View Full Version : Worried About Cold/Flu Maybe?

12-10-16, 20:44
Hi! Very new to posting here. I have been here multiple times to just read the forums and see all the support people are getting from one another. I'm going through something right now and just felt the need to jump right in and seek some help.

On Saturday night, after working a long, hard week of 12+ hour days outside doing landscaping work, I felt this weird feeling in my chest. It was heavy and then came the constant need to cough to make it feel better. The entire night I was left clearing my throat and coughing. I woke up with such a brutal sore throat and my husband was super convinced I had lung irritation (I also have asthma, generally it's exercise induced but in the past I had issues with it). By Sunday night I had full on body aches and chills. I was so tired from not sleeping that I had felt loopy just sitting on the couch. My temp was bouncing between 98.8 and 99.2. He gave me some Mucinex and put me to bed where I was up and down all night. Yesterday I started feeling better, my sore throat had began to diminish and I had an appetite again. Then last night. It was about 11pm and I had this awful tickle in my throat. Like could not clear it up. I eventually took some Mucinex and tried to sleep. I awoke at 3:30am and felt as if I couldn't breathe. The tickle was so bad that whenever I swallowed it felt like I couldn't catch my breath. I woke my husband up from coughing so hard and he came over to see if I was okay and I was dripping in sweat and worried I was going to start v*. He took me to the ER and there I got a breathing treatment and a chest xray. The xray came back fine. Nothing in my lungs. The Doc there said that they also sounded much better after the treatment. They gave me an anti nausea med and an inhaler and told me that they suspect I had caught an upper respiratory infection, aka the flu bug, and it is messing with my asthma. I was able to leave after 2hrs there and had to decide if I was going to go to the appointment I had made on Monday for today with my ear, nose, and throat doc. My husband and I left to drive the hour to see her and we were late and thus couldn't be seen at all today. I had a full on meltdown. I wanted to see her to see if I needed antibiotics. I wanted to see her because I trust her. I wanted to see her because I am so scared that the ER doc missed something and that I will need antibiotics to get better. And now that i didn't see her what if I get worse or can't breathe and something bad happens?!

I need some help. My throat is feeling better and I no longer have the chills or body aches. I'm very worried that this is bacterial BUT if it was would I still be sick sick like not getting any better at all? I'm so incredibly scared of not being able to breathe or feeling that helpless feeling I had this morning again.

Just some insight would be very appreciated. Thank you!

Captain irrational
12-10-16, 21:08
Sounds very much like classic flu to me. I had it a few months back with more or less identical symptoms as yours. You'll be fine, just take it easy for a few days.

By the way, I'm also a landscaper and gardener. :yesyes:

12-10-16, 22:43
Yay for fellow landscapers! :) You had the same thing?! How bad was the tickle? For me it's the worst thing. Do you think if it was bacterial I'd be feeling the really bad sore throat and stuff still? Just trying to sort it all out ya know how it is when your mind is running wild :wacko: