View Full Version : Child predicted my death!!!

09-10-16, 00:42
So bit of a strange one but here goes.... I'm just about 31 weeks pregnant and about 5 weeks ago I had my niece (or el Diablo as iv taken to calling her) come an stay at mine all goes fairly well in night. The next day she was hyped up and bouncing on my sofa (much to my irritation) she then proceeded to shout out this little gem 'sawahhhhhh when the baby gets bigger in ur belly ur going to die' then she happily said in a pretty evil voice die,die,die! Really freaked me the hell out!! Have tried to put it to back of my mind and put it down to her being a weird 4yr old. However it just plagues my thoughts some people have said its stupid but u hear about children predicting the future !! I was reading an article about it the other day on Facebook seriously creepy things kids have said that have came true. I have been really worried about this pregnancy too deep down... All the usual health related issues blood clots, pre eclampsia, heart failure... All the good stuff ! Iv have tried to keep the lid on it however. I will be having a elective c section I think after a horrendous first birth of my daughter 6 years ago which resulted in emergency c-sec and I spend a lot of time worrying about what Mia has said. Sorry to ramble I guess my point is anyone got any words of comfort or better yet bloody creepy things kids have said to them (that haven't came true !). Xx

09-10-16, 01:11
This looks like a candidate for the label of magical thinking.

The fact your niece said you would die in childbirth has no bearing whatsoever on whether you will die in childbirth. But living in a western country does have a bearing on it - it makes it extremely unlikely

Your niece has probably heard about people dying in childbirth and has her own little curiosity about it. I think my niece was about five the first time I ever heard her mention sex. She's seven now and whatever it was she said had no bearing on any future events, or on her own well-being.

09-10-16, 06:24
Blimey, she's a little ray of sunshine, isn't she?!!! :scared15:

I think Server is right, they have little understanding. She could mean you are going to explode like in a cartoon.

Kids often get things from adults or pick things up from TV and they don't understand them. She needs talking to really as the "die, die, die" thing is nasty and she probably doesn't realise it. Her grasp of death is likely not correct.

What you need to remember is - if you go looking hard enough for something, you will find it. The internet has made this one much worse and it allows anyone to write anything, whether it is corroborated or not. Confirmation Bias, as it's known. Hindsight Bias springs to mind too because often people record things after they have happened so how can you know it's even true that they prophesied it?

Magical Thinking certainly.

Having anxiety, HA especially, and being pregnant is a tough combination as pregnant women without anxiety will be experiencing fears, it's natural.

11-10-16, 00:01
Hey guys sorry for late reply... A ray of sunshine.... Well she's definitely something ! She's the apply of my sisters eye and is very cute to look at but she's a little s**t ! I have never met a kid who could tantrum and scream as high pitched as her plus again she just has a tendency to be really bloody naughty! She didn't actually say I would die when I was having the baby she just said when he gets bigger in my tummy I will die!... Cue die, die, die �� Never have I heard a kid say something so creepy and weird and trust me, my daughter has had her moments with the weird statements lol. I do try to dismiss it and take it at superficial value but this pregnancy in general is making me anxious it's not a good combo pregnancy and health anxiety because being pregnant there's to much health stuff going on and physical complaints ect it's a massive trigger.... Then Mia pops by to visit and tells me I'm going to die and sounds pretty gleeful about it lol. I know it sounds silly but it sends me over the edge stuff like that xx

11-10-16, 00:06
I think we've all seen enough films or creepy Youtube videos or read chilling stories that speak to our fight-or-flight response and mean that when children say certain things, it freaks us out. Your sister's kid sounds to this layman like she might have some issues that may well crop up further down the line.

The point is, what she said has no bearing on what will happen. You'd have to believe that your sister may have spawned the first ever person who could see into the future to believe she might be onto something. And no, there's no evidence it's possible to see the future. What's happening is that you're deeply anxious and responding anxiously to some pretty creepy stimulus.

Seriously, though. Keep an eye on that little one of your sister's.

11-10-16, 08:58
She sounds like a delightful child ( ;) ), and it's a shame she's put these thoughts in your mind when you're anxious, but remember kids say weird, creepy random things and they certainly have no psychic powers to predict the future, like none of us do.

11-10-16, 09:33
Kids say somethings that are really profound and interesting, and things that are completely random and stupid. This falls into the latter.

You've got to remember she is not an expert on child-birth, and has no clue what actually happens.

"Kids predicting the future" is just sensationalist journalism. If a billion kids say one random thing about the future, then one of them might say something that actually comes true. There is no link between what they say and the actual event.

Make sure you don't let this negatively effect your relationship with your niece. She doesn't understand the consequence of saying something so sinister!

Everything will be fine I am sure.

11-10-16, 10:30
SLA has said it better than I did about those sites & their stories.

I've got to say, I get an image of Chuckie when I read what she says to you! :scared15:

11-10-16, 19:26
Hey guys thanks for all the replies. I think the reason it has got to me so bad what she is said is because health wise I am actually having a crappy pregnancy... For example today I fainted on School run and someone rang an ambulance it's the 2nd time that has happened now but I keep having horrendous dizzy spells plus a lot of other stuff its pretty crap. She's so blond and blue eyed and pretty with a sugary little voice an she's so dainty.... Ha bloody ha is all I can say. She's a real veruca salt and a screamer to boot like her scream makes shivers go down ur back its that high pitched. Iv never met someone so tiny with such a terrible temper ! Don't get me wrong she can be sweet and lovely.. But I find her bad behaviour is so bad it overshadows her good. I cannot tolerate baby sitting her for evening and I feel bad because my sister has my little girl just fine unless she busy but Mimi is just soooo difficult and screechy. I think my sister thinks I hate her, she asked me to have her the other week and I cracked a joke about not having a supply of holy water at hand and I don't think she found it funny :-/ ... Chucky at times is an accurate description of her x