View Full Version : Curious does anyone else get these?

31-03-07, 02:19
Hiya i've been getting a couple of things for years and wondered does anyone else have these
A low vibration passing through my head normally goes from 1 side to the other!
Head zaps,like little electric shocks normally around my forehead!
Very curious if these may be a symptom of anxiety or poss something else.

31-03-07, 18:20
Yes head zaps they are called

Have a look at the post under the Welcome forum and you will find links to loads of posts about this problem.

That should reassure you that you are not alone.

31-03-07, 19:34

I can relate to what your saying, ive been in hospital with it, they thought i was having a stroke.

The feeling is frightening and scary, its stress and anxiety, well thats what they tod me.
I get it in clusters , im having it at mo about one week now, then it wil pass and i will get it again.

Speak to gp and see if they will give you meds, im on a drug to help.

take care

01-04-07, 04:26
To comment on the last person here that said something about strokes or thinking they had one because of what the person here is inquiring about ..We would all be in a heap of trouble..The feelings that you and I and about a billion others are experiencing is from tension and nerve spasms and muscle spasms and good old anxiety and it causes freak feelings like this to all of us.Which the thing is we have these anyway but most of the time when you arent anxious about yourself then you just blow them off.. the electric thing and the zaps i have experienced since I was a child and well im 52 now so think you will be ok.. just keep telling yourself its normal and one day you will realize you dont feel it anymore...