View Full Version : panic attacks cant sleep

10-10-16, 14:46
Had an awful night last night. I read before bed as usual and I drifted off, but I kept waking up suddenly just as i was falling asleep, clutching my chest and it felt like i had forgotten to breathe.
My heart was then racing from 2AM to half 5, when I finally managed to fall asleep. In that time I kept jumping awake everytime and sitting up in bed feeling really panicked.
This has happened several times over the last few months, but I have had many good night sleeps too :(

10-10-16, 14:50
I went through a phase of this in 2014, after a rough time with stress and anxiety.

I'd recommend seeing your Doctor, and talking it through.

Something like Propanalol will assist with reducing the night panics. Works a treat for me.

10-10-16, 15:46
I suffer from night-time panic attacks, too. They wake me up and it takes me between half an hour to an hour to go back to sleep. It's awful when they happen as they make me feel a lot of depersonalisation and feelings of unreality, and then when I wake up, I'm tired and anxious for the rest of the day. :weep:

10-10-16, 16:30
I am exhausted today, and terrified of going to bed later incase its another long night!
I've been precribed beta blockers a few times SLA, the 10mg did nothing for me, then I was put on 40mg for headaches but they made me feel a bit dizzy and shaky so its made me too anxious to take them!
But I do need to go down to the drs :(

14-10-16, 05:55
If i go a night or two with little to no sleep i will get to the point where when i go to sleep ill wake up with a jolt in a panick attack, this can happen over and over and sometimes last all night. Its awful. Ive gotten to the point where ive had no sleep for days because of my fear of having another night like that. It usually just gets so bad ill finally pass out, with the help of a beer or two. It can leave you devastated.

19-10-16, 19:49
It's so awful. So sad that others suffer too it's so terrifying :(