View Full Version : going to start taking Lexapro

07-10-16, 22:44
My obgyn wrote me a script for lexapro months ago. I finally gave in today and had it filled. I'm going to start them on Monday. I'm very scared to start these meds. I've tried others before but they make me feel so physically bad I couldn't take them. I'm also scared that they won't help and I will be eternally anxious/ depressed. Does anyone have any suggestions on the best time to take these? Since I'm home alone all day I would rather feel bad then rather than when my daughter and hubs are home.

07-10-16, 23:32

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

07-10-16, 23:32
Have a read of the posts in the forum that I moved this to:


12-10-16, 19:35
What physical symptoms did you have with the other medications? Did you ever get through the side effect window (around 4-6 weeks)?

I'm on Lexapro now and generally doing fine. Not perfect, but it has certainly helped. When I started I had side effects: feeling like I was shaky, nausea, exhaustion, increased anxiety, etc. but they did pass. When I bumped up from 10 mg to 20 mg daily I didn't have any additional side effects.

I did go without taking them for about 3 days a week ago (my bad!) and was fine but eventually started feeling awful...just feeling really crummy and nauseous and having some weird feelings of limb/brain heaviness (hard to explain). Probably just a sign that when I do go off the meds, I will have to do so slowly and not cold turkey, but I think that's common.