View Full Version : Miserable, insomnia, no motivation

10-10-16, 12:21
Long story - been on citalopram since 2/4/16 (3 months at 10mg and 3 months at 20mg) and apart from initial improvement I'm still not right and I'm constantly down with no enthusiasm for anything and foggy brained all the time.

I'm due to go on holiday on Thursday and to be honest I'm dreading it but I'm going because no way can I let my son and family down. I don't want to mess about with my meds before I go and I'm hoping that once I get there I might cheer up a bit.

I thought these were supposed to be anti-depressants, so why do I feel so miserable all the time?

Oh and I'm not sleeping. Keep waking up at silly O'clock every morning and can't get back to sleep, just lie there tossing and turning with racing thoughts and nervous stomach flutters.

Really FED UP!!!

10-10-16, 14:01
You might not be on the right dose for you yet!
I felt like that on 10mg and while I felt they helped it wasn't enough. When I upped to 20mg it made all the difference.
I'd go back and speak to your doctor.

10-10-16, 19:14
Thanks Jem. I can't do anything until I get back from holiday in 2 weeks though because I really don't want to be messing around with dose increases in a foreign country. I will just have to get on with it and make the best of things I guess.

10-10-16, 20:46
Was hoping you were improving Mojo.. its so not fair! I'm not right and I also started around same time as you. Can't work out if the dose is too high or too low. Everyday a struggle. Like you say when you get back off hols a visit to docs and maybe a increase. I went up to 30mg but that does seem to make things worse. I've come back down 25mg but not feeling it. I'm so tempted to come off it and see how I feel without. Hope ya get away ok and that when you are away you are anxiety free would be brilliant. Chin up. Xx

10-10-16, 21:06
I remember really noticing going from 20mg to 30mg how I felt almost normal again, but it was possibly too much and I settled well on 20mg for a long time, then again on 10mg until I tapered off.

as well as the meds sometimes you need to really dig into other things that would make anyone feel icky, like regular sleep, or better food etc sometimes those other bits of the puzzle can make all the difference

hang on in there and I hope your holiday goes well whatever dosage you`re on