View Full Version : Pelvic pain in my head?

10-10-16, 22:33
I've been having some pain near my the left side of my pubic bone off and on the last month. Went to the ob/gyn and he did an internal exam and said nothing seemed abnormal. He did a lot of feeling on my stomach and pelvic area and found no lumps or anything. The pain is more of an annoyance then anything. I can't even really describe the pain. It comes and goes and I'm not even sure if it's really there or just me thinking it's there! I feel like I literally think I have cancer every week from something new. It's gotten to the point where I feel like a prisoner in my own body. :sad:

10-10-16, 23:47
I have had this of and on for 5 weeks on the right side, i go to the hospital on Thursday for ultrasounds :(

10-10-16, 23:48
It's scary I know how you feel. I overreact to every ache, pain, lump or bump to the point where I don't know if they're real or imagined. I do get some reassurance from the fact that anxiety does cause physical symptoms in all parts of the body. I also find it reassuring knowing I'm not on my own in having these fears:hugs: