View Full Version : CBT - Start Thursday

11-10-16, 09:45

I start CBT on Thursday and although I'm very excited to see if it helps (i really need it to).

I'm a little concerned and nervous as to what to expect.

Does this work?

I know this might be an impossible question.

11-10-16, 10:20
I had CBT and found it helpful. It teaches you different techniques you can use and some of them are great, it's making sure you apply them that's the difficult part. If it's to work you have to really put the time in and try to be consistent with it.

I still have access to my online CBT programme for a year so even when the course finishes Im still able to look back on it all.

11-10-16, 10:34
I really really really need it to work.

If this doesn't do it then I don't know what will and i cannot accept that this is my life for the foreseeable future!

27-11-18, 16:35
i wish you luck and hope it works for you - ive been waiting 6 months for my appointment after my initial assesment. Let us know how you get on