View Full Version : i am driving myself crazy

13-10-16, 20:13
this is my first time posting.

I have suffered from anxiety since a very young age however i feel that my health anxiety has reached a whole new level and i am finding it so hard to cope.

I have been convinced in the past that i have had numerous issues like cancer etc but last month i googled my symptoms and it came up with HIV which completely scared me, i convinced myself that i must have gotten it 4 years ago during a very brief relationship and had given it to my partner of nearly 3 years, after much courage i went yesterday to get tested and rang today and results were negative.

the thing is i am still convinced there is something is wrong with me and feel even more anxious that i don't know what it is....my symptoms are

i swear i can feel lymph nodes under my jaw and have been checking them about 15-25 times a day, i also swear they have got slightly bigger

muccelle (bumps inside lip)

side of tongue hurts and my tongue looks bigger

dry mouth


really bad ibs

i am completely exhausted and keep forgetting simple things

I am planning to book a GP appointment and dental appointment tomorrow but am worried as i am a full time student and have a child and feel that i cant deal with having to constantly go to appointments. i am so anxious, can not switch my brain off and think about my health all day long. today i have convinced myself i either have mouth cancer or diabetes.

I do not know what to do and am driving myself mad.

Thank you for reading

13-10-16, 21:06
Definitely get yourself into the Dr just for your own piece of mind. I am right there with you on the anxiety. I feel mine has gotten so bad over the last few years. I hate it and don't know how to get past it. Hang in there!

13-10-16, 21:17
Stop Googling medical stuff! We're not equipped or qualified to understand medical websites, which is why we end up going into panics. I've been down some real rabbit warrens Googling ailments, and convincing myself I had awful diseases, all of which came to nothing.

If you're poking your lymph nodes 15-25 times a day, no wonder they feel bigger! It' good you're going to a doctor's appointment, but remember you have very vague symptoms and you'd need very good reason to need to discount the very common and mundane stuff that makes you feel generaly unwell, like stress, anxiety, vitamin deficiencies, random viruses, etc. Make sure you listen to the doctor and trust them, and stay off Google for a second opinion. Hope it puts your mind at rest.

13-10-16, 21:58
I know that i shouldnt be prodding my lymph nodes but i can not stop myself from doing, it is like i cant help but see if there is change..it is the same thing with google..as i am always worrying i just feel that googling is quicker to do then always going back to the doctor for every thing. i hate feeling like this, i feel bad that i am constantly scared and can not stop thinking about negative things. i just wish it would stop