View Full Version : Unstoppable General Anxiety Disorder

08-10-16, 16:22
Hey everyone. This is my first ever online post about my issues. I decided to sign up because of my current situation, but also am hoping I can help others.

For the past 9 years I have been going to the Docs and occasionally Psych docs about the anxiety/depression due to GAD.

The anxiety has recently been so bad I can barely get out of bed. It is there from the moment my eyes open in the morning to the moment I fall asleep. I can't even bring myself to edit my CV for jobs, let alone actually apply for the jobs. The thought of having to go to an interview is enough to give me a panic attack. Ironically a job and a life is what I need to get me out of this, I just cant bring myself to do it.

I was in therapy with an incredible therapist, but since losing my job due to the GAD I can't afford to continue. I use mindfulness meditation when I can. The Anti-D's I have tried are fluoxetine, citalopram, sertraline, trazadone, effexor and have just started on mirtazapine. I have also tried propranolol without much effect on general anxiety.

Diazepam is the only thing that has ever really made a difference, but because of the potential for it to become habbit forming and my history of drug abuse the doc doesn't want to prescribe it to me again. I have only ever had it prescribed for 2 weeks to get me out of a really bad situation.

Do you guys really believe that Anti-depressants can actually make that much of a difference? The mirtazapine is my last hope. If that doesn't work im afraid im going to resort back to my old lifestyle of opiate/diazepam/ketamine addiction as ironically I was functional when on one or all of those drugs. Its a terrible idea, but I have come to the conclusion that a drug addiction that allows almost compete functionality in life isn't worse than a panic filled reclusive life without addiction.

Im mainly asking if people who have tried mirtazapine thinks its good for GAD. Im only on day 2 of 30mg and feel more depressed than usual, which is to be expected. I slept for 15 hours last night which is also expected because of its hypnotic effects. Also do you think Anti-D's actually work?

Any and all advice is appreciated. Thank you very much in advance fellow worriers.

I wrote this post rather fast so my aplogies if its a bit unclear. I will happily clear up any queries xD.

Elizabeth Fry
08-10-16, 17:08
I am prescribed Mirtrazipine for nausea caused by anxiety, which generally speaking does work. At 7.5 mg my GP refers to it as a homeopathic dosage. I get restless legs at 15 mgs but I don't know what it's like at 30 mgs. I've read that it's effective at the higher doses, so it's a positive step to try it.

I am like you struggling with anxiety which seems to be never ending. There are lots of success stories here which I read when I'm very bad.

08-10-16, 17:53
Hi there , welcome to the forum , anti depressants didn't work for me but have for others , I to found relief with diazepam but docs have put a stop on it I didn't over do it just took the edge off the bad times , I'm going through a bad patch but the best I've been in the past was when I took nothing and stopped getting drunk , I did have a time when I thought never get sober or stop drinking , if you go to the medication section there are few threads that discus mirtazepine but it's always down to the individual at the end of the day , hope you find some comfort and answers here , somtimes its helps just to know you are not alone , take care .