View Full Version : funny turns

07-10-16, 17:27
This is hard for me to write as it makes me feel ill just talking about it.. a few months ago I actually fainted in a nail salon, and for someone that suffers with panic attacks and anxiety, this has really set it off.
Whenever I am out now I feel like I'm going to pass out, especially in a place like Tesco. I had to walk out the other day as I was overheating and I just had to leave my boyfriend to it.
I'm also getting sudden split second feelings of feeling a bit dizzy and a bit out of it at work, and eye floaters. It's freaking me out. I've had a few days since the faint where I've been fine, but honestly every day I've been feeling so wobbly and scared :(
Its like my brain is like 'there is something seriously wrong. you're going to faint again' So I make sure I'm eating lots too so I dont feel low blood sugary. But I feel I've taken that to extreme too! Urgh feel rubbish :(

10-10-16, 16:32
Has anyone experienced this? :(

10-10-16, 21:26
Yep I know exactly how you feel, ive been the way you are describing. And i totally understand about the feeling faint and eating thinking its your blood sugars. Find myself not going longer than 4 hours without something to eat because ive stupidly convinced myself that i too will faint. But its definitely down to anxiety. Im not too bad now but i still get days like that and sympathise with you about the wobblyness i get like that when going to any supermarket. I put that down to lack of confidence.sorry Ive no cure for you but sometimes its reassuring knowing your not alone. I have a question for you though when you fainted was you hyperventilating or just because you were feeling dodgy?

19-10-16, 19:41
Hi, sorry only just seen your reply. Glad it's not just me! I was sat down having my nails done and I just felt really hot and then I fainted. But I didn't feel right when I got up, I overslept and I think I was a bit dehydrated. And the anxiety of small talk with the nail lady didn't help!