View Full Version : Blood test call back - low Lymphocytes

11-10-16, 16:18
Hi all,

Been doing pretty well with health anxiety. So well that I went to do my blood work. I get blood tests every 3 months due to my crohns, and the medication I am on. This was my annual blood test, which tests more things.

I had my check up in February, and was given the paper to do the best. My dr said he would only call me back if something came up as abnormal. Because of this, I put off the test!

Well Friday I finally did it. Part of me suspected a call back, but this morning when the call did come I kind of freaked out. I was told that the Dr wanted to speak to me about my results, but that it was non urgent. They gave me an appt for Oct 18, one week from today.

I couldn't wait, and went there and asked for the results. Once again, I was told it was non urgent but they printed my results for me.

I told myself that I would be good, and not look at it, but of course by the time I walked to the car I was already pouring over it.

The good - mostly everything is normal (or normal for me). I have large red blood cells due to my medication, I know it, and my Dr tells me that shows the meds are working.
Overall WBC was good, although low range of normal. Everything else normal.
But lymphocytes were low. (normal in Canada is over 1.0 mine was .75).

I am assuming this is why he called me. I take medication for my crohns that suppresses my immune system, this is why I am monitored every 3 months. I have never asked, and do not know what my level usually is. My gastro specialist and family doctor get copies of this blood work, and in April when I saw my gastro he was happy with everything. I had a full CBC in August, and ever heard back.

Of course I am dwelling on worst case scenarios (I won't list them here, but google says there are some), and possible tests I might need. And what if I have to go off my medication? It is truly helping. And I am anxious I will spend the next week (which includes my sons 5th birthday, and birthday party) worrying!

11-10-16, 18:05
I'd give your doctor a chance to explain to you what the results truly mean. I had a physical and had a low WBC which of course made me worry but my doc explained it was probably the the result of something simple, like overcoming a virus.

It's possible that this number has nothing to do with what they're monitoring for your medication, or that the level isn't abnormal enough for concern.

Best wishes, I'm sure everything will turn out fine!

11-10-16, 18:22
Thank you Poppy.
When I got the blood work done they gave me a code to access my results online, and I threw it away because I knew I would over analyze.
But now I looked, and I wish I didn't. I should have just heard 'non urgent' and focused on that.

11-10-16, 18:41
It's not too late to do that.

You're not qualified to interpret these results, so take some reassurance that those who are qualified aren't worrying about you or making you urgent appointments.

11-10-16, 19:44
I have Crohn's as well and a low lymphocyte count as well.

My Crohn's consultant wants my doc to check my B12 levels and folate (being done beginning of Nov) and if low to increase my B12 injections to 10 weeks instead of 12 and introduce folate.

So it is not uncommon with Crohn's and the medication we take

11-10-16, 20:02
Thank you everyone. And thank you Nicola. While googling (which I shouldn't do) I came across an old post from you saying yours were low (2003!). I am lucky in that everything else, even by B12 and ferritin, are normal. My old doctor told me I would have to take injections forever, but I do not take them and my levels have stayed normal.

Good luck with your test. I will try to be positive this week.

11-10-16, 20:51
Yeah mine was low before then went back to normal but now I am on B12 injections as well as that is low too.

I hope yours improves soon as well

31-10-16, 17:07
I wanted to update and close this topic, since it always bothers me when someone posts about a test and doesn't say what happened.

I saw my GP, and he thought it was because I had a cold/flu (I didn't). I asked about my medication, and he said that my medication does not cause this. I asked if I should be worried, and he said probably not but certain cancers can cause this.

I spent almost two weeks thinking the worst. I finally saw the specialist who handles my crohns, and he told me that the medication does cause it. In fact, that is the desired effect and is why my other bloods are so good. And he doesn't even consider that as close to low (for me, on my medication). He said GP's don't always know all they should, and he was going to send him a letter. No retest of follow up necessary.

So all is fine, and I worried for 3 weeks for nothing!