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View Full Version : I could use some advice please?

31-03-07, 15:00
I have been suffering with anxiety and panic attacks for a little over a year now. I think they stemmed from a bout of flu that I had at Christmas 2005 during which I was extremely ill (probably for the first time ever in my life) and felt so bad that I thought I would die!! Dramatic I know but it was really bad with infections following on afterwards. I was off work ill for several weeks and when I did go back - even though I was still dizzy and not up to the mark - I became quite panicky and started experiencing panic attacks and a feeling of constant anxiety - a bit like the feeling you get when waiting for an interview. One of the main symptoms I started having was a sort of lurching pain in the top of my chest followed by a "rush" of heat and a feeling of complete and utter dread with a prickly feeling following the rush of heat.
These feelings completely freak me out and I find it very hard to calm down after them as I feel like they may be connected to a heart problem.
I have mentioned them to my doctor but she thinks it is more to do with the anxiety than anything else - although she hasn't once examined me or listened to my heart! I am also peri-menopausal which doesn't help as I am not sure whether the symptoms I have are from this or as I mentioned above. Generally, I am just confused! I am now unable to work at all and have been off sick since last September. I am currently taking 10mg of Prozac a day, 20mg of Propanolol - 3 times a day, as well as meds for reducing blood pressure.
Please can you reassure me (or otherwise) regarding the lurching pains?
Thank you so much.

31-03-07, 15:47
Hi Diane

Ive just read your message.
Im no expert and its hard to make comment but what you are saying sounds like anxiety and panic. Ive suffered for years the pain in my chest and my gp has never taken it further because they know its to do with my anxiety.

Its very scary and yes of course it concerns you and makes you worry, but the more I worry about it the worse it gets.

Im not at the stage that i can go out alone because it turns into a full blown panic attack aand i cant breath, my hubby got shown how to bring me down from it, deep breathing from the stomach. Im on a load of drugs but it dosnt help the panic.

I have a good counsillor that i talk to and she has helped.

How ever you got the panic and anxiety can be through anyyhing the hardest bit is how to manage it. try aand look through the internet and read. I found that knowledge is wisdom and helps lower the feelings of panic, especially the feeling of having a heart attack.

I hope ive been of some help, dont be afraid to contact me if you want to.

take care

31-03-07, 15:57
hi hun:hugs: i agree with Ness.It is the anxiety,i get pains in my chest and i had test etc ..all anxiety hun..nasty i know.You describe them so well too,the panic attack:ohmy: i do think the menopause hieghtens the feelings at times too,i know it has for me.Be kind to yourself hun:flowers: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxx