View Full Version : Could you have a sinus infection even without your nose being totally congested?

13-10-16, 17:40
Hi everyone,

I've had this feeling of a sinus infection for about a week and a half now. Some days it's worse than others but here are my symptoms:
Sometimes dizzy especially with movement (turning head and looking down)
A tingly and wanting to sneeze feeling on the bridge of my nose sometimes
Tightness in my forehead and face
Soreness on cheeks, top of head, and behind my right eye
I keep having to clear my throat because I feel phlegm going there
The only time my nose actually feels stuffy is at night when I'm in bed

I'm not sure if it's an infection. But maybe something to do with my sinuses. Could it be possible even without the stuffy nose constantly?

13-10-16, 17:43
Yeah. When I had my MRI scan, all they found was sinusitis. I didn't even know.

14-10-16, 11:25
I was just about to start a new thread about this!
I have a sharp wee pain on my right side of my nose and above that eye, teeth are aching a bit also. I'm pushing on the side of my nose and my cheekbone to try and relieve the pain.
I also have no runny nose/cold etc so don't know if its Sinus Pain or not? I have had sinus infections in the past, about 10 years ago, but this is actually quite painful!

16-10-16, 06:00

Yes I forgot to mention the sore gums as well! And a bit of light headedness along with the dizziness.

It is possible for it to show without the actually runny or stuffy nose. But does your nose often feel worse at night and in the morning?