View Full Version : Can we recover and lead a normal life ?

09-10-16, 12:58

I have been diagnosed with GAD and have been taking Escitalopram 10 mg for the past one week now.

Please note , I am not depressed at all but I face a lot of anxiety , primarily the fear of fainting or losing control.

The medication has been of some help.The doctor said , that the SSRI will eliminate the root cause while an anti anxiety drug will only manage anxiety , hence an SSRI has been prescribed.

I was wondering , if I never will be my old self again ? Even after the course gets over will I be normal again.

I know the obvious answer is 'yes' but lets be honest , can anxiety just go away or does it need to be permanently managed.

I am ready to do anything , exercise , breathing technique , medication but I just want to be that fearless guy I was before.


09-10-16, 15:16
Hi Rohit,

If your anxiety is something new to you, then there is a good chance that you can work through it and go back to being your old self. Be patient, though - it may take some time, and you may not see progress every day. For some people, the anxiety really does go away. For others, it needs to be managed, but that is quite possible. Good luck.

09-10-16, 15:21
with just therapy I did manage to get to a state where I was almost carefree. this lasted for years but my old bad habits crept back in and then eventually so did the anxiety and panic

10-10-16, 02:12
Hi Sky ,

What do you mean bad habits , can you elaborate ?