View Full Version : Throat cancer panic...

09-10-16, 08:31
Sore gland in neck, no lump, intermittent sore throat, feeling 'off' with it, achey neck and ear a bit achey too but all comes and goes. Looked at throats with torch, saw small creamy white patch on fold at back of tonsil one, now convinced throat cancer....panicking as can't think what else it could possibly be :weep:

Sam Winter
09-10-16, 09:23
Hi there! x.
I'm sorry to hear that the c word panic has come up :weep: how long have you had it? you could tonsillitis or an infection, I'd maybe go to the doctors but I don't think its too serious

09-10-16, 09:38
A few weeks now.....it fits all symptoms of cancer rather than just viral but didn't think it made you feel rough as well. It goes throughout the day intermittently. I could have had the white patch a while and not known about it and apparently it's advanced once symptoms start so really worried. I've never smoked or drank.

Sam Winter
09-10-16, 10:01
I would still definitely see a doctor as its persistent but I still doubt the c word, maybe its strep throat or something? as it does sound similar x