View Full Version : Stomach issues

09-10-16, 13:15
Hey so my anxiety is through the roof again. Since Saturday morning I have had bad diarreah and stomach upset. 'Y upper tummy just feels so full and when I try and eat I get the gurgling sound like I'm hungry but I'm not. I am teaching and there has been sickness and diarreah going around but I am putting mine down to maybe having something wrong that's worse and it's a symptom of the dreaded ovarian cancer.

Can anyone give me any advice?

Really struggling today x

09-10-16, 13:25
Do you suffer from IBS? Anxiety and tummy problems seem to go hand in hand.
Also if you caught a tummy bug your anxiety could prolong the symptoms. Get some OTC remedies and take care what you eat. Give it a week at least before you start worrying about it.

09-10-16, 13:40
Yes I do. I just have major fears of cancer and instead of putting this down to a bug I think it's worse

09-10-16, 13:57
I sympathise! I have HA too and even though I've had IBS since I was young, each and every time I have a flare up I believe it's something far worse. Which of course MAKES it much worse!
My current flare up has been going now for three weeks. Triggered by a tummy bug which everyone else in the family had, I nevertheless decided that what I had was something far more sinister. My anxiety has caused the symptoms to go way over the top and I'm only now getting my mind in the right place and beginning to calm down. With the anxiety diminishing, so are the symptoms.