View Full Version : Hi, Errant dutchman here

11-10-16, 16:19
uhm, well. im not used to go to forums, or to talk about stuff that happens to me, so this is kinda new for me. Im a 18 yo guy, half argentinian half dutch who lives in spain. My parents have been separated their whole life, and ive never achieved to see my father more than a week a year. I've been going each summer to the netherlands since i was 7, but to my grandma's house, while dad worked. So i couldnt see him much either way. I registered myself today, because tomorrow i have a fly to netherlands, where im going to live in my father's house, for the first time, and... im really nervous. It's not like anxiety, i guess, but i just have a car heartbeat atm and really cold hands. I keep being worried if i will make it work, if he will be happy with me or not... I should be in university atm, but i chose to go with my father to live there, and get a job to spare some money, so i can freely choose where to live when i come back, and... ugh, i guess thats all. I know this isnt exactly a introduction to myself, but i would appreciate any kind of reply. I dont really know how to keep me calmed down, even tho i tried to do the recommendations from the posts about anxiety... Thanks for reading tho. It helps me realease what i have inside...

11-10-16, 16:26
Hiya sensorial and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

11-10-16, 16:43
Nice to hear from you sensorial.

It's very normal to have nerves about a big life change.

Stress and nerves will make your hands go cold, as all the blood is directed towards your internal organs.

To break some of the stress, try and think about all of the positive opportunities this change could bring your way. Meeting new people, and going on new adventures.

It is important to get out of your comfort zone regularly to expand yourself as a person.