View Full Version : 24 hour holter and beta blockers

09-10-16, 10:17
Hi, saw the specialist last week and he wants me to take the low dose beta blocker-too scared to take it as I get dizzy already. Ecg in office slowed ventricular ectopics but I had thought these were less dangerous. However now have to go for the tread mill ecg and the 24 hour holter one. Now more anxious. Is it possible these are just caused by anxiety? had occ ones all my life really but now getting lots and I am 55 and post meno so just put it down to that but always tired too!

09-10-16, 11:40
anxiety is surely a trigger for the ectopics. When I'm anxious I feel 10 times more ectopics than when I'm calm.

about the beta blocker, you can start with a very low dosage. I tried 10mg propanolol and it made a big difference on my ectopics, then I reduced to 5mg only when I'm anxious. You can try the same, just to see the effect on your body. I don't think 10mg propanolol is enough to make you super dizzy.

09-10-16, 12:02
They have given me just 1.25mg, however do you just take yours when its needed? I thought you had to take them all the time? says dangerous to stop. Also wondered if they make exercising difficult!

09-10-16, 16:07
in my case the doctor told me to take for one month, and I did. Then I gradually reduced the dosage and now I take once in a while. I think it's not dangerous to take one when you need, lots of people do this, for example before travelling or before public speaking.

I think it's dangerous to take them for a long period of time and then stop suddenly.

But don't trust my information very much, I'm not a specialist, I'm just talking about my particular case.

09-10-16, 17:12
Thanks that does make me feel better. Its just taking that first one I guess and obviously there is no lower dose than what I have got! Mine are far worse if anxious. Non were picked up at GPs then the one the other day(ECG), I had a coffee and there was loads! I could tell as I felt them!