View Full Version : Dreaded blood test.

Sam Winter
10-10-16, 15:54
Hi there! x.
i'm not new to the blood test game, i've had five done in the space of three years and they all sucked as heck apart from the last one which was taken from my hand(i found that much easier to deal with for some) is there anything i can do to make it easier or better? when i get in the room i just cry or possibly pass out. and the pain for the rest of the day seems to hurt me more than others. is there anything i can do to help it or should i just get on with it, i'm afraid i won't show up tomorrow or might cancel which is really likely :unsure:

10-10-16, 16:32
Hi Sam

I used to be phobic about needles then found myself needing blood tests every two weeks.

The best advice is to ensure that you are really hydrated, this makes it easier for them to find the vein and also to get the sample.

If it is easier from your hand don't be afraid to say to them.

It is much easier all round if they use a funny vein with me and I usually tell them before they start.

Hope it helps.


Sam Winter
10-10-16, 16:37
Hi Elen thanks for the advice.
i can deal with my hand i just didn't think i could request it but i'll try to as if i went with the arm i would probably cancel it all together lol i'm just more afraid of crying i front of the poor nurse x

10-10-16, 20:37
if it makes their life easier I am sure that they will be happy to oblige.

Sam these nurses will have seen it all so no need to worry about that.

Make sure you are really well hydrated as that is something I am bad about remembering and it really does make a difference

Sam Winter
10-10-16, 20:51
Thanks x do you think I should eat something or not?

10-10-16, 21:07
yeah - eat before you go unless it is a fasting blood test, but they would have told you if it was