View Full Version : Feel as if i have a lot to lose

11-10-16, 12:10
I know this may sound ridiculous but now i have moved in with my girlfriend and i feel settled etc , i feel i have a lot more to lose and it seems to make my health anxiety pop back up again after times of not having these worries, can anyone relate to this?

11-10-16, 12:12
What extra do you have now that you can lose?

11-10-16, 12:29
a new house, settled down etc , i think it sjuts my anxiety taking over and making me worry about anything again but it seems to be since i have moved in i've felt more anxious

---------- Post added at 12:29 ---------- Previous post was at 12:14 ----------

to clear what im saying up, because things are going well , my anxiety seesm to come back and make me think something bad is due to happen

11-10-16, 12:54
It's just an adjustment to the change. Its a natural response, so don't make it worse by getting stressed about it.

From someone who went through a similar thing, my advice would be to embrace the change, and try not to feel like you are settled down. That's when complacency kicks in!

Keep enjoying the same things like its a new experience each day.

11-10-16, 13:14
dmc - I can relate.... my HA seems to crop up when I'm afraid of losing the good things in my life. Not sure why my brain does it, but it's good and important to recognise these patterns.


11-10-16, 13:30
There are things, people, situations, possessions etc. we value and we all have a lot to lose. The key is to be thankful for that and enjoy it because things can and do change in an instant.

You may say... "But that's exactly what I'm talking about". The key to overcoming this is....

"Eat, drink, enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings in your life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest doesn't matter. It's like chasing the wind." King Solomon

Your worry IS the wind....

Positive thoughts

11-10-16, 16:28
If you spend the present worrying about the future, then in the future you'll most likely look back and realise you wasted that precious time in the past.

Might sound a bit ridiculous, but it's what I keep telling myself when I get hung up on "what ifs". My anxiety kicked in big time when my kids were both tiny and everything was wonderful - our own home, happy marriage, wonderful children... "it can't stay this good. Something is bound to mess it all up."

I have got better at rationalising and not dwelling on these kind of thoughts, but they do still try to creep in when things are going particularly well again. Interestingly, my sister has recently been struggling with worries about her own health. It was only the other day that she shared with me how she feels she "finds it hard to believe that she has this perfect life with her husband, toddler and baby and fears she may lose it all too soon". Sounds so incredibly familiar to how I felt at that stage in my own life - so I can only conclude that it must be very common to have these thoughts and feelings. Just try not to waste this happy time of your life dwelling on them. All the best.

12-10-16, 08:33
thanks for the replies , the anxiety right now doesn't cripple me i carry on as normal but i do get the odd period i seem to get anxious and worry over nothing