View Full Version : Feeling different at certain times

12-10-16, 12:25
This may sound odd but i feel a bit detached when im at work , i feel kinda like im not totally in tune , as soon as i step out to go home i feel really good again.

why do you think my anxiety/ feeling detached only happens at work? can anyone relate to this?

the difference in feeling is massive

12-10-16, 12:36
Even without knowing where you work or what you do, I don't think you should read to much about feeling more anxious at work than at home. It's a place you go to earn money and interact with people you may not like, with various degrees of stress depending on what you do for a living, whereas home is... well... home!

12-10-16, 13:08
I get this too, and its natural.

I think its because I have a really good idea of what I want to do when I leave work, and I am passionate about it. So my senses wake-up.

Whereas at work my heart isnt in it, and it doesnt get me buzzzed.

12-10-16, 15:02
thanks for the replies , thats helped me look at it another way