View Full Version : Please help me

31-03-07, 13:47
I am really suffering so badly at the moment. I had been doing so well but the last few weeks of feeling so bad have taken its toll. I had given up smoking cut down my drinking and had started a new excersise regime, all of that has fell apart and i feel so bad. I am drinking heavily again to control my attacks and i hate myself for it.

I dont know why I am back here. I m trying so hard to pull myself together but im so tired of it all. I just want my life back. My symptoms are taking over me yet again and my only escape is alcohol. I joined an alcoholics forum yesterday and now I am so scared of what i am doing to myself.

My pulse rate the majority of the time seems extremely slow 57 bpm but then seems jumps to about 90 before i fall asleep. I have pains under my ribs which i think is my liver packing in. I have pains in my chest shoulder and neck which is heart attack. Pins and needles everywhere the list goes on. I had yesterday off work because i felt so bad and i know that is the wrong thing to do.

My Dad and his bros and sisters all have angina under age of 55. My grandma and Grandad died of heart attacks and I dont want to be like that. My doc has given me ecg last year ive had blood tests etc all fine, but he does not know how heavily I drink.

I dont have anyone else to talk to Im just so frightened of this cycle i am trapped in. Please Help Me


31-03-07, 14:38
Aww Lactic hun I am not right good on the medical side of alcohol probs but can I give you a hug and suggest that if you really see it is becoming a prob that you go to the doctors and join a support group face to face - is that poss mate???


Love Piglet :flowers:

31-03-07, 15:00
ooooo piglet thank you so much for your kind words hun. I will try and get something sorted just so embarassed i got myself into this mess. Just so scared of what might happen. Thanks again xxxxxx

31-03-07, 15:25
Hi Latic

Some good advice from Piglet, a visit to the Gp is a good first Step.

Sending hugs your way too Latic:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:



31-03-07, 15:55
Hi there

Im so sorry you are going through this bad time at the moment.
You sound like you are cross with yourself and hate yourself, try and look at it another way, you have started a long journey of recovery by yourself. Along the way we have relapses get up and start again, you are just at the beginning. When you fall its along way down in your head, but just think you have come to the turning point that alot of people never reach and you have recongised you want to do some thing. Dont be hard on yourself, your doing good.

My hubby went to the doctor about his drinking andd is now having counsilling for it, he has reduced his intake by one can a night in 2 months. Rome wasnt built in a day.



31-03-07, 16:03
Ah Lactic hun:hugs: i have beeen where you are right now.Drinking to escape the panic,then it causes panic the cycle goes on aye hun:wacko: I mean really drinkin too:blush: you have simply fallen off the bike ,so now climb back on and start again..you can do this lactic,you really can..we are all rooting for you,If you want to get in touch feel free:flowers: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

31-03-07, 18:03
I dont know how i ever coped before this site and all of you gorgeous peeps. You are my rock. I am going to try so hard. First step the doctor like you say !!!! No wonder I had the GP survey to fill in we are on first name terms. Confidence is high at the moment as I have had a drink but tommorrow will post and let you know how i am sober. Scared already.

Love you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

05-04-07, 04:41
Take it one step at a time, it may take a long time but think about what it could be like.

Hubby has cut out yet another can from last night, yes he is missing it aand relying on diazapam but he wi get there, just like you.

TAKE CARE HUN AND BIG (((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))

Sheik N Shimmy
05-04-07, 11:34
Hubby has cut out yet another can from last night, yes he is missing it aand relying on diazapam but he wi get there, just like you.

This sounds like a very sensible approach - to gradually reduce the intake. Can I ask you how many he would normally drink of an evening?
I always thought that a couple in the evening was good for you - helping you to unwind (just a couple mind you - not five or six!).

09-04-07, 21:41
Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. I would definitely go back to your GP - there is lots of support for people with drinking problems and he/she will see people like you all the time, so it's nothing to be embarassed about. The liver is an organ which can regenerate itself pretty well I believe, so if you keep trying with cutting down your drinking you can really make a difference. It's hard to do these things on your own, so please go back to your GP or find a local support group. I hope you feel better soon.