View Full Version : Sinusitus or Allergies?

10-10-16, 20:50
Hey all! So, I have had sinus pressure on my left side of face for about 3 weeks now. My left eye, left side of nose and left cheek all swollen, sore feeling with lots of pressure. I haven't been too congested and everything comes out "clear" and not green..sorry, gross!

I saw an ENT that said it was Sinusitus and didn't need antiobiotics.
I am using the neti pot daily and tried Flonase for 3 days, but it made me very anxious.

So, my question is.....drum roll please....

Does a sinus infection or Sinusitus last 3 + weeks or is this just allergies?

Do allergies cause swelling under your eye and would allergies only be one sided?

these may be silly questions...but you all know how the mind works

20-10-16, 03:21
If it's caused by a virus, it can last ages unfortunately. I hope you feel better soon. :hugs: