View Full Version : LPR question.

08-10-16, 18:39
Does anyone else get tight throat and like food is stuck feelings after eating too much or certain things? i've recently been diagnosed with LPR and just got this feeling very overwhelmingly after dinner, i'm not going to choke am i?

08-10-16, 19:24
Think I am going through similar. How was LPR diagnosed?

08-10-16, 20:12
Hey Kathryn.
went up docs complaining about it and got a blood test, then endoscopy and was diagnosed with it x

08-10-16, 23:16
I have lpr had it for yrs now I have had lots of symptoms with it a feeling of something stuck in your throat is one of them but see entry for a camera up your nose so he can look down the back of your throat
I take to omerprazle now and I don't get much trouble now days
Apart from if I cough a few times I get a servere sore throat especially if I don't take my meds and never miss a dose

09-10-16, 15:26
Thanks Melvin!
i've already had a dreaded endoscopy and after that the doc just gave me omeprazole and left it at that, i might go up back up soon though because even with omeprazole my food just comes straight back up