View Full Version : Nausea in a morning

09-10-16, 08:50
Hi everyone,

Ive been suffering with nausea, stomach cramps, IBS like symptoms, heaving and sometimes actually vomitting in the mornings when i wake up. This feeling makes me not want to eat anything for breakfast for the fear that i'll be sick. Strangely, the sick feeling calms down around midday and im perfectly fine around teatime. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if theres any tips to prevent it really.
I know this is anxiety related because I feel very overwhelmed with everything going on at the moment (i think it may be to with the fact that I am realising that I'm growing up aswell and its scaring me). But do you think I should go to the doctors? Its been going on for about 4 weeks and i guess i am a bit better than when it first began.
I really dont want to have this for the rest of my life 😢 Id be grateful for any reply or advice. Thanks for reading- by the way I'm a 17 year old female.

Lady Penelope
09-10-16, 10:42
I also suffer with similar things in the morning and it usually improves as the day goes on. I have tried many things but fund the only way to cope is to get up very slowly and not rush about.
I sometime try and drink a small amount of fresh juice and have a rich tea biscuit before I get out of bed. Morning anxiety is horrible.
Definitely worth speaking to your doctor. Hugs to you xx