View Full Version : Awful travel sickness

09-10-16, 14:42
I've been coming off citalopram (reducing my dose by half) in the last week or so. I've had a bit of a rocky time but in the last couple of days seem to have been levelling out. However in the last two days I've been hit by very bad motion sickness. I took a short flight yesterday and felt very rough, headachy and dizzy and after we landed had to actually go off and be properly, physically sick. Today I was in a car I'm not used to for two journeys. The first was ok as we had a bracing walk at the end and I soon felt OK, but through the journey back I had to really concentrate to not be ill in the car. When we got home the dizziness was overwhelming and again I've actually been sick as a result, and this time the nausea has lingered. I've got to fly home tomorrow and have a (tube) commute into work every day so I'm very nervous. Any tips? Is this temporary, and is it ok to just take travel sickness meds until it levels out?