View Full Version : bone cancer ? NEED HLEP ASAP

09-10-16, 08:48
hi all,

i am terrified. it is taking over my life. i have pains that come and go and they concentrate on my arms and legs. they feel really deep like in the bone and i am very sure of this !! i really need help the pain is usually 7/10 on how severe it is pls help me.

it triggered when i watched a movie and a teenager said he had some sort of bone cancer. I went to google it (BIG MISTAKE) and now i think i have it as i recall my bone pains. Please please help me i can't think straight. need immediate help

Sam Winter
09-10-16, 09:20
Hi there Danny! x.
of course I can't give medical advice so its best to go to your doctor if in doubt but I can offer some reassurance, I don't personally think its the c word, you're still young and I bet you're healthy and getting a lot of calcium, it would be best to go to the doctors and put your mind at rest but until you can make one I wouldn't worry too much, there are many other things that could cause it, arthritis, a disorder that makes your whole body ache, try not to worry too much I doubt it is the c word, are you getting any help for your anxiety? because it sounds really bad x

09-10-16, 09:23
Hi Danny

I agree with Sam, Also do not Google I have done the crime in the past where I have worried about cancer, I still worry a lot about every symptom, mark, etc I get that it is the big c instead of thinking sense

Sam Winter
09-10-16, 09:26
Yeah never google, the internet can be our friend in dome circumstances but most of the time it can not especially google x

09-10-16, 11:11
I get the same problem. Mostly in the large bones in my body. Ie. femur and humorus. I'm 28. I work in a hospital and see people with bone cancer so it really scares me. People tend to concentrate on sore joints but no one really talks about bone pain so I'm not sure how common it is? Every time I get a pain ( especially at night ) I panic. The one thing I try to keep thinking is where the hell is my primary because bone pain in multiple spots is usually a secondary. If you don't have any tumours in your major organs then you wouldn't likely have bone cancer. Primary bone cancer ( as all of us H.A sufferers know) is usually accompanied by a lump and swelling. Perhaps everyone experiences these pains but we are focusing on them because our fear is centred around the worse possible type of cancer? And we are just being hyper aware? If it's any consolation I've had this bone pain for about 5 years and I'm still alive so it's likely not bone Metz. I was so convinced I had bone cancer that I got multiple X-rays and blood tests. It's a scary cancer because we haven't quite conquered treatment for it yet and I think that is why it is an easy one to fixate on.

01-05-17, 19:28
Hi Danny did you see the doc and did he attribute your pains to anxiety? Regards Paul