View Full Version : Has anyone experienced this?

Cpt Spectacular
11-10-16, 15:13
Hi all,

I've been struggling a lot lately and was wondering if I'm alone with my particular 'symptoms'.

I feel empty most of the time. I used to read, play video games and enjoy cooking. I haven't done the first two in about 6 weeks and I only cook because I have to. I find that when I go outside, the bright light is uncomfortable and hurts my eyes. I'm miserable. It was only about 2 months ago that I was my old self.

I quit smoking about 2 weeks before I had my breakdown and I'm sure that contributed. I'm still hooked on Nicotine lozenges/gum.

I'm going through CBT (3rd session) and have been taking a higher dose of Escitalopram for 2 weeks now. Just waiting for it all to kick in soon. I'm not sure how longer I can cope with this.

15-10-16, 10:47
Hi all,

I've been struggling a lot lately and was wondering if I'm alone with my particular 'symptoms'.

I feel empty most of the time. I used to read, play video games and enjoy cooking. I haven't done the first two in about 6 weeks and I only cook because I have to. I find that when I go outside, the bright light is uncomfortable and hurts my eyes. I'm miserable. It was only about 2 months ago that I was my old self.

I quit smoking about 2 weeks before I had my breakdown and I'm sure that contributed. I'm still hooked on Nicotine lozenges/gum.

I'm going through CBT (3rd session) and have been taking a higher dose of Escitalopram for 2 weeks now. Just waiting for it all to kick in soon. I'm not sure how longer I can cope with this.

My girlfriend is currently going through bad depression.
She too mentioned the same symptoms as you - feeling empty.
She also described it as a numbness and a pointlessness.

She finds it difficult to concentrate on things and when she's not with me, often stays in bed a large portion of the day.
She said she didn't go for a shower until half three yesterday.

ao, although I don't have it myself, what you describe is very familiar.

15-10-16, 23:25
Hi all,

I've been struggling a lot lately and was wondering if I'm alone with my particular 'symptoms'.

I feel empty most of the time. I used to read, play video games and enjoy cooking. I haven't done the first two in about 6 weeks and I only cook because I have to. I find that when I go outside, the bright light is uncomfortable and hurts my eyes. I'm miserable. It was only about 2 months ago that I was my old self.

I quit smoking about 2 weeks before I had my breakdown and I'm sure that contributed. I'm still hooked on Nicotine lozenges/gum.

I'm going through CBT (3rd session) and have been taking a higher dose of Escitalopram for 2 weeks now. Just waiting for it all to kick in soon. I'm not I sure how longer I can cope with this.

I'm currently going though bad anxiety which impacts my mood. A few months ago I became really bad with depression. There were times when I felt like I'm a zombie and and I felt empty. I stopped doing things that I use to enjoy like watching films, seeing friends and so forth. I was miserable and just got to a point where it was like I had given up. I stopped going to work because I could no longer be bothered to go anymore because of my anxiety. When I was really bad I use to force myself to go out for a 30 minute walk everyday. It was a killer at first but gradually it did get easier. Also having a routine can sometimes help. I was put on medication and have just had my dosage increased a few weeks ago and most of the time now I'm back to 90% normal, I'm still not back at work but I'm happy again and doing the things I use to do. My advice is to give it time you will one day get back to a stage where the empty feeling will slowly begin to go and hopefully the medication will kick in. You will get back to doing the things you use to enjoy doing.

16-10-16, 15:25
If CBT is a struggle, which I have found.
A friend has just recommended ACT as an alternative. Theres a book as well. i'll post once I've reminded mysefl what that is.