View Full Version : This thing is not going to ruin my holiday!

11-10-16, 08:59
Guys I need some advice:

Very long story cut short - been on Cit for 6 months after suffering with sudden onset anxiety/depression last November. Think the menopause has got a hand on all this too but that's for another show.

Up and down is how it's been, still struggling with morning anxiety, general feeling of misery every day, foggy head, jitters, insomnia etc but I'm not giving up.

Had a holiday booked to Greece in May, had to cancel as too unwell and couldn't cope. Rebooked for October thinking I'd be much better by then - Hahahaha!!!!

Anyway, I digress.. Anxiety is ramping up now and doubts are setting in as the day draws closer so I need your words of advice and encouragement to get me on that flight and off to sunnier climbs. Anyone been on holiday before with anxiety? Was everything OK? Did you have a meltdown? No, don't answer that one lol x

11-10-16, 09:34
Hi Mojo, I have been in many holidays abroad with anxiety, and trust me the anticipation is always worse than actually going! I have had severe anxiety for 3-4 years now and in that time I have been to.. France twice, Copenhagen, Lithuania and Iceland. All of them I have been really nervous beforehand but it's been so worth going! It has also made me feel better once I've been back. If you can, push through the anxiety and you'll be amazed what you can achieve!

11-10-16, 09:35
Is there a particular thing you have been ruminating on that has spiked your anxiety?

11-10-16, 11:56
Hi , I've had some good holidays with anxiety and some bad but I still go if you give in and don't go you will regret it more and beat yourself up for quitting, I've wasted so much time worrying over an event only for it to come and I enjoy it , just tell anxiety it's bloody invited , the first day might take a bit of settling in then relax and enjoy , take care .

11-10-16, 14:53
Yes, I've been on holiday with anxiety. I recommend going for it, just because if you don't go you'll still feel anxious, only more anxious because you'll be beating yourself up about not going!

Once, I made a list of the things that I was worried about before we went and shared it with my partner. We talked about some of the things and it did help to have a rational discussion or plan for some of my hilariously unlikely worst case scenario worries. A lot of my anxiety is around worrying about having control of situations, so it helped to identify things that I *could* control, even in situations where I wouldn't really be in control, if you see what I mean? E.g. I worried about needing the toilet a lot, so we rationalised that we could stop whenever I needed to, they would still have toilets abroad etc (lol).

I know logical thinking doesn't always work on anxiety but it might take the edge off for you!

I wish you a wonderful trip if you do decide to go for it.

11-10-16, 15:43
Is there a particular thing you have been ruminating on that has spiked your anxiety?

Just that I've been feeling awful again after a period of feeling good. Perhaps it's the anticipation of the holiday that's doing it? Not been sleeping well either which hasn't helped.