View Full Version : Pink stool again, doctor says it's piles - please help

Elizabeth Fry
09-10-16, 15:55
I have posted before - sorry to bring it up again.

I am under a lot of stress due to my husband being ill.

My problem is that I had a similar episode a while ago, pinkish stool. The GP thoroughly examined me and said it was piles. I am now obsessing about it as I had some discomfort for 2 days, then passed these stools. My GP is good and I do have faith in her.

I am at my wits end. Is anyone able to reassure me?

09-10-16, 21:51
I haven't read your other post. What do you mean by a pink stool?? Blood mixed in? The stool is actually pink?

09-10-16, 22:20
If the doctor says it is piles then it is piles and they do bleed.

Elizabeth Fry
09-10-16, 23:12
Hi Pepperpot, thanks for replying. They are sort of light pink/red not bright red. However since I posted, I realised that on Friday I ate half a bag of Peppa Pig jellies which are pink and a Turkish Delight. Do you think that may have caused it?

Honestly I am so fed up with myself. Thank God for this forum.

---------- Post added at 23:12 ---------- Previous post was at 23:10 ----------

Thanks Nicola. The voice of reason. I was going to rush to the GP tomorrow but I'm going to try to see how it goes. My previous post might shed some light as to why.

09-10-16, 23:20
I personally can't see Turkish delight or jellies turning your poo pink. Nicola is right though. Piles do bleed. I have them. Bloody horrible things. Mine don't just bleed a little bit though, oh no. It's like a horror movie haha.
When you say you had discomfort do you mean in the tummy or the bum?

Elizabeth Fry
09-10-16, 23:27
In the bum. I have ibs, had my gallbladder removed a couple of years ago, hpylori and campylobacter last year etc etc. So nothing is ever normal.

When I described the colour to the doctor she wasn't perturbed by it. Did a physical exam (which was very painful) and said piles.

By the way thanks so much for replying.

09-10-16, 23:47
You're welcome. I know what it's like when you're worried and people read your post and don't reply. Sometimes even if I have no clue what the answer is I still like to reply to say I've read it.
Yeah well that makes sense about the piles. I have a one that is inside and comes out to play quite often. Especially if I'm constipated. I can feel it come out and when the doc does the finger up the backside test it hurts. I think they worry about dark blood which means old blood from higher up the digestive tract :)

Elizabeth Fry
10-10-16, 00:03
Thanks for being so reassuring. I am going to wait and see how it goes.

I often say I wish I could wash my mind out and start afresh. HA is horrendous. I have googled for the last half hour - but no more. I banned it but let myself get sucked in to wanting reassurance and what do you get? Every worse case scenario there is.

I hope all goes well for you. Big hugs😊

10-10-16, 00:44
I read somewhere on here that if symptoms don't ease after 2 weeks then go to the docs. So I give things two weeks. I make a note of it in my phone too. Also, try anusol. You can either buy it or doc can prescribe it. It really does shrink the internal ones down. It's also bloody great for bags under your eyes!! X

Elizabeth Fry
10-10-16, 01:17
Ha ha. I'll try it out! And will try to avoid the GP if I can.

I hope all goes well for you.:)xx

10-10-16, 05:27
I remember you saying about your husbands health in an earlier thread. I hope he is ok? :hugs::flowers: That is bound to have quite an effect on your own anxiety, or even cause an anxiety disorder.

Your GP has had a look and decided no tests are needed further. If they wanted to be sure of anything else, they would send you for them. I've been there with a sigmoidoscopy in the past and that was after years of roids and then my GP just wanted to do it to rule out there was nothing else and she said she didn't believe there would be. I guess with my repeated flare ups for years she was just ticking some boxes to rule them out permanently.

It's certainly true that you can eat certain things that make red bits appear in poo. And if your digestion is poor, you may see bits of food in them. As long as your GP is happy, it's fine because they would otherwise be taking samples.

My roids have bled, mostly on the paper. And like Pepperpot (Hi Pepperpot, I hope you & your mum are well? :flowers:) I've got one that comes out to play at times of straining or loose stools.

I've had roids now for about 20 years. But they bothered me mostly the first few. After that they come & go and no treatment is needed. Hopefully others will find they just go too.

Elizabeth Fry
10-10-16, 06:43
Thanks Terry. I suppose there can be differences in how they bleed for some people. This time when it started the stringy blood bit was on mucous and then the motion (sorry to speak of such things) was reddish. I was thinking that if it's been hanging around for a bit that might happen.

Thanks for your reassurances they are helpful.

10-10-16, 07:18
Well it makes sense that the blood mixed with mucus since that is basically dragging along so it will rub over the roids and pick up the blood on it's way out.

My blood was more from the wiping after the straining or loose stools so I didn't get much but some people I've seen on here have said they get it with the stool in the bowl.

I've certainly had plenty of mucus in the bowl though regardless of issues with movements and this has been happening on & off over 20 years so that's a good thing really since nothing has changed.

---------- Post added at 07:18 ---------- Previous post was at 07:16 ----------

I read somewhere on here that if symptoms don't ease after 2 weeks then go to the docs. So I give things two weeks. I make a note of it in my phone too. Also, try anusol. You can either buy it or doc can prescribe it. It really does shrink the internal ones down. It's also bloody great for bags under your eyes!! X

Hey, I could get away with buying Anusol for my eyes...it's less embarrassing than buying a beauty product for a man of my generation! :yesyes:

But does it work the other way round too? Can I try some L'oreal on my bum? And will the shop mind me using the testers? :whistles::D

Elizabeth Fry
10-10-16, 13:02
I actually went to the GP this morning and she's ordered a faecal test to check for inflammation and some bloods. Very nervous about it all but it's done now. More like spotting and the piles are a bit sore. My GP said that I'm more likely to be run over by a bus than have something serious. So here's hoping...

Thanks for your support and kindness. It means so much.

10-10-16, 21:21
Well it makes sense that the blood mixed with mucus since that is basically dragging along so it will rub over the roids and pick up the blood on it's way out.

My blood was more from the wiping after the straining or loose stools so I didn't get much but some people I've seen on here have said they get it with the stool in the bowl.

I've certainly had plenty of mucus in the bowl though regardless of issues with movements and this has been happening on & off over 20 years so that's a good thing really since nothing has changed.

---------- Post added at 07:18 ---------- Previous post was at 07:16 ----------

Hey, I could get away with buying Anusol for my eyes...it's less embarrassing than buying a beauty product for a man of my generation! :yesyes:

But does it work the other way round too? Can I try some L'oreal on my bum? And will the shop mind me using the testers? :whistles::D

Hehehe hello Terry and thank you for asking after us - we are ok :)
Get some for your eyes - it's great! I dunno about the L'oreal though - why don't you be the first to try it out and let us know ;)

Elizabeth - don't be worrying bout describing your symptoms - I always laugh when people say "sorry tmi". How are you today? x

Elizabeth Fry
26-10-16, 00:04
I had another episode of bleeding so the GP did a faecal test which would identify inflammation. She didn't expect it ti be raised which it is a little bit. She has now referred me to a consultant. The GP says I'm not to worry and that it will be fine. I am so scared though. I did read on here that someone had a raised result and it turned out to be haemorrhoids and ibs - I am hoping that will be me.

I can't take the strain much longer.

Thank you for asking after me. I hope you are ok?x

26-10-16, 14:05
Hey......Am ok. Well thats a lie, am bricking it for my colonoscopy on FRIDAY :(

Elizabeth Fry
26-10-16, 16:00
It never seems to end. I know that seeking reassurance isn't good but what else can you do? My GP says that those levels indicate a range of conditions and is sure that the campylobacter infection I had last year is at play here. She is sure that I have nothing to worry about but I think anyone would be worried.

Have you had a colonoscopy before?x

27-10-16, 14:46
It never seems to end. I know that seeking reassurance isn't good but what else can you do? My GP says that those levels indicate a range of conditions and is sure that the campylobacter infection I had last year is at play here. She is sure that I have nothing to worry about but I think anyone would be worried.

Have you had a colonoscopy before?x

No - I had a sigmoidoscopy last year and it was horrendous so this is why I am worried x

Elizabeth Fry
27-10-16, 16:41
I'm seeing a consultant tonight - scared.

Neither procedure is nice but I went with the sedation - being a right coward as I am. Some people don't but for me...there's no other way. I'll be thinking of you.xx

28-10-16, 23:22
I had a colonoscopy earlier this year and I thought everything went really well. Prep wasn't bad at all and the procedure was fine. No complaints here!