View Full Version : Stopping ppi's has cured me

13-10-16, 20:04
I realise many of you aren't on ppi's but for those of you who are please read my experience.

4-5 Years ago i was diagnosed with Gerd for which i was prescribed omeprazole (and in the past year, Nexium). About 4-6 months after i was diagnosed with Gerd i was then diagnosed with GAD. Fast forward a year or so and it was pretty obvious this constant GAD state was slipping me into depression and i started having mood swings. I have fallen out with alot of friends in this timeframe.

If you look at my past posts you will see i've had almost every symptom under the sun but the main symptom that was destroying me was the cloudy spacey feeling in my head 24/7. I would describe it as being like dementia, a dizzy empty feeling like you're brain dead. A dreamstate. My eyes would go blurry randomly and i would get headaches and tingling sensations in my arms which made me think i had a cardiovascular/nervous system problem. My digestion was getting worse and worse and my stomach felt tiny. I could barely eat anything. I saw the docs about this loads of times and they didn't have an answer and told me it's stress/anxiety with potentially some IBS. If anything they wanted me to increase the amount of PPI i took daily.

3 months ago i decided to quit the Nexium i was on and try my luck with just Gaviscon and some Licorice supplements i got off amazon (which are great for temporary reflux relief)

The first two month of quitting was tough and i got bad acid rebound, awful stabbing head pains and my joints (knees hands elbows) would hurt worse than before. I had bad diarreah for about two weeks. Because of all this my anxiety got really bad and i almost went back on to the PPI's.

Things reached a peak and then suddenly my symptoms started to dissipate. Then suddenly they were gone.

Long story short this last month for the first time in 4 years my head feels totally back to normal. Im not dizzy anymore. I feel aware of my surroundings. My brain is working as it used to. My energy levels are up. The blurry vision episodes have TOTALLY disappeared. I've had one small episode of anxiety in the space of a month when i used to have atleast 1/2 major panick attacks everyday. My digestion *and appetite) is pretty much completely back to normal. I had a Mcds last week and no problems whatsoever when that was unthinkable even two months ago.

My Depression has vanished and I'm no longer moody. I haven't had any tingling/numb sensations. My joints no longer hurt. Vertigo like symptoms gone.

The only thing i still have from my 4 years list of symptoms is the reflux, but that is totally managable with the gaviscon.

My doc has always said that PPI's cause no side effects. I beg to differ.

It's like being given a second chance at a normal symptom free life since i quit these PPI's (albeit having to persevere through the rebound)

Im not telling anyone what to do regarding PPI's but i thought i would share how stopping them has turned my life around. When i tell the doc this he probably won't believe me!