View Full Version : Going insane always dizzy

07-10-16, 19:08
So this is my first post on this forum, although I have been reading and visiting the site for years. To give a background I have a hx of GAD with OCD. I have never really stressed about my health until recently. Meaning I have never suffered from health induced anxiety. So i recently started a new job as a nurse and things have been going really well, in fact while i was worried about my anxiety getting in the way, to my surprise it hasn't been a problem I have felt great and am loving my new career. However, about two weeks ago i started having heart palpitations, I chucked it up to stress and indigestion but then I got really dizzy to the point i had to grab something to stay on my feet, the room was swaying. I went to the ER and they did an EKG and a chest X-ray and everything came back normal, they chucked it up to my anxiety and sent me on my way. The anxious feeling has remained in my chest and didn't really go away. However, over the last few days the dizzy spells have amplified and i have been dizzy non stop with periods of extreme vertigo for the last three days. I met with physical therapy and they don't think its inner ear related, so now Im terrified it could be something neurological. I had an MRI a year ago and it was clear except i was told i have two lipomas which are benign fatty deposits in the brain.