - she's at work. In 2) above people are complaining how can she posting whilst at work YET some want more posting and more comprehensive posting.

I think it's very fair that people feel they are not being acknowledged BUT what if this changed? Would that mean those complaining "I wish I had your employer" would strengthen their case?

When outside work, that's a different story.

I wonder sometimes whether she is skipping over to post something about HER because she can't spend the time responding when at work and whether she is in some denial over things/finds it hard to face the tough questions. I remember her saying she was 90% ok and we were saying that's very unlikely as you just wouldn't be on an anxiety site. I took that as being about some denial or maybe lack of understanding of how things are impacting her. I don't know, I'm just throwing a few alternatives out there.

I get frustrated too so I understand how people feel about it. Recently I've posted 3 things and been completely blanked by 2 other members. A little voice in my head said "well eff you then". In the case of one it was answering their question yet they chose to ignore me in favour of replying to someone who gave them poor info that didn't match what the professionals say about the issue they were panicking over. I was wondering whether this meant they were rude or just couldn't face the reality of the facts or whether they were just continuing to engage in their fear which in this case was because the other poster was allowing them to continue with the tunnel vision of their distortions?

---------- Post added at 05:56 ---------- Previous post was at 05:54 ----------

With regard to Munchausen's, I am not expert here, again have read about it a long time ago, and the pattern of making up ailments to get attention is what fits here.

What has she made up?

---------- Post added at 06:03 ---------- Previous post was at 05:56 ----------

We are only taking Helen's word for it that she had anxiety/OCD as a child and it went away.

I'm not. I'm looking at her behaviour now and coming to the conclusion of OCD.

11-10-16, 06:37
As usual, very wise and thought out post Terry :)

The thing is, over the internet we don't know what has been made up and what is real.

I do understand the OCD aspect, have two brothers with it, but I still think there could be other avenues.

11-10-16, 06:58
I don't deny there could be, Shaz. But either way, it's guesswork. I've seen how guesswork goes wrong on here and I worry about the route this can take if you know what I mean?

I know others on here who ask about auditory hallucinations and their worries over schizophrenia. I've seen them talk about flesh eating bugs, think they are being followed, think the TV is relaying messages, etc. There IS a difference in them and this case, I won't deny that over the reassurance element and the lack of response, but if people are hinging it on the scenarios presented, they will be including others on NMP with OCD too, myself included.

11-10-16, 07:02
I just can't understand why people on here say horrible and mean things to her and it seems like the same ones all the time. If she upsets you just don't reply. I have plenty of knife wounds in my back so it doesn't bother me if you all take a shot at me.

11-10-16, 07:10
I just can't understand why people on here say horrible and mean things to her and it seems like the same ones all the time. If she upsets you just don't reply. I have plenty of knife wounds in my back so it doesn't bother me if you all take a shot at me.

I wouldn't dare, you've got an actual shotgun!!! :winks:

I can understand frustration but yep, I agree with you, there is no need for unpleasantness. The thing is Karina, not everyone is comfortable saying what you have here because their anxiety would be impacted by a possible argument and like I said last time, one lovely member has left after reading these threads out of fear of responses on her thread (which she wouldn't get, she is lovely and supportive but she did get one troll on there and it really upset her) so I think that people need to remember this.

Patience can be hard with anxiety though, and I've had my outbursts. :noangel: I just wish it didn't happen, it's better when the forum is pure support without frustrated posts.

11-10-16, 07:15
I just can't understand why people on here say horrible and mean things to her and it seems like the same ones all the time. If she upsets you just don't reply. I have plenty of knife wounds in my back so it doesn't bother me if you all take a shot at me.

Agree with you Flipp. Don't understand why people keep posting if they find it frustrating, they are the ones keeping it going. Says as much about them as the the poster. Plenty of other threads to get involved in.

I await the arrows. :D:ohmy:

11-10-16, 08:01
I am not afraid to speak up,for many years I kept quiet,but have found my voice and it doesn't bother me what others have too say,if you have nothing nice to say,say nothing.
Terry you are a lovely kind man.:hugs:

Yes Terry is a lovely kind man. :) I wish I were as brave as you. Last tine I spoke out on here I got shouted at, so tend not to get involved, as it makes my anxiety flare up. A lot of strong personalities on here.

Gary A
11-10-16, 08:19
I say "horrible" things to her because she is in no way trying to help herself and I'm not going to encourage that by offering hugs and kisses. Pretty simple really.

Two posters now have expressed that they aren't a fan of that approach, which is fine of course, but have decided to add little subliminal digs about "awaiting the arrows" and being "stabbed in the back."

Bit dramatic, no?

11-10-16, 08:23
In answer as to why people post on Helens threads its because , I along side MANY other people feel like we are being played, she moves from one frankly ridiculous statement to the next and whilst initially people have sympathy for her the reality is that we believe she is playing us. WE reply because we are offended that someone would use this site for their own pleasure. That may come across as a callous statement but look back at all the unbelievably stupid questions she has asked she CANNOT be for real she NEVER listens to advice , changes the subject and then comes back with something even more bizarre.

11-10-16, 08:34
Yes I understand that, but there are threads she's posted where people haven't replied and they've soon fizzled out. If you have issue with the poster then dont reply.
Ok Gary I take your comments on board. It wasn't meant to be subliminal. Posted more from a position of fear of repercussion.

11-10-16, 08:35
In answer as to why people post on Helens threads its because , I along side MANY other people feel like we are being played, she moves from one frankly ridiculous statement to the next and whilst initially people have sympathy for her the reality is that we believe she is playing us. WE reply because we are offended that someone would use this site for their own pleasure. That may come across as a callous statement but look back at all the unbelievably stupid questions she has asked she CANNOT be for real she NEVER listens to advice , changes the subject and then comes back with something even more bizarre.

So, when I give examples of others on the OCD board who have raised similar issues...?

What may seem bizarre to you is not to me. I don't have HA but I have had many themes of OCD and some have been very trivial. Luckily trivial forms are accepted on the OCD board.

Gary A
11-10-16, 08:39
In answer as to why people post on Helens threads its because , I along side MANY other people feel like we are being played, she moves from one frankly ridiculous statement to the next and whilst initially people have sympathy for her the reality is that we believe she is playing us. WE reply because we are offended that someone would use this site for their own pleasure. That may come across as a callous statement but look back at all the unbelievably stupid questions she has asked she CANNOT be for real she NEVER listens to advice , changes the subject and then comes back with something even more bizarre.

I don't feel we're being "played" in the sense that the OP is a perfectly healthy person just up to naughtiness, but I do feel there is a lot of exaggeration and half truths involved. I can't work that out myself but I'm trying to understand it.

If the OP could be a bit more honest it would go a long way into us helping her. How can you help someone when you're not sure what is true and what isn't?

---------- Post added at 08:39 ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 ----------

Yes I understand that, but there are threads she's posted where people haven't replied and they've soon fizzled out. If you have issue with the poster then dont reply.
Ok Gary I take your comments on board. It wasn't meant to be subliminal. Posted more from a position of fear of repercussion.

Well don't feel that way. I've been an argumentative git in the past myself but I'm trying to stop that. I honestly am just using my own tactics to try and drag the truth and full story out of the OP. Believe it or not, I do want to help her, but first and foremost she must help herself.

It's a shame that people think they can't post their opinions because they fear repercussions. I'm partly to blame for that, but I'm honestly a teddy bear when you get to know me. :whistles:

11-10-16, 08:44
I think that's a fair point, Gary. Most people are willing to give the detail easily rather than need an approach that's getting closer to closed questions at this point. I also feel she needs to face up to this and I'm not sure she has.

Taking action can be very hard though. I'm a big avoider and sometimes you have to set goals around other people so you are less likely to back out.

---------- Post added at 08:44 ---------- Previous post was at 08:42 ----------

Thunderbuddies eh Gary? :biggrin: Or are you more a Paddington?

Gary A
11-10-16, 08:45
I think that's a fair point, Gary. Most people are willing to give the detail easily rather than need an approach that's getting closer to closed questions at this point. I also feel she needs to face up to this and I'm not sure she has.

Taking action can be very hard though. I'm a big avoider and sometimes you have to set goals around other people so you are less likely to back out.

Case in point. Last night I accused her of trolling and it set off her giving me more actual detail about her situation in two or three posts than I've seen in 160 odd threads.

I feel I actually got somewhere. At least now I understand why she didn't seek treatment. I still feel I shouldn't have to go to such lengths to get that type of detail, but that's just how it is I guess.

11-10-16, 08:48
I don't feel we're being "played" in the sense that the OP is a perfectly healthy person just up to naughtiness, but I do feel there is a lot of exaggeration and half truths involved. I can't work that out myself but I'm trying to understand it.

If the OP could be a bit more honest it would go a long way into us helping her. How can you help someone when you're not sure what is true and what isn't?

---------- Post added at 08:39 ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 ----------

Well don't feel that way. I've been an argumentative git in the past myself but I'm trying to stop that. I honestly am just using my own tactics to try and drag the truth and full story out of the OP. Believe it or not, I do want to help her, but first and foremost she must help herself.

It's a shame that people think they can't post their opinions because they fear repercussions. I'm partly to blame for that, but I'm honestly a teddy bear when you get to know me. :whistles:

Thank you for the reply. When you have anxiety it's takes a lot to take opposing views because you always fear the fall out. I've read a lot of your posts and have found them helpful and common sense. Terry is right though, if you look on the OCD board you can see there are a lot of things you might find far more bizarre than Helens posts, but because the HA board is more popular they don't get the same attention.
Regards :)

11-10-16, 08:49
Case in point. Last night I accused her of trolling and it set off her giving me more actual detail about her situation in two or three posts than I've seen in 160 odd threads.

I feel I actually got somewhere. At least now I understand why she didn't seek treatment. I still feel I shouldn't have to go to such lengths to get that type of detail, but that's just how it is I guess.

Yes, I agree. The response you got was not only more detailed but felt very genuine and Reb needs to take note of that because it would satisfy other members more.

Gary A
11-10-16, 08:58
Yes, I agree. The response you got was not only more detailed but felt very genuine and Reb needs to take note of that because it would satisfy other members more.

Things in the past ring alarm bells also. The fake GP appointment and the subsequent "my mum wouldn't let me go" or "my sister was supposed to book an appointment but never" explanation is going to get people's backs up. People don't like being treated like they're stupid, especially when many have went to great lengths to do nothing more than help.

I do feel there's far too much questioning of people's approach to the OP and not nearly enough questioning of that how the OP's behaviour encourages such approaches. People who wouldn't say boo in any other thread have utterly lost it with her at times.

There has to be a degree of the OP taking at least some responsibility for that, surely?

11-10-16, 09:25
I'd be mortified if any of my posts or threads caused such a reaction from people on an anxiety website. I cannot understand what Reb gets out of this form of posting in terms of actual help. I don't know what she actually seeks to gain from contributing to NMP.

11-10-16, 09:45
I am mortified.

If not a constant reassurance seeker how else can yo call me a troll or say I have PD? I don't, I know people who do. I have not lied so please remove those comments, no wonder you're all sat around bitching. YOU are the Ines responsible for this mess in the comments, yes you replied gave me assurance and I wanted more because I was concerned. I've not manipulated, I've not backtracked and I've not lied. If anything you've made me feel worse about myself.

11-10-16, 09:50
I decided to look back through the posts, to join the dots, so to speak. When there's so many, basic info can get kind of lost. On one of them there was something rather odd "#anxietybexasks50questions"..don't know what that's about!

Anyway, Reb/Helen/Bex mentioned that she has a CBT book given to her by an aunt, and that she had found it helpful. As she has something at her disposal (I kept asking if she'd joined CBT online support but got ignored), then maybe we can now leave her to use it.

I'm annoyed at myself for missing this, but no matter, she has something she can utilise, and it's in her own home - so good news. You mentioned you're working from home Reb, so I'm sure you will have plenty of time to get some CBT reading done before your trip.

Gary A
11-10-16, 09:53
I am mortified.

If not a constant reassurance seeker how else can yo call me a troll or say I have PD? I don't, I know people who do. I have not lied so please remove those comments, no wonder you're all sat around bitching. YOU are the Ines responsible for this mess in the comments, yes you replied gave me assurance and I wanted more because I was concerned. I've not manipulated, I've not backtracked and I've not lied. If anything you've made me feel worse about myself.

Yes, you have lied. You lied about booking a GP appointment a while back. That was proven by two differing explanations of your non-attendance here and on another board. You constantly tell us that you're "doing better", even though 160 threads of hysteria would show a bat with sunglasses on that you clearly are not.

You manipulate threads by only mentioning what you want to discuss. In order for anyone to really aid you, clearly you need more than just "that symptom is normal" or whatever. You rarely give more, though. You evade pertinent points and questions and constantly return threads back to discussing your percieved symptoms. That is manipulation, pure and simple.

And no, we are not responsible for this, you are. You take not a jot of advice and in fact, do your absolute damnedest to avoid doing what would clearly be best for you. Again, you've lied in order to avoid doing what's best for you, if you're not responsible for that, then who is?

It really is time for you to sit back and examine your behaviour.

11-10-16, 09:54
You don't help yourself, some of your comments have been ridiculous in the extreme. " I saw someone smoking and could smell smoke is this normal??" or some such rubbish , really!!! behave yourself!! we are not idiots don't treat us as such.

11-10-16, 10:01
I decided to look back through the posts, to join the dots, so to speak. When there's so many, basic info can get kind of lost. On one of them there was something rather odd "#anxietybexasks50questions"..don't know what that's about!

Anyway, Reb/Helen/Bex mentioned that she has a CBT book given to her by an aunt, and that she had found it helpful. As she has something at her disposal (I kept asking if she'd joined CBT online support but got ignored), then maybe we can now leave her to use it.

I'm annoyed at myself for missing this, but no matter, she has something she can utilise, and it's in her own home - so good news. You mentioned you're working from home Reb, so I'm sure you will have plenty of time to get some CBT reading done before your trip.


11-10-16, 10:03
I may not have the intelligence like most of you on here I might be blind as well,this is not a court room and you are not the Judge and Jury.

Gary A
11-10-16, 10:04
While that's certainly a talking point, again, this type of rubbish would be avoided if the OP would just quit messing around with half stories and evasive responses.

Just tell us the bloody truth.

11-10-16, 10:07

Bex is short/slang for Rebecca or Becky I take it she just wanted to hashtag the fact she was asking a lot of questions.
Doubt the book has helped I've not seen any CBT mentioned anyway.

11-10-16, 10:10
It was in one of the earlier posts Katie. She mentioned that her aunt gave it to her, and she had found it helpful. Looks like that's the way to go.

11-10-16, 10:27
Things in the past ring alarm bells also. The fake GP appointment and the subsequent "my mum wouldn't let me go" or "my sister was supposed to book an appointment but never" explanation is going to get people's backs up. People don't like being treated like they're stupid, especially when many have went to great lengths to do nothing more than help.

I do feel there's far too much questioning of people's approach to the OP and not nearly enough questioning of that how the OP's behaviour encourages such approaches. People who wouldn't say boo in any other thread have utterly lost it with her at times.

There has to be a degree of the OP taking at least some responsibility for that, surely?

There will never be an answer to the approach question, in my opinion. No one here is remotely qualified to determine that and so it falls to Admin to define it in the rules. Until they do that, all these debates will go on. It was going on when I joined. If Admin define clearly what is acceptable and then enforce that as a rule, the question is answered. It may be wrong, we may argue it's wrong, but Admin can quite easily shut that debate down as they have others elsewhere on the forum.

There are discussion threads elsewhere about approach. The same happens every time, no one agrees.

I would agree to some responsibility, but it's a shared thing as I believe others would need to take responsibility for other aspects of the threads.

---------- Post added at 10:19 ---------- Previous post was at 10:11 ----------

I may not have the intelligence like most of you on here I might be blind as well,this is not a court room and you are not the Judge and Jury.

Having many irrational themes in my OCD, I have to question the outrage over some of this. Thankfully other OCDers like that tend to hang out more on the OCD board so won't see it.

It's great to see some people looking at that board and finding that some of us are having fears that are way out there. The more the merrier on that score.

---------- Post added at 10:27 ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 ----------

I decided to look back through the posts, to join the dots, so to speak. When there's so many, basic info can get kind of lost. On one of them there was something rather odd "#anxietybexasks50questions"..don't know what that's about!

Anyway, Reb/Helen/Bex mentioned that she has a CBT book given to her by an aunt, and that she had found it helpful. As she has something at her disposal (I kept asking if she'd joined CBT online support but got ignored), then maybe we can now leave her to use it.

I'm annoyed at myself for missing this, but no matter, she has something she can utilise, and it's in her own home - so good news. You mentioned you're working from home Reb, so I'm sure you will have plenty of time to get some CBT reading done before your trip.

First point - it's as Katie says. Not she why that's an issue?

On the CBT front she also has had links to workbooks from some of us and Primula gave her a good tools site that she was using.

Online CBT is worth a look but unless it's remote supported, there is no evidence it works according to NICE. There are some out there though and her GP could arrange one as could the person she was referred to who has sent out information to her.

The service sending that information are the IAPT service provider who decide what she needs. They told her her trip stops any treatment, which we all knew anyway but the IAPT could set up online supported CBT I reckon as it will be email support.

It's worth a push. At worst they refuse or make themselves a pain over it.

11-10-16, 10:35
Terry, did I say it was an issue? I said it was rather odd, as I had no idea what it meant, Katie has clarified, which I appreciate.

Going back to the CBT, the point of my post ( which seems to have been overlooked) was that Reb has a book that she herself has found helpful in the past. It would make sense for her to use something that she has found helpful, wouldn't you agree? She leaves in under a fortnight. There seems little point in gp appts etc.

11-10-16, 10:54
She's with the IAPT now unless they have discharged her? Either party can arrange the online CBT, it just then depends on when a support worker becomes available. It may be possible for that to start once out there, I don't know, it's something to look into.

Books, workbooks, anything. It's better than nothing.

Throughout these threads people have been looking for holes, so when I see something like that pop up, I'm going to question the need to introduce it here since it could be another username. The same was done with the AZ one some threads back. I feel at times that people are "reaching", so I'm unclear at why certain things are being said. I doubt I'm the only one.

11-10-16, 11:15
I don't know who she's with, but as she is seemingly getting no imput, then it can probably be discounted as useless. Either they aren't contacting her, or she's not contacting them - I don't know how the system works.
As for the other part of my post, if you are suggesting I'm "looking for holes" Terry, I think you yourself are looking for holes. I didn't allude to another identity being used, I don't know what the hash business is for, and I wondered if it was connected to other posts. Nothing sinister, nothing with hidden agenda. And I'm not sure I should have to explain this, as it was evident enough, but there you go.

Back to the main topic. Reb has the book she says was helpful. Better than nothing indeed, and certainly better than wasting time posting on here.

Gary A
11-10-16, 11:24
It's simple. A lot of people believe the OP is a troll who is messing around with them. People don't like that, so they seek to point it out.

I don't think she's a troll, but I sympathise with people who do.

You have a direct experience of OCD so you know better than 99% of us how it manifests itself. It isn't confusing to you, but it is to people who don't understand it.

I can quite easily see how people would label questions like "I was standing next to smokers and could smell smoke, is this normal", as ridiculous or absurd. Of course when you delve into OCD you see this type of thing is common, but it comes as quite a shock to those of us with little to no experience of it.

As I've said, I can just about get past that and try to educate myself on OCD, but what I cannot and will never understand is the evasion, the ignorance and the downright lies.

This has happened in the past as well. People demanding support and answers, clearly displaying signs of severe mental health issues, but at the same time also displaying an appalling attitude toward those who are intent on helping.

I don't know, damned kids and their internet. :mad:

11-10-16, 11:41
I don't know who she's with, but as she is seemingly getting no imput, then it can probably be discounted as useless. Either they aren't contacting her, or she's not contacting them - I don't know how the system works.
As for the other part of my post, if you are suggesting I'm "looking for holes" Terry, I think you yourself are looking for holes. I didn't allude to another identity being used, I don't know what the hash business is for, and I wondered if it was connected to other posts. Nothing sinister, nothing with hidden agenda. And I'm not sure I should have to explain this, as it was evident enough, but there you go.

Back to the main topic. Reb has the book she says was helpful. Better than nothing indeed, and certainly better than wasting time posting on here.

Fair enough, Mercime. You don't have to explain.

I made that point because I'm well aware of how some posters do attempt it. It goes on, some have even said it to me on PM and sometimes they have been wrong, sometimes right.

So, naturally when I see a completely irrelevant point raised that may point to what I perceived, I question it. I will scrutinise it. Until someone explains it, I don't know which it is.

I've done the same over the length of this thread, the time spent at work posting, the poor responses. There was a hole.

It's not always easy to know what certain things mean on a negative thread.

11-10-16, 13:36
Enough... really... ENOUGH!

Just a thought people....

When you stop watering a plant, it eventually dies...

Positive thoughts


12-10-16, 08:10
Hope your wife is well Fishman

I had another sleepless night worrying about my thoughts - sometimes whilst falling asleep/half awake I have ramblings that make no sense, scripted abd other people. They are thoughts but in other people's voices. This is why I worry in 'hearing voices' my boyfriend says it's normal and he gets it but I'll hear random phrases And words that make no sense or replay shows or have conversations in my head.

Gary A
12-10-16, 08:22
Hope your wife is well Fishman

I had another sleepless night worrying about my thoughts - sometimes whilst falling asleep/half awake I have ramblings that make no sense, scripted abd other people. They are thoughts but in other people's voices. This is why I worry in 'hearing voices' my boyfriend says it's normal and he gets it but I'll hear random phrases And words that make no sense or replay shows or have conversations in my head.

That's nice.

12-10-16, 08:28
In terrified its voice though Gary. To hear thoughts but in someone else voice like they are saying something random but within my thought process.

Gary A
12-10-16, 08:31
In terrified its voice though Gary. To hear thoughts but in someone else voice like they are saying something random but within my thought process.

Yeah, your description of these so called "voices" changes almost hourly.

Hang it up will you.

12-10-16, 08:36
I'm not lying. I had a sleepless night because the mind chatter was concernin me.

---------- Post added at 08:36 ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 ----------

Like it's not always someone else's voice but occasionally.

Gary A
12-10-16, 08:37
I'm not lying. I had a sleepless night because the mind chatter was concernin me.

What do you want me to do? What do you want me to say? You've been told that this is quite normal, across at least two boards I might add, and you just IGNORE THE REPLIES.

I'm not telling you what you already know. If you're that concerned, go back and read one of the already existing replies to this inane nonsense. There are literally hundreds of them.

12-10-16, 08:44
Have you or do you experience the same thing? Thoughts overlap and sometimes random nonsense 'voice' thoughts?

Gary A
12-10-16, 08:46
Have you or do you experience the same thing? Thoughts overlap and sometimes random nonsense 'voice' thoughts?

Go back and read previous replies, I'm not playing this game anymore.

12-10-16, 09:25

We all have strange trains of thought from time to time.

You are not schizophrenic, if you were, you wouldn't be here asking these questions.

Honestly, you have to try and calm down and accept this.

Gary A
12-10-16, 10:29
Now for a few hours of the OP saying nothing, and of course the obligatory return to ask the same question, completely ignoring everything we've said.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

12-10-16, 11:57
Hope your wife is well Fishman

I had another sleepless night worrying about my thoughts - sometimes whilst falling asleep/half awake I have ramblings that make no sense, scripted abd other people. They are thoughts but in other people's voices. This is why I worry in 'hearing voices' my boyfriend says it's normal and he gets it but I'll hear random phrases And words that make no sense or replay shows or have conversations in my head.

That's the Hypnagogia state, Reb. Hallucinations during this sleep state are common, documented and considered part of being human. It's fine to have auditory, visual and olfactory hallucinations during the sleep stages Hypnagogia and Hypnopompia. Anxiety is known to make them worse.

And yes, I've seen a few OCD sufferers worrying about schizophrenia who experience this and they don't understand these sleep stages and how the mind operates differently to when awake. Aside from them I've been explaining this to non OCD sufferers on the HA and Symptoms board who wonder what it was.

Many people have never heard of this. You have, I've explained it too you before. This is where you are letting a mixture of being triggered and your Cognitive Distortions take over. Rationalise it, use the Thought Records to work through it.

12-10-16, 12:15
Im afraid i agree with gary a, actually read what people are saying to you!! There are only so many times when you can be told the same thing before people think you are a wind up merchant!!! And you are rapidly losing any sympathy anyone may have for you!!!

12-10-16, 12:17
I often hear other people's voices when I'm on the cusp of falling asleep. On a few occasions it's been my late grandfather's voice - clear as day. I found it a bit freaky, but strangely comforting!

Aside from that yes, it's all normal. I've had loads of random overlapping thoughts and opinionated voices in my head whilst reading through this thread! :)

12-10-16, 12:48
Enough... really... ENOUGH!

Just a thought people....

When you stop watering a plant, it eventually dies...

Positive thoughts


And for the record Reb... a conciliatory "hope you wife is well" statement followed by more of your drivel essentially negates any well meaning! I'll stop there before I say something I shouldn't.

12-10-16, 13:12
Just in case you missed or ignored it the last 2 times:

Helen You Pm me a few weeks ago, And i replied to you you never replied back you will probably not acknowledge this post either but let me tell you about ME:

I was slightly like you last year, I was questioning everything I started picking up on every little symptom and got myself in to a right state, Then came the panic attacks the gut wrenching OMFG Im going to die panic attacks every single day. Then Bang!! October 2015 I had the worlds biggest panic attack and collapsed I was took to Hospital with a pulse of 200 bpm that wasn't planning on calming down because I was shitting myself i thought i was a goner I started to suffer from Derelization and Depersonilization ( I know you have googled these) To this day nearly a full year later I still suffer from this: I have chronic insomnia on top of that and have not slept a full night since last year: Oh and I also have deja vu now i dont mean I get it once in a while I mean i have it 24/7 non stop It does not go away, My mental health team has told me its a form of dissociation.

Now my symptoms: Racing thoughts 24/7 that overlap that dont make sense etc
Mind chatter random phrases, songs,words, things people have said anything that my brain consciously or subconsciously has picked up through out the day.
Memory flashes I get random memories flashing in my head, random images, random dreams etc while I am awake!
Mind pops, Hearing voices of things people have said.

AND YOU NO WHAT? ITS ALL CAUSED BY ANXIETY! NOT A BRAIN TUMOUR, NOT SCHIZOPHRENIA OR ANYTHING ELSE YOU ARE TRYING TO SELF DIAGNOSE YOURSELF WITH! Extreme High levels of anxiety cause thus This has been confirmed by my psychologist that i have been working with for 8 months a medical person qualified to tell you whats wrong!

Your need for reasurrance is a very tell tale sign of Anxiety!! and it needs to stop you need to stop and get a grip of your life and get some psychiatric help as quick as you can.

12-10-16, 14:26
Please stop replying now it's getting ridiculous. There are actually people on here wanting advice and listening to it when it's given

13-10-16, 17:02
Are these normal human things or have i lost it?

My anxiety is quite high again:

Watching sketch shows and seeing the joke coming (not 100% accurate)
Someone telling a joke and guessing the punchline.
Thought my boyfriend told me he'd done drugs (hasnt and bever has) - could this have just been a dream id forgotten about? I assumed i had just dreamt it. And finally entering dream mode quickly as fall asleep?

Normal thing my anxiety is freaking out about or?

Worried its schiz, brain tumor or depersonalisation?

13-10-16, 17:21
As this is going to cover much of what has already been said on previous threads I am going to merge this thread with your most recent.

13-10-16, 18:14
Gary A you are like mystic Meg.She's back !!!!! Now she knows the punch line to jokes before the joke has finished, here's my thoughts, they are crap jokes that a 12 year old would get before the end. Christ almighty,really behave yourself Helen!!!!!!!!!!?

13-10-16, 18:14
assuming you're not winding us up with the joke questions this is the same thought loop coming back helen. try and label these thoughts as "junk" and continue with your nice full life.

I wish I could follow my own advice.

13-10-16, 18:39
It's funny, I actually just read an article in Cosmo of all places about people who hang out on online forums because they like the attention they are able to receive that they aren't getting in real life.

This is a great forum. But you need help, Helen. An actual, physical person to work with you and change your thought patterns. It's great to come here and ask for support, but if all you're doing is posting here you won't get better because as you've already proven, no answer will ever be "good enough".

Yes, these new symptoms are as normal as your old ones, but no one here will convince you of that. And since it's been months and you still refuse to seek any treatment, I'd say you're up a creek.

13-10-16, 18:42
I can also see a punchline coming.......I didn`t go to Korea in the end

have you got flights booked, jabs up to date, accomodation sorted, who are you travelling with, will the school in korea mind if you tell them on the day that you can`t make it, is there a cancellation / breach of contract clause, is it a rolling or fixed term contract.....

so many questions and so little time left to come up with answers - not that you are obliged to answer me or anyone else on here of course, but it might be nice once in a while to humour us and make us feel involved in your upcoming tour.

13-10-16, 18:45
If this girl goes to South Korea this month, I promise that, this time next year, I'll visit North Korea.

13-10-16, 19:50
"Visiting" North Korea may be a tad tricky and you may end up taking tea with Uncle Kim...But having said this I'm sure there are always vacancies to join his PA team and you said you wanted a challenge...?

13-10-16, 19:58
"Visiting" North Korea may be a tad tricky and you may end up taking tea with Uncle Kim...But having said this I'm sure there are always vacancies to join his PA team and you said you wanted a challenge...?

It's possible to join guided tours of North Korea. I'm hoping to do it one day. Although the fact I've worked for a Western media organisation might mean I'm denied a visa.

13-10-16, 20:10
Just read through this and I feel slightly less neurotic than I did 40 minutes ago:)

Helen, please seek medical attention before you travel to Korea. Whatever your issues, professional help is needed I think.

13-10-16, 20:32
I replied to Katie privately about my trip but to hunour you about my fake trip i leave 12 days time, working through a company with my TEFL. Yes everything is up to date, almost all packed, learning the language via apps and phrasebooks. Flying from Birmingham airport

Ive always said id rather get a 'wtf' reply from a froum than worry any longer.

13-10-16, 20:46
I replied to Katie privately about my trip but to hunour you about my fake trip i leave 12 days time, working through a company with my TEFL. Yes everything is up to date, almost all packed, learning the language via apps and phrasebooks. Flying from Birmingham airport

Ive always said id rather get a 'wtf' reply from a froum than worry any longer.

You do realise I'm gonna have to go to North Korea now?

13-10-16, 20:47
Enough... really... ENOUGH!

Just a thought people....

When you stop watering a plant, it eventually dies...

Positive thoughts


13-10-16, 21:16
I understand your frustrations i do, but one comment of a yes thats normal is all needed for future. If i can get online there not sure if its bannrd. Isnt that NKorea? I don't plan on coming online btw! Other people need help nut so do i occasionally. I have great life and fantastic (real!) adventure ahead of me. But i get anxious and no matter how ridiculous they seem to me they're real.

Poppy, i had sought help saw GP said i have anxiety and recommended therapy. I told him about my trip and still out me forward anyway. Had two tel calls and was told i seemed tobe controlling it (i was at the time) and was told appointment avaliable next was after i was due to leave

13-10-16, 21:20
"Yes that's normal"

All of your fears are completely, without a doubt, 100% normal. These sorts of "symptoms" happen to everyone, your anxiety is just blowing it out of proportion.

If that's really all the help that was given to you, I am really very sorry. It seems you have been very let down.

13-10-16, 21:26
I understand your frustrations i do, but one comment of a yes thats normal is all needed for future. If i can get online there not sure if its bannrd. Isnt that NKorea? I don't plan on coming online btw! Other people need help nut so do i occasionally. I have great life and fantastic (real!) adventure ahead of me. But i get anxious and no matter how ridiculous they seem to me they're real.

Poppy, i had sought help saw GP said i have anxiety and recommended therapy. I told him about my trip and still out me forward anyway. Had two tel calls and was told i seemed tobe controlling it (i was at the time) and was told appointment avaliable next was after i was due to leave

Okay, that's all fine. And fishmanpa is right.

But did you just ask if the internet is banned in South Korea?

13-10-16, 21:30
Lol not the internet but facebook and instagram is right? Ive been told to download a VPN (technology and i arent friends) to help me access tbe internet.

13-10-16, 21:33
Lol not the internet but facebook and instagram is right? Ive been told to download a VPN (technology and i arent friends) to help me access tbe internet.

You're talking about one of the most advanced societies on Earth. A liberal democracy. No, Facebook and Instagram aren't banned.

Are you absolutely sure you're not going to North Korea..?

13-10-16, 21:39
My geographical knowledge isnt that bad haha

13-10-16, 21:40

22 pages..

13-10-16, 21:43
But did you just ask if the internet is banned in South Korea


13-10-16, 21:44
Social media like Instagram and Facebook isn't blocked in South Korea, but they're censorious to a certain degree I believe stuff like porn and gambling is blocked, as well as some political stuff. Nothing Helen's likely to be bothered about, but never hurts to have a VPN handy I suppose.

Yeah, gambling is illegal full-stop in South Korea. I believe they do get a bit uppity about porn, and anything to do with North Korea.

Assuming you're not looking to gamble, subvert the state to advance the cause of the communist North or, you know, have some special alone time, the South Korean internet is the best in the world.

13-10-16, 21:49
Yeah, gambling is illegal full-stop in South Korea. I believe they do get a bit uppity about porn, and anything to do with North Korea.

Assuming you're not looking to gamble, subvert the state to advance the cause of the communist North or, you know, have some special alone time, the South Korean internet is the best in the world.

Damn. Best cancel my tickets :roflmao:

13-10-16, 22:40
If this girl goes to South Korea this month, I promise that, this time next year, I'll visit North Korea.

Just seen your an IT guy, any good with photoshop? NK are always looking for people who can paste in extra missiles on their media...:winks:

---------- Post added at 22:39 ---------- Previous post was at 22:36 ----------

Social media like Instagram and Facebook isn't blocked in South Korea, but they're censorious to a certain degree I believe stuff like porn and gambling is blocked, as well as some political stuff. Nothing Helen's likely to be bothered about, but never hurts to have a VPN handy I suppose.

Shit! That's two off my list then...:whistles:

---------- Post added at 22:40 ---------- Previous post was at 22:39 ----------

Yeah, gambling is illegal full-stop in South Korea. I believe they do get a bit uppity about porn, and anything to do with North Korea.

Assuming you're not looking to gamble, subvert the state to advance the cause of the communist North or, you know, have some special alone time, the South Korean internet is the best in the world.

I blame The Dear Hunter.

Uppity about NK, like missiles flying out of there? :winks:

13-10-16, 22:45
Enemy nukes are good way of keeping your country on its toes. But the South Koreans don't seem to see it that way.

13-10-16, 23:20
Are they worried about NK firing on them or the US counterstrike when Hillary gets in?

13-10-16, 23:45
Are they worried about NK firing on them or the US counterstrike when Hillary gets in?

With the latest this past week, I'm embarassed and feel like we are the laughing stock of the world. :weep:

13-10-16, 23:51
With the latest this past week, I'm embarassed and feel like we are the laughing stock of the world. :weep:

Welcome to our club then, our EU referendum result has had media and many leaders saying the same. I'm sure it was much the same when you guys got rid of us and look how well you prospered on your own. (I voted independence :yesyes:)

Which bit are you worried about? Obama poking Putin into a war and giving ISIS connected rebels weapons to shoot down low flying passengers planes or Trump still aiming for Bill Clinton's depravity record? :blush::ohmy:

14-10-16, 02:38
It's this horrid election, I've not seen one uglier. 99% of the news is about Trump's tape and Clinton's emails and her husband's phlandering.

This is the best the 2 parties could come up with??

I am not voting, I just can't in good conscious cast a vote for either one of them. Horrible.

14-10-16, 05:19
People are certainly asking if this is the best the US can do, Nancy. But from what I've seen most people are talking about the madness our your 2 main political parties aside from the corruption issue and even that is all about the government. No one is laughing at the people, other than some making comments about the right wing elements over there. Plenty of people over here are not fond of Obama either, especially his veiled threats over the EU which went down like a lead balloon and just make people more unhappy about it all.

Our politicians are often caught out for things like scams on expenses, prostitutes, getting chained & whipped in dungeons, etc. So, we're no strangers to seedy MP's!

14-10-16, 05:40
Enough... really... ENOUGH!

Just a thought people....

When you stop watering a plant, it eventually dies...

Positive thoughts


14-10-16, 06:07
I'll just chip in one more time.
Enjoy the trip and the experience. My son did the same as you 4 years ago. Not Korea but Central Asia. The year before he went, his dad died unexpectedly and my son fell into a deep depression, most unlike him. It was very worrying. I asked him what he wanted to do with his life and he said travel. We looked into teaching abroad and he got a relevant qualification, which I had to pay for lol. Seeing him off from Gatwick was tough but, 4 years later he's never looked back. He went on his own! !
In August I attended his wedding :).
So basically just get out there and enjoy. Life's too short :shades:

14-10-16, 06:12
If people don't want to see this thread, you have options. However, we have different opinions on this and so some of us can freely choose to continue posting unless Nic or Admin say otherwise. We are all guests with no more say than the other.

It's an open forum.

14-10-16, 06:33
That much is true Terry they can. But it seems it's ok to take it off tangent completely then? What has American elections got to do with this thread? I would have thought it pertinent to either keep it on topic at this stage - or stop adding to it. You'd disagree? Or maybe you're going to tell me that I should exercise some self control and not answer?

14-10-16, 06:44
We don't tend to be quite so concerned with the "off topic" issue on here as other forums, Mercime, so I really don't care really. There are many that wander, who does it hurt really? Considering the endless rule breaking on the HA board on a daily basis, forum etiquette seems pretty worthless.

People have been talking on topic anyway and the bumps have still been happening. It's about shutting the thread down, that simple.

No to your last point but I would point out what Nic & Admin have been telling everyone for a long time about this issue - no one is making you read it. Self control? Yes, in feeling people have a gun to their head so that they have to be in this thread. You don't. Move around the forum, many of us are. Post on other threads. Help those other people some of you keep saying need help and aren't getting it because of this thread. What is so hard about that? Nothing, only what you are making it.

...oh and, what you just bumped about "watering the plant" was about stopping responding to the OP and stop keeping the thread going whether on topic or not. It seems some people don't want to see the thread, or the OP. Fine, but that's not all of us and since those complaining don't pay the bills for this website, it's just your opinion, nothing more.

I notice you didn't care about the thread being driven off topic by talk of NK...funny that.

I'll head off now to one of the many other threads that frequently divert off topic that no one ever complains about...

14-10-16, 07:19
In actual fact Terry, I couldn't believe that it had been continued when it seemed like it was petering out, without scrolling back, I think I did my last to one "bump" just before then.

"Some of you keep saying?" Some of who? Who's the "you"? Me? Ok, Terry, I'll leave you to your business and opinion - for that's all it is, and I'll keep mine.

My opinion is that this ludicrous thread should have been locked pages ago.

14-10-16, 07:47
Yes, to be fair you did but that's 4 people now at least. I get that people have that opinion, I respect it, but the continual reminders are surely not needed? Phuzella appealed the day before. And so I put that up there because I question why we need to be reminded or appealed to. I didn't reply it to you as it was about others too but it's getting tedious in my opinion, just as I'm sure it is that those of you who want this thread gone.

The "some" and "you" relate to those in this thread who have posted telling people to go to other threads and those who complain about this thread yet keep reading it and posting on it. That surely sparked the plant watering comment, an alternative to feeding the troll?

The reality is, this thread died and Elen chose to merge it. Not long ago people were asking for that. As long as Reb is here, she can raise a thread, so if its not this one it will just be another and so I fail to see how the situation is solved if people who don't want to read or comment continue to read or comment.

I was equally surprised because I chose not to post in reply to a few people after seeing Phuzella's post thinking maybe it will just go and perhaps it's best to leave things. I logged on and saw it was all going again by other people.

Yes, my opinion, your opinion. I'm only pushing back because I feel like people are trying to stifle threads. Why can't I post? If Nic or Admin say we can't, fair enough, anything else is up to me to decide on whether I wish to post or not.

Lock it, great, and then when she starts another thread and it's back to Gary's "rinse & repeat" for everyone who keeps posting. Not long ago Reb was getting stick for raising a new thread when she had an old one, now she is getting it for the opposite. Which do people want?

---------- Post added at 07:47 ---------- Previous post was at 07:32 ----------

Anyway Mercime, I think we both have enough to worry about, eh? Like I said, I do respect where you are coming from. So, I'm going to give you a big one of these :bighug: and hope we can just both battle on through our day in peace.

Gary A
14-10-16, 10:06
In actual fact Terry, I couldn't believe that it had been continued when it seemed like it was petering out, without scrolling back, I think I did my last to one "bump" just before then.

"Some of you keep saying?" Some of who? Who's the "you"? Me? Ok, Terry, I'll leave you to your business and opinion - for that's all it is, and I'll keep mine.

My opinion is that this ludicrous thread should have been locked pages ago.

Admin tried to lock the threads a while back, it really doesn't work. It simply leads to the creation of another thread.

Some people want to respond, some don't. Some get annoyed by these threads, some don't. Having had many an argument about this issue, I can honestly say that it's pointless to do so. All you do is create bad feeling.

I think it is just best to leave people to it, in this instance. The OP is clearly listening to neither approach anyway.

14-10-16, 10:25
Thanks you for your last paragraph Terry, yes, another day to get through - I wish you well for yours.

Gary - I know. I've had the OP on ignore but can still see the thread and the reply count and just find it unbelievable. I've already come to my own conclusions that Reb/Helen is a very clever person but won't say more. Point taken about thread locking.

Can someone tell me how I can put a thread and not just a person on ignore?

14-10-16, 10:33
Thanks Mercime, I appreciate that. What it must be like to not deal with anxiety every day?!

I don't think you can ignore a thread so it doesn't appear. It's just ignoring a member. I know you can hide a forum board in some of the options in your user account so if it's possible it might be in there. Nic has a how to thread about that somewhere, I don't know where it is so I would say ask Admin about this is I get the impression very use it.

EDIT: Sorry I could only see "forum to exclude from view" in the settings menu. I couldn't see anything relevant but Admin might know if it's possible. Unless there is some way to play with the view filters, I never use them?