View Full Version : Diet and GAD

08-10-16, 18:32
My diet is pretty poor and I was wondering if improving it might help with my symptoms. If so then what foods are good and helpful for anxiety and insomnia please?

11-10-16, 15:00

Seem to be commenting on all your posts today!

I think the general advice regarding diet is to try to be healthier, and to include plenty of fresh veg and fish (something about omega oil being good for the brain?) if you can. I haven't found a 'magic bullet' food, but I do find that in weeks where I make the effort to have salad with meals, plenty of water, and not too much booze, I have more energy, which in turn means I get stuff done and then don't get into that dreadful 'can't cope with everything' spiral.

Obviously when you're feeling rubbish it can be hard to focus on feeding yourself healthily - I saw some advice once which said make stuff in big batches so you can reheat on your bad days.

Good luck!

11-10-16, 15:18
I wouldn't know any specific foods. I think it is more about what and when you eat. Eat fresh, unprocessed foods/drinks and have a plan for the day. Try to reduce eating past 9pm and don't touch caffeine in the evening.

Making sure you drink enough water should help reduce over-eating.

I have a coffee in the morning and don't have caffiene after that. I make my own bread so although not great for me it is better than the shop bought stuff. I'll have toast + eggs in the morning. All washed down with a smoothie made from low GI fruit and Veg. Lunch at work is usually mostly veg. At the moment I roast a load at the weekend and share it across the wee. I'll usually have some chicken with it. I have water to drink (about 2 litres over the day) and might have a fruit tea if i want something hot. Dinner is usually whatever is put in front of me when I get home from work, but is mostly home made and full of veg. I still drink a few beers over the week and I'll probably eat less healthy over the weekend, but I think it's OK to treat yourself a little!

I definitely notice the difference in symptoms since starting this routine. I'm having a blip today, but the last couple of weeks have been almost symptom free.