View Full Version : Food Triggers

31-03-07, 15:04
What foods affect Panic?

I have cut out caeffine, and drastically cut down my alcohol consumption. I had switched to decaf tea and coffee, but have now cut these out as well, as I found I still had palipiations/panicky feelings after drinking them. Someone told me that de-caf coffee has other chemicals which act as stimulants.

I have also cut out chocolate. This is a great personal loss (!) as it was one of my "treat" foods which I used to eat about once a week. However I had bouts of palpitations and panic one night after eating half a bar, so now I daren't risk it. As usual, it is difficult to separate a real effect from a psycological one!

What foods do you avoid

31-03-07, 15:37
hi meltdown:hugs: i too gave up caffiene,i drink redbush tea,try it ,it is very good for you:D i think it is all in our minds,not caffiene as this does raise heart rates,but other foods..you will end up avoiding everything!:ohmy: It's the same as being agoraphobic,i avoid the things i percieve to be causing my panic..so i dont do anything!![Welli didn't do anything ,now i am much better thanks to this site!:flowers: ]so it's not the food ,it is what has happened afteryou have eaten somthing that makes you think the food has caused the panic,soyou eat it again and you look for the reaction,and bingo ,here it comes again..try and break the chain thats what i did ,and it works!Good luck.love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

01-04-07, 18:23
When I am home alone and eat something like chocolate or something with caffine. I automatically feel panicky cause I am afraid it will cause me to get panicky or anxious. Now if I eat the same things when someone is home, then I am fine. So for me it is a mind thing. Now for others it may be different, but for me that is what I have noticed.
